The Jumper Gate of Project Management Worksmart 5 pptx

The Jumper Gate of Project Management Worksmart_1 potx

The Jumper Gate of Project Management Worksmart_1 potx

... Remember ៑ A project manager must understand the mission and vision of the organization first, see how the project they are managing meshes with the organization’s mission, and then steer the project ... completed the file will contain a complete history of the project, which can be used by others as data for planning and managing their own projects. Here are the ite...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 04:20

23 190 0
The Jumper Gate of Project Management Worksmart_3 potx

The Jumper Gate of Project Management Worksmart_3 potx

... in the project that they know something about. They do this without discussing their ideas with one another. They then meet to find out what they have put on paper. In a typical situation, there ... rest of the story. The job cost even more than Karen’s new estimate. There was a lot of moaning and groaning, but, in the end, Karen survived. Oh, they did send her off to a course on...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 04:20

23 146 0
The Jumper Gate of Project Management Worksmart_4 docx

The Jumper Gate of Project Management Worksmart_4 docx

... LS EF LF 5 DUDUDU ES LS EF LF 151 5 15 0 0 15 15 PICK UP TRASHPICK UP TRASH PUT GAS IN EQ. 01 051 5 5 GET HEDGE CL. 0 55 5 60 30 TRIM WEEDS 15 60 45 454 5 90 MOW FRONT 15 15 60 60 15 EDGE SIDEWALK 15 75 ... LS EF LF DU ES LS EF LF DU ES LS EF LF 15 0 15 5 PICK UP TRASH PUT GAS IN EQ. 05 5 GET HEDGE CL. 0 5 30 TRIM WEEDS 15 45 45 MOW FRONT 15 60 15 EDGE S...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 04:20

23 232 0
The Jumper Gate of Project Management Worksmart_5 pptx

The Jumper Gate of Project Management Worksmart_5 pptx

... informed of project status. This can also help ensure that the completed project will meet the needs of the client. ៑ Reaffirm the organization’s commitment to the project for the benefit of project ... published. Other- wise, the only people in the organization who can take advan- tage of it are the members of the team just reviewed. If other 122 Fundame...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 04:20

23 184 0
The Jumper Gate of Project Management Worksmart_6 pptx

The Jumper Gate of Project Management Worksmart_6 pptx

... and overspent. Figure 11 -5 illustrates another scenario. The BCWP and the ACWP curves both fall at the same point, 60K. This means that the project is ahead of schedule but spending correctly for the amount of work ... be- cause the manager spent 40K and got 40K of value for it, spend- 148 Fundamentals of Project Management American Management Association • www.a...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 04:20

23 207 0
The Jumper Gate of Project Management Worksmart_8 pot

The Jumper Gate of Project Management Worksmart_8 pot

... 163 objective(s) development of, 49 51 effects of adverse events on, 22 as factor in assessing change, 129 nature of, 52 as part of project plan, 38 of project team, 158 –160 purpose of, 1 15 quantification of, 50 satisfying ... Jungle $19. 95 The AMA Handbook of Project Management $79. 95 The Little Black Book of Project Management, Third Edition $16.00 T...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 04:20

16 173 0
amacom books - the ama handbook of project management by paul c. dinsmore

amacom books - the ama handbook of project management by paul c. dinsmore

... pragmatic project plan. Another aspect of this project initiation phase is bringing the preproject plan up to date. The preproject documentation defines the project “as proposed.” In the development of ... in The Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) published by the Project Management Institute (PMI), a professional society servicing the needs of th...

Ngày tải lên: 16/04/2014, 11:09

471 346 0
Fundamentals of Project Management Worksmart by James P. Lewis_1 doc

Fundamentals of Project Management Worksmart by James P. Lewis_1 doc

... mark of the Project Management Institute, Inc. which is registered in the United States of America and other nations; and the Project Management Journal logo is a trade- mark of the Project Management ... 1 Chapter 2 The Role of the Project Manager 24 Chapter 3 Planning the Project 32 Chapter 4 Developing a Mission, Vision, Goals, and Objectives for the...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 08:20

23 464 0
Fundamentals of Project Management Worksmart by James P. Lewis_3 pdf

Fundamentals of Project Management Worksmart by James P. Lewis_3 pdf

... completed the file will contain a complete history of the project, which can be used by others as data for planning and managing their own projects. Here are the items that make up the project plan: ៑ ... exercise one set of skills to the exclusion of the other, the outcome will be far less effective than if you integrate the two skill sets. Do You Want to Be a Projec...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 08:20

23 483 0
Fundamentals of Project Management Worksmart by James P. Lewis_6 ppt

Fundamentals of Project Management Worksmart by James P. Lewis_6 ppt

... LS EF LF 5 DUDUDU ES LS EF LF 151 5 15 0 0 15 15 PICK UP TRASHPICK UP TRASH PUT GAS IN EQ. 01 051 5 5 GET HEDGE CL. 0 55 5 60 30 TRIM WEEDS 15 60 45 454 5 90 MOW FRONT 15 15 60 60 15 EDGE SIDEWALK 15 75 ... LS EF LF DU ES LS EF LF DU ES LS EF LF 15 0 15 5 PICK UP TRASH PUT GAS IN EQ. 05 5 GET HEDGE CL. 0 5 30 TRIM WEEDS 15 45 45 MOW FRONT 15 60 15 EDGE S...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 08:20

23 449 0
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