How sustainable are our economies 8 pdf

Quantitative Economics How sustainable are our economies by Peter Bartelmus_6 pdf

Quantitative Economics How sustainable are our economies by Peter Bartelmus_6 pdf

... natural assets X P 7,577 3,075 713 48, 295 2 08 59 ,86 8 HH 2,645 11 700 3,356 D CAP 49,252 281 b 20 56 0 49,609 Total mate- rial supply a 59,474 3,356 744 49,051 2 08 112 ,83 3 Notes: a Total material supply ... tradition (e.g. Soddy, 1933; Slesser, 1975; Gilliland, 19 78; Martinez-Alier, 1 987 ; Szargut et al., 1 988 ). More recently, Ayres et al. (19 98) and various contributors to...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 14:20

22 369 0
Quantitative Economics How sustainable are our economies by Peter Bartelmus_2 docx

Quantitative Economics How sustainable are our economies by Peter Bartelmus_2 docx

... limitation. Sachs et al. (19 98) , the Friends of the Earth ( /pdf /sustainable_ development/ tworld/summary .pdf) , and the Fair Share Initiative (http://www.fairshareinterna- ... are crude estimates, anticipating an equal distribution of access to natural resources, of which 80 % are cur- rently used by 20% of the world population. 13 The relativity...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 14:20

22 291 0
Quantitative Economics How sustainable are our economies by Peter Bartelmus_4 potx

Quantitative Economics How sustainable are our economies by Peter Bartelmus_4 potx

... 1990 2000 2015 Urban 94 95 96.5 [97.5] 81 85 91 [92.5] Rural 64 71 81 .5 [85 .5] 28 40 58 [70] Note: 2015: linear extrapolation; target values in brackets. Source: ● ... Reading 83 Box 4.6 A reductionist view SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT ⇓ SUSTAINABLE ECONOMIC GROWTH ⇓ ENVIRONMENTALLY SUSTAINABLE GROWTH ⇓ [Climate change] ⇓ Economic gro...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 14:20

22 236 0
Quantitative Economics How sustainable are our economies by Peter Bartelmus_7 docx

Quantitative Economics How sustainable are our economies by Peter Bartelmus_7 docx

... (1991–1993) c, d 85 89 Indonesia (1971–1 984 ) c 69 87 Japan (1 985 /1990) 98/ 99.6 97/ 98 Korea, Republic of (1 985 –1992) d 100 96– 98 Mexico (1 985 ) 94 87 Papua New Guinea (1 986 –1990) 92–99 90–97 Philippines ... 90–97 Philippines (1 988 –1992) d, e 96–99.5 75 83 United Kingdom (1 980 –1990) f 95–100 USA (1 987 ) g 98. 5–99.6 Source: Bartelmus (1997b, table 1) and updates...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 14:20

22 239 0
Quantitative Economics How sustainable are our economies by Peter Bartelmus_8 potx

Quantitative Economics How sustainable are our economies by Peter Bartelmus_8 potx

... 660,225 32, 488 6. Energy/waste heat (kWh) n/a 1 18, 986 ,313 1 18, 986 ,313 n/a 7. Water/waste water (cu. m) n/a 4 28, 770 339,277 n/a 8. Air emission (kg) n/a n/a 8. 1 NO x 100,5 48 8.2 SO 2 170.132 8. 3 CO 2 ... 9,602 646,960 1.1 Sealed 68, 606 636 2,692 65,750 1.2 Green 4 48, 659 9 38 340 4 48, 386 1.3 Built-over 131 ,87 8 11,357 6,570 132 ,82 4 2. Buildings (sq. m) a 1 78, 473...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 14:20

22 236 0
Quantitative Economics How sustainable are our economies by Peter Bartelmus_10 doc

Quantitative Economics How sustainable are our economies by Peter Bartelmus_10 doc

... non-declining welfare generation. In fact, if the welfare package is broad enough, non-decline of welfare can also be viewed as sustainable development (Mäler, 1991). Note however that the search ... share the effects of cost-pushed price increase with consumers. At the international level, shared responsibility for outsourcing hazardous production processes and importing natural resou...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 14:20

22 241 0
Quantitative Economics How sustainable are our economies by Peter Bartelmus_12 ppt

Quantitative Economics How sustainable are our economies by Peter Bartelmus_12 ppt

... of sustainable economic growth (Section 8. 2.1). Q8: Has economic growth been sustained? - The short answer is yes – weakly, and no – strongly. - For strong sustainability, most countries show ... emissions are measured in the official environmental statistics. Natural resource depletion is less significant in Germany (0.6% of total environ- mental cost), as there are few mineral resou...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 14:20

22 380 0
Quantitative Economics How sustainable are our economies by Peter Bartelmus_13 pptx

Quantitative Economics How sustainable are our economies by Peter Bartelmus_13 pptx

... balance 117–1 18 strategy on sustainable use of natural resources 116, 186 , 237–2 38 sustainable growth and development 49, 78 Exergy 1 08, 123 accounting 1 08 109, 112 system, Sweden 1 08 Externalities ... 145, 280 – 281 see also Valuation, damage and Valuation, maintenance cost Externalization 254 F Factor 2/4/10 28, 37, 119, 120–121, 162, 185 – 186 , 188 Factor analysis 90–...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 14:20

22 365 0
How sustainable are our economies_8 pdf

How sustainable are our economies_8 pdf

... (1991–1993) c, d 85 89 Indonesia (1971–1 984 ) c 69 87 Japan (1 985 /1990) 98/ 99.6 97/ 98 Korea, Republic of (1 985 –1992) d 100 96– 98 Mexico (1 985 ) 94 87 Papua New Guinea (1 986 –1990) 92–99 90–97 Philippines ... 90–97 Philippines (1 988 –1992) d, e 96–99.5 75 83 United Kingdom (1 980 –1990) f 95–100 USA (1 987 ) g 98. 5–99.6 Source: Bartelmus (1997b, table 1) and updates...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 10:20

22 376 0
How sustainable are our economies_6 pdf

How sustainable are our economies_6 pdf

... 660,225 32, 488 6. Energy/waste heat (kWh) n/a 1 18, 986 ,313 1 18, 986 ,313 n/a 7. Water/waste water (cu. m) n/a 4 28, 770 339,277 n/a 8. Air emission (kg) n/a n/a 8. 1 NO x 100,5 48 8.2 SO 2 170.132 8. 3 CO 2 ... 9,602 646,960 1.1 Sealed 68, 606 636 2,692 65,750 1.2 Green 4 48, 659 9 38 340 4 48, 386 1.3 Built-over 131 ,87 8 11,357 6,570 132 ,82 4 2. Buildings (sq. m) a 1 78, 473...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 02:20

22 208 0