Occupational A Practical Guide for Managers 3 potx

Occupational A Practical Guide For Managers_10 potx

Occupational A Practical Guide For Managers_10 potx

... be- haviors are regulated by comparisons of performance and an aspiration level presumes that some agreement exists on the organizational goal and variables for measuring progress along that goal. ... uncertainty of means-ends relations Foundations 19 activities. Such goals are easier to form coalitions around than maximiza- tion goals. Second, the bargainers are unable to calculate the opt...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 14:20

23 265 0
Occupational A Practical Guide for Managers_3 potx

Occupational A Practical Guide for Managers_3 potx

... know’. Deteriorating health and performance should be dealt with as in the case of any other chronic disease. Clearly, a point may be reached where the level of attendance or performance is unacceptable, and consideration ... the care of children or elderly parents. Sickness absence is generally more ‘acceptable’ than absence for humanitarian reasons. It is also paid whereas social absenc...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 02:20

24 304 0
Occupational A Practical Guide For Managers_3 ppt

Occupational A Practical Guide For Managers_3 ppt

... what they need and when. Feedback to managers can facilitate organisational change. Managing change No one denies that human beings prefer the status quo. Therefore, the introduction of any change ... absenteeism and accidents, a decrease in activity and an overall deterioration in work performance and relationships at work. 1 .3 At all times it is important that staff are functioning at...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 14:20

24 327 0
Occupational A Practical Guide For Managers_7 docx

Occupational A Practical Guide For Managers_7 docx

... 176 Occupational health Radiation There is a continually expressed anxiety that display screens emit damaging ionising and non-ionising radiation. Exhaustive tests by the National Radiological ... users. The manager of each department should 174 Occupational health reasonably practicable and what is operationally possible in order to avoid hazard to health. Strict interpretation of the...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 14:20

24 238 0
Occupational A Practical Guide For Managers_9 doc

Occupational A Practical Guide For Managers_9 doc

... role that occupational health has wanted to highlight as it may be perceived as a tool of management. In this, as in any other aspect of occupational health, the physician has to take a balanced ... Act (1988) 109 changes in 6 and disabled 146–9 European 169–70 health and safety 15–17, 28–9, 34 and HIV/AIDS 86–7 for manual handling of loads 192 3 and occupational health 205 Oc...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 14:20

18 293 0
Occupational A Practical Guide For Managers_11 doc

Occupational A Practical Guide For Managers_11 doc

... measures that are less informative but readily available when evaluating the organi- zational performance. The traditional measures of profitability reported 36 Organizational Learning from Performance ... party. Mass media generate and publish rankings on many forms of organizational performance, since magazine and newspapers readers have an interest in rankings in general, and in particular...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 14:20

23 304 0
Occupational A Practical Guide For Managers_12 pptx

Occupational A Practical Guide For Managers_12 pptx

... when and how the organization will respond. 3. 3 Aspiration levels and adaptation Is it helpful or harmful for organizations that managers use performance feedback and aspiration levels to manage ... Organizational Learning from Performance Feedback as well as other variables such as satisfaction, so it clearly is an alter- native way of making employees pursue given goals (Ashford and S...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 14:20

23 298 0
Occupational A Practical Guide For Managers_13 ppt

Occupational A Practical Guide For Managers_13 ppt

... measures that do not cap- ture how managers determine organizational risk levels. The image of the manager as a solitary decision maker may be accurate for some or- ganizational decisions, but managers ... showed a somewhat higher propensity to risk than non -managers have, the results suggest that managers acting as man- agers take more risks than manager s acting as individuals...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 14:20

23 294 0
Occupational A Practical Guide For Managers_16 pptx

Occupational A Practical Guide For Managers_16 pptx

... Organizational Learning from Performance Feedback aspiration levels. There is already some evidence that a combination of performance feedback and managerial cognition theory can give aspi- ration ... (Levinthal and March 19 93; Useem 1996). Stock options are suitable for governing a rational and selfish manager, but are far from ideal for guiding a boundedly rational and well-meanin...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 14:20

23 240 0
Occupational A Practical Guide For Managers_17 pot

Occupational A Practical Guide For Managers_17 pot

... change.” Academy of Management Journal, 43( 5): 837 –8 53. Badaracco, Joseph L. 1988. “General Motors’ Asian alliances.” Case no. 9 -38 8- 094. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School. Bandura, Albert and ... this explanation with performance feedback. It seems reasonable that man- agers who adopt an innovation learn it from other organiza tions and are trying to improve organizational performa...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 14:20

23 266 0
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