... 0.51 838 6 0. 639 648 85 0 .31 8805 0.474641 0.479222 0.602670 86 0.279 836 0. 435 065 0. 439 561 0.5 634 91 87 0.242486 0 .39 4715 0 .39 9797 0.522278 88 0.207251 0 .35 4020 0 .36 036 4 0.47 934 4 89 0.1745 63 0 .31 3509 ... 0 .32 1725 0. 435 214 90 0.144767 0.2 737 76 0.28 433 8 0 .39 05 83 91 0.118099 0. 235 444 0.248 635 0 .34 6256 92 0.094678 0.199121 0.214996 0 .30 2021 93 0.074510...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 18:20
... pu (c 2 ) ≤ 0 (16 .34 ) and u (c 1 )r i − pu (c 2 ) ≤ 0, i = 1, 2, ,k, (16 .35 ) with equality when a 1 > 0 and b i 1 > 0, respectively. Denote the solutions to (16 .34 ) and (16 .35 ) by ˆ a 1 and ˆ b i 1 , ... that ˆ c 1 (p) and ˆ c 2 (p) are independent of p and, by (16. 13) , equal to the first-best allocation, ˆ c i (p) = c ∗ , i = 1, 2, given by (16 .3) . Conclusion: Wh...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 18:20
Tape Reading By Linda Bradford Raschke_1 pot
... 0, h = 1, 2, ,H, ( 13. 13) where λ>0 is the shadow price of constraint ( 13. 12). In elasticity form, using Roy’s identity (∂ V h /∂q h =−(∂ V h /∂y h ) c 2h ), ( 13. 13) can be written q h − ... p h p h q h , ( 13. 15) and V h = ( 1 + p h ) ln y h 1 + p h + p h ln p h q h . ( 13. 16) Conditions ( 13. 14) and ( 13. 12) now yield the solution q h = φ β h H h=1 β h , (...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 18:20
Tape Reading By Linda Bradford Raschke_2 pdf
... offered by X-annuities is dom- inated by regular annuities and life insurance which jointly provide for nonrandom consumption and bequests. However, we shall now show that X-annuities may be held by individuals ... u(a ∗ ) ¯ z (α) < 0. 11 .3 Separating Equilibrium Consumption is financed by annuities (for later reference these are called regular annuities), while bequests are pro...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 18:20
Tape Reading By Linda Bradford Raschke_4 pdf
... e −αM T M e −α i (z−M) r(z) dz = 0, i = 1, 2. (8 .30 ) Multiplying (8. 13) by p for i = 1 and by 1 − p for i = 2, and adding, it can be seen that the unique solution to (8 .30 ) is c ∗ = c 1 = c 2 and R ∗ = R 1 = ... now written ˙ a(z) = (ρ + r(z))a(z) + ρb(z) + w(z) − c(z) − ˙ b(z). (5. 13) Multiplying (4. 13) by e −ρz F (z) and integrating by parts, we obtain T 0 e −ρz F (z)...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 18:20
Tape Reading By Linda Bradford Raschke_5 potx
... 5 It follows now from (5 .32 ) and (5 .33 ) that, for any R, ˆ c(R) = R 0 w(z) dz F (R) T 0 F (z) dz < R 0 F (z)w(z) dz R 0 F (z) dz = c ∗ (R). (5 .35 ) Comparing (5 .35 ) and (4.4), we conclude ... exp − z 0 1 σ f (x) F (x) dx , (5 .32 ) where ˆ c(0) is determined by (5.29): ˆ c(0) = R 0 w(z) dz T 0 exp − z 0 1 σ f (x) F (x) dx dz (5 .33 ) Optimum consumption d...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 18:20
Tape Reading By Linda Bradford Raschke_6 pdf
... = 1 r e rR − e rM − c(e rR − 1) , (2 .3) for select values of the parameters: R = 30 , T = 45, r = . 03, M = 0, 5, and ρ = 1 2 , 2 3 . July 31 , 2007 Time: 03: 51pm chapter02.tex 14 • Chapter 2 Similarly, ... .66 1 − c .11 .32 .14 .34 W 5 .37 10.14 6.91 11 .31 The values chosen for ρ take into account that social security (SS) benefits provide (in the United States) a replacement ra...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 18:20
Tape Reading By Linda Bradford Raschke_8 pdf
... 119–20 cross-subsidization, 5, 13 Cutler, D. M., 32 n 13, 35 Davidoff, T., 3, 33 , 81 Deaton, A., 97 demand elasticity, 89 Diamond, P., xiv–xv, 3, 7, 14, 33 , 48, 81, 109n39, 118 Dickens, Charles, 9 disability ... 2007 Time: 11 :35 am index.tex 158 • Index Brugiavini, A., 82n26, 136 , 142n51 bundling, xiii, 8; adverse selection and, 131 ; cost of, 131 32 ; pooling equilibrium and, 13...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 18:20
Tài liệu The complete guide to the toefl IBT reading part 3 pptx
Ngày tải lên: 25/01/2014, 23:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Reduction of S-nitrosoglutathione by human alcohol dehydrogenase 3 is an irreversible reaction as analysed by electrospray mass spectrometry pptx
... NADP + NADPH K m (l M ) k cat (min )1 ) k cat /K m (min )1 Æm M )1 ) K m (l M ) k cat (min )1 ) k cat /K m (min )1 Æm M )1 ) K m (l M ) k cat (min )1 ) k cat /K m (min )1 Æm M )1 ) K m (l M ) k cat (min )1 ) k cat /K m (min )1 Æm M )1 ) ADH3wt 7 ± 1.5 90 ± 5 13 000 8 ± 2.5 2700 ± 400 34 0 000 36 00 ± 550 110 ± 16 30 >5000 a ND 600 a ADH3-Arg115Ser 11 ± 2.8 80 ± 7 730 0 10 ± 6 1800 ± 80...
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 07:20