... index µ −1, and so are the ones of C i and C j .Thus,we assume that m> and let l, i ≤ l<j, be the least index such that µ = m l . The Taylor series of C l and C l+1 differ at index µ and by the ... choice of l,sodo the series of C i and C l+1 . Since C i and C j are identical at least up to index µ the y-order of C i and C l+1 to the left of p equals the y-order of C j...
Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 14:20
... locations opE(j) and opL(j). Consider the precedence tree in Figure 8.4 and a given feasible operation sequence [1 3 6 7 8 2 4 5]. The earliest and latest possible locations for operations 2 and 3 are ... Nee and A.N. Poo, Integrated application of expert systems and neural networks for machining operation sequencing, in Neural Networks in Manufacturing and Robotics, Y.C. Shin,...
Ngày tải lên: 25/12/2013, 19:15
... management and information systems, auditing systems and personnel/training, as well as to the way units (branches) are furnished and secured, and the very organisational culture. And, of course, ... SHGs and MFIs, and informal mechanisms such as savings at home, with NBFCs, ROSCAs, and ASCAs. It suggests four savings products based on various attributes: security, accessib...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 10:20
tcl and the tk toolkit (addison-wesley professional computing series)
... built-in Tcl commands, and Part II describes Tk’s commands. 3.1 Scripts, commands, and words A Tcl script consists of one or more commands. Commands are separated by newlines and semi-colons. ... [pwd]\r" interact The spawn, expect, send, and interact commands are implemented by expect, and lindex and pwd are built-in Tcl commands. The spawn command starts up rlo- gin, using...
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d j acheson elementary fluid dynamics oxford applied mathematics and computing science series 1990
Ngày tải lên: 12/06/2014, 16:10
... system and handheld devices for monitoring and control purposes. The WirelessHART standard has been released as a part of the HART 7 specification as the first open wireless communication standard ... 479 References 480 18 Grand Challenges 483 18.1 Integration of Sensor Networks and the Internet 483 18.2 Real-Time and Multimedia Communication 484 18.3 Protocol Stack 485 18.4 Synchroniza...
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Báo cáo hóa học: " Implications of GMO cultivation and monitoring-series" doc
... theoretical concepts and methodological aspects such as modelling and data analysis facing large spatial and temporal dimensions. Strategic implications for good governance and approaches for unknown ... yield specific benefits, e.g., increased food production, decreased use of pesti- cides and herbicides, and improved food quality. How- ever, after more than a decade of commercia...
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Hsiao and Rashvand Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences 2011, 1:1 doc
... Hsiao and Rashvand: Integrating body language movements in augmented reality learning environment. Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences 2011 1:1. Hsiao and Rashvand Human-centric Computing ... (AA) and Preference-challenge (CH).AA and CH in Group AR-Boxing has linear positive correlation as most data converge between ‘Upper Slope’ and ‘Lower Slope’. Hsiao and Ras...
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ERP Systems and Organisational Change A Socio-technical Insight Springer Series in Advanced Manufacturing_4 doc
... do, and give it the meaning it has for them, because they both hear and use it daily in their discourse. They know what objects and practices it has attributed to it, and 66 J.R. Taylor and ... organisation. It is, and must be, at one and the same time, integrated and differentiated (Lawrence and Lorsch, 1969), homogeneous in certain respects, heterogeneous in others, b...
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ERP Systems and Organisational Change A Socio-technical Insight Springer Series in Advanced Manufacturing_8 docx
... the Y2K problem” (from 35% in S3 and S5 to 88% in S4), “replace legacy systems” (from 45% in S3 and S5 to more than 80% in S1 and S2) and “simplification and standardisation of systems” (from ... shared methods and tools could not bring such advantage. On the other hand, Hunton et al. (2003) compare business performance of adopters and non-adopters from the economic aspect...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 07:20