Electric Machinery Fundamentals Power & Energy 3 docx

Electric Machinery Fundamentals Power & Energy_3 docx

Electric Machinery Fundamentals Power & Energy_3 docx

... plot(amps,VR(1,:),'b-','LineWidth',2.0); hold on; plot(amps,VR(2,:),'k ','LineWidth',2.0); plot(amps,VR (3, :),'r ','LineWidth',2.0); title ('\bfVoltage ... plot(amps,abs(VSP(1,:)),'b-','LineWidth',2.0); hold on; plot(amps,abs(VSP(2,:)),'k ','LineWidth',2.0); plot(amps,abs(VSP (3,...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 21:20

22 695 0
Electric Machinery Fundamentals Power & Energy_5 docx

Electric Machinery Fundamentals Power & Energy_5 docx

... plot(t,vx,'b','Linewidth',1.0); hold on; plot(t,vy,'k ','Linewidth',1.0); title('\bfReference Voltages for fr = 500 Hz'); xlabel('\bfTime (s)'); ... figure (3) plot(t,vout,'b','Linewidth',1.0); title('\bfOutput Voltage for fr = 1000 Hz'); xlabel('\bfTime (s)'); ylabel('\bfVoltage...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 21:20

22 298 0
Electric Machinery Fundamentals Power & Energy_2 potx

Electric Machinery Fundamentals Power & Energy_2 potx

... plot(amps,abs(VS(1,:)/1000),'b-','LineWidth',2.0); hold on; plot(amps,abs(VS(2,:)/1000),'k ','LineWidth',2.0); plot(amps,abs(VS (3, :)/1000),'r ','LineWidth',2.0); ... title ('\bfSecondary Voltage Versus Load'); xlabel ('\bfLoad (A)'); ylabel ('\bfSecondary Voltage (kV)'); legend('0.8 PF lag...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 21:20

22 447 0
Electric Machinery Fundamentals Power & Energy_4 pptx

Electric Machinery Fundamentals Power & Energy_4 pptx

... ()() ()() EQ 1.5 13 1. 134 3. 36 0.010 0.040 0.007 23 0.0482 0.040 0.170 1.5 13 1. 134 3. 36 jj Zj j j jj +− =+ + + ++ + ++− EQ 0.010 0.040 0.00788 0.0525 0.040 0.170 (2 .35 8 0.109)Zj j j j=+++++++ ... () 22 sin sin 33 CB M M vt vt vt V t V t ππ ωω =−= +− − () 22 22 sin cos cos sin sin cos cos sin 33 33 MM vt V t t V t t ππ ππ ωω ωω =+−− () 2 2cos sin 3c...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 21:20

22 346 0
Electric Machinery Fundamentals Power & Energy_6 doc

Electric Machinery Fundamentals Power & Energy_6 doc

... this generator is 137 7 V 137 7 V 33 5 A 0.15 1.1 3. 333 30 1.829 A A AS E I RjXZ j == == ++ ++ ∠ ° Ω Therefore, the magnitude of the phase voltage is ()( ) 33 5 A 3. 333 1117 V A VIZ φ == ... plot(Pload,PB,'k ','LineWidth',2.0); plot(Pload,PC,'r ','LineWidth',2.0); plot([0 10], [3 3],'k','LineWidth',1.0); plot([...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 21:20

22 623 1
Electric Machinery Fundamentals Power & Energy_8 ppt

Electric Machinery Fundamentals Power & Energy_8 ppt

... plot(If,abs(Ia_nl),'k-','Linewidth',2.0); hold on; plot(If,abs(Ia_half),'b ','Linewidth',2.0); plot(If,abs(Ia_full),'r:','Linewidth',2.0); ... conditions is 430 13. 5 440 0 V 34 .2 16.5 A 0.22 3. 0 A A AS RjX j φ − ∠°−∠° == =∠° ++ EV I The real power supplied by this machine is ()( )( ) 3 cos 3 440 V 34 .2 A co...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 21:20

22 776 3
Electric Machinery Fundamentals Power & Energy_9 doc

Electric Machinery Fundamentals Power & Energy_9 doc

... plot(nm,eff,'b-','LineWidth',2.0); xlabel('\bf\itn_{m} \rm\bf(r/min)'); ylabel('\bf\eta (%)'); title ('\bfEfficiency versus Speed'); grid ... plot(nm,t_ind,'b-','LineWidth',2.0); xlabel('\bf\itn_{m} \rm\bf(r/min)'); ylabel('\bf\tau_{ind} \rm\bf(N-m)'); title ('\bfInduced Torque versus Speed...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 21:20

22 489 0
Electric Machinery Fundamentals Power & Energy_11 ppt

Electric Machinery Fundamentals Power & Energy_11 ppt

... plot(t_ind_noar,n_noar,'b-','LineWidth',2.0); hold on; plot(t_ind_ar,n_ar,'k ','LineWidth',2.0); xlabel('\bf\tau_{ind} (N-m)'); ylabel('\bf\itn_{m} ... (8-56). 230 figure(1); plot(t_ind,n,'b-','LineWidth',2.0); hold on; xlabel('\bf\tau_{ind} (N-m)'); ylabel('\bf\itn_{m} \rm\bf(r/min)')...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 21:20

22 432 2
Electric Machinery Fundamentals Power & Energy_12 pptx

Electric Machinery Fundamentals Power & Energy_12 pptx

... (['Vt = ' num2str(Vt(ii)) ' V']); disp (['If = ' num2str(i_f(ii)) ' A']); % Plot the curves figure(1); plot(i_f,Ea,'b-','LineWidth',2.0); ... current'); axis ([0 5 0 150]); set(gca,'YTick',[0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150]') set(gca,'XTick',[0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3. 0 3...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 21:20

22 369 0
Electric Machinery Fundamentals Power & Energy_13 pptx

Electric Machinery Fundamentals Power & Energy_13 pptx

... disp (['Ea = ' num2str(Ea(ii)) ' V']); disp (['Vt = ' num2str(Vt(ii)) ' V']); disp (['If = ' num2str(i_f(ii)) ' A']); disp (['If_a ... figure(1) plot(nm,t_ind,'Color','b','LineWidth',2.0); xlabel('\itn_{m} \rm(r/min)'); ylabel('\tau_{ind} \rm(N-m)'); title ('Single...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 21:20

22 319 0