Enterprise Service Computing Scientific 2 pdf

Enterprise Service Computing to Deployment_6 pdf

Enterprise Service Computing to Deployment_6 pdf

... it. Figure 2. A Web service follows a simple RPC-like communication pattern. Client Service Service Requester Service Provider Communication System 22 8 Goel & Buyya Copyright © 20 07, Idea ... Networks and ISDN Systems, 28 (7), 921 -930. Baumgartel, P. (20 02, September). Oracle replication: An introduction. Retrieved from http://www.nyoug.org /20 021 2baumbartel .pdf Bell,...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 21:20

30 367 0
Enterprise Service Computing Scientific_2 pdf

Enterprise Service Computing Scientific_2 pdf

... B1 -2, 500 21 ,20 0 23 ,630 26 ,303 29 ,24 3 31,478 Service B2 -7,500 16,700 18,800 21 ,110 23 ,651 22 ,446 Service B3 -10,500 12, 580 14,680 16,990 19,531 14, 326 Service ... Out- Payments 64,409 71,706 79,7 32 91,561 9 327 4 – Creditor Interest 2, 760 600 + Debtor Interest 150 1,6 82 4 ,22 0 7, 328 – Depreciation 3 ,20 0 3 ,20 0 3 ,20 0 3 ,20...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 04:20

30 101 0
Enterprise service computing from concept_15 docx

Enterprise service computing from concept_15 docx

... (SPM) 61–63 service- support agent cluster 122 service- task categories 116 service components 28 5–317 service composition 164, 29 0 service computing 322 , 324 service concept 134–135 service credit ... description language (WSDL) 21 , 28 6 Web services 16 22 , 24 2, 28 5– 303, 316, 327 –331, 388–390 Web services conversation language (WSCL) 20 5 Web services ow lang...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 06:20

27 236 0
Enterprise service computing from concept_3 docx

Enterprise service computing from concept_3 docx

... Inc. is prohibited. BPMI. (20 05). Retrieved from http://www.bpmi.org/ BPMN specication. (20 04). Retrieved from http://www.bpmn.org/Documents/ BPMN %20 V1-0 %20 May %20 3 %20 2004 .pdf Business process execution ... CPU k + A 1 ,2 * MEM k + B 1,1 * MaxClientConnections k + B 1 ,2 * Con- nectionLifeUpperBound k and MEM k+1 = A 2, 1 * CPU k + A 2, 2 * MEM k + B 2, 1 * MaxClien...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 06:20

30 311 0
Enterprise service computing from concept_6 doc

Enterprise service computing from concept_6 doc

... architecture/CORBA component model (CORBA/CCM) (OMG, 20 02a, 20 04), .NET (Microsoft Corporation, 20 01), and Web services (World Wide Web Consortium [W3C], 20 01, 20 03). The middleware-centered paradigm promotes ... prohibited. Georgakopoulos, 20 03, p. 26 ). Services in service- oriented architectures are offered by service providers, who are responsible for the service impl...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 06:20

30 219 0
Enterprise service computing from concept_9 docx

Enterprise service computing from concept_9 docx

... Both Web services and ebXML have means for service description, service discovery, and service invocation Service Provider Service Requester Service Register Service De scr ipti on Service In voca ti on Serv ic e Discovery Data ... Networks and ISDN Systems, 28 (7), 921 -930. Baumgartel, P. (20 02, September). Oracle replication: An introduction. Retrieved from http://www.n...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 06:20

30 266 0
Enterprise service computing from concept_11 doc

Enterprise service computing from concept_11 doc

... number of Web-services-oriented ADLs, typically, WSDL (Web Services De- scription Language, 20 04), Web services ow language (WSFL; Leymann, 20 01), BPEL4WS (Specication, 20 03), Web service choreography ... critical for the success of a Web-services-oriented system Figure 3. Two dimensions of Web-services composition Serv ic e Architecture Service Service Service Service Servic...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 06:20

30 165 0
Enterprise service computing from concept_12 docx

Enterprise service computing from concept_12 docx

... integration. (20 04). Retrieved December 19, 20 05, from http://www.uddi.org/ Web service choreography interface (WSCI), version 1.0. (20 02) . Sun Microsys- tems. Web services description language. (20 04). ... on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC) (pp. 24 2 -25 1). Fu, X., Bultan, T., & Su, J. (20 05). Realizability of conversation protocols with message contents. Internationa...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 06:20

30 156 0
Enterprise service computing from concept_13 ppt

Enterprise service computing from concept_13 ppt

... 16.36 98 .20 2, 3,5,10,14 ,21 ,23 x C 964. 02 6430.90 14.35 94.80 2, 4,6,10,14,18 ,22 x D 975. 02 6133.90 14.37 94.50 2, 3,6,10,14,18 ,22 x E 981.60 6437.10 13 .24 94.80 2, 4,6,10,14 x F 9 92. 60 6140.10 13 .26 94.50 2, 3,6,10,14 x G 1030. 92 61 12. 66 12. 51 190.00 ... $979. 32. Solutions Cost ($) Energy (MJ) CO 2 (KgCE) TLT (hours) Variables indices x h =1 x A 946. 02 65...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 06:20

30 132 0
Enterprise Service Computing From Concept to Deployment_14 pptx

Enterprise Service Computing From Concept to Deployment_14 pptx

... 189 Web-services model 28 6 Web-services net (WS-Net) 28 6, 28 7 Web applications 28 5 Web service choreography interface (WSCI) 29 1 Web service description language (WSDL) 21 , 28 6 Web services 16 22 , ... 164, 29 0 service computing 322 , 324 service concept 134–135 service credit assessment 77 service decomposition 1 42 service denition 141 service discovery...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 13:20

27 286 0