... population) 1990 20 00 20 15 1990 20 00 20 15 Urban 94 95 96.5 [97.5] 81 85 91 [ 92. 5] Rural 64 71 81.5 [85.5] 28 40 58 [70] Note: 20 15: linear extrapolation; target values in brackets. Source: http://unstats.un.org/unsd/mi/mi_worldregn.asp. ● ... devel- opment Trends in built-up area, population and road network density L Source: http://reports.eea.eu.int/environmental_assessment_r...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 14:20
... 697,183 3,558, 124 4 .2 Goods 2, 0 82, 2 92 4.3 Auxiliary materials 3,936, 325 4.4 Ancillary materials 1,479,171 5. Waste (kg) 2, 357,988 36,398 5.1 Hazardous 62, 883 3,910 5 .2 Other 660 ,22 5 32, 488 6. Energy/waste ... 131,878 11,357 6,570 1 32, 824 2. Buildings (sq. m) a 178,473 14,447 17, 923 185,369 3. Equipment (piece) 16,5 42 1,436 1 ,26 3 16,715 Flows 4. Materials/products (...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 14:20
Quantitative Economics How sustainable are our economies by Peter Bartelmus_2 docx
... all) Pareto conditions are met cannot be considered superior to others, which satisfy a lower number of Pareto conditions. 2. 3 Economic Sustainability: Maintaining Capital and Welfare 33 28 2 What’s ... Economist of 10 April 1999; Henderson, 20 01). The EKC hypothesis (Sections 2. 2 .2 and 11.1) claims that unfettered markets and resulting economic growth are quite capable of d...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 14:20
Quantitative Economics How sustainable are our economies by Peter Bartelmus_6 pdf
... assets X P 7,577 3,075 713 48 ,29 5 20 8 59,868 HH 2, 645 11 700 3,356 D CAP 49 ,25 2 28 1 b 20 56 0 49,609 Total mate- rial supply a 59,474 3,356 744 49,051 20 8 1 12, 833 Notes: a Total material supply ... 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 USA Czech Rep. Japan Poland Rucksack TMR Neth. China Fig. 6.4 TMR per capita and ecological rucksack (tons) Source: Bringezu et al. (20 04), table 2...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 14:20
Quantitative Economics How sustainable are our economies by Peter Bartelmus_7 docx
... DM) 1,943 24 .8 14.4 39.6 2, 527 3,0 02 EDP(EVA) (billion DM) 1,884 16.6 11.7 26 .3 2, 444 2, 926 EC/NDP(VA) (%) 3.0 33.4 18.9 33.6 3.3 2. 5 NCF/NDP (%) 11.1 12. 0 9 .2 ECF/NDP (%) 8.1 8.7 6.7 Source: Bartelmus ... income 20 .3 7.8 4.9 Middle income 26 .1 14.3 10.8 High income 22 .7 13.5 8.7 East Asia and Pacific 36.1 25 .2 23.5 Europe and Central Asia 24 .6 11.9 7.8 Latin Amer...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 14:20
Quantitative Economics How sustainable are our economies by Peter Bartelmus_10 doc
... economy as xaxax Kc xaxax Kc c Kbx 1111 122 11 22 1 122 2 22 111 ≥++∆+ ≥++∆+ ≥++ ≥ xAx KD 11 122 22 1 122 2 121 2 bx Kbxbx KKxx0 +≡≥ ≥+ ∆∆ ≥ ≥ KBx Kx,,, ,D 0 ( 12. 8) Having introduced a new primary factor, ... 12 2 1 21 1 22 2 2 r1 1 r2 2 r −−≥ −+− ≥ +≤ ≡ ≥xAxc- ,, , ≤ +≤ ≥ x ax ax x xx 0 p1 1 p2 2 p 12 ( 12. 5) The restrictions delimit a feasibility space (shown in highlight...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 14:20
Quantitative Economics How sustainable are our economies by Peter Bartelmus_12 ppt
... (Section 2. 2 .2) - Policy tools of environmental cost internalization fos- ter innovation and seek optimality and sustainability in economic performance and growth (Section 2. 3 .2, 12. 3, 13.3 .2) . No, ... (Section 10 .2. 1), input-out- put analyses (Section 10 .2. 2) and decomposi- tion analyses (Section 10 .2. 3) show economic growth and growth-based energy use as the principal ca...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 14:20
Quantitative Economics How sustainable are our economies by Peter Bartelmus_13 pptx
... 33, 21 2, 21 5, 22 6 Norway 22 6 Sweden 21 5 21 6 USA 22 6 Congestion pricing 24 0 Consistency, ecological 23 6, 24 8 Constitution, USA 48–49 Consumption conspicuous 50, 58 endogenization 122 limits 24 6 Consumer ... 171–1 72 Eco-compensation 23 9, 24 9 Eco-development 52 53, 56, 59 Eco-dictatorship 120 Eco-efficiency 23 5 23 7, 24 5, 24 8 Eco-nomics vii-viii, 20 , 61, 27...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 14:20
How sustainable are our economies_2 pot
... by mid -21 st century [3, pp. 21 2, 21 3]. - Today we have pretty much done what we can [2, p. 27 4]. References: [1] = WRI (20 06); [2] = Lomborg (20 01); [3] = UNEP (20 02) ; [3a] = UNEP (20 06); [4] ... per usable land area (%) - Starvation in devel- oping countries (million people) 52 (since 1961) [2] 7 .2 (Fig. 1.1) 23 [3] 17 (of all land) [2] 920 (1971) [2] 7 92 (1997)...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 10:20
How sustainable are our economies_7 potx
... of the EU (Bringezu, 20 02) : Fig. 6 .2 Material flow balance of the European Union 1996 (million tons) Source: Bringezu (20 02) , fig. 2. 1. 6.3 Material Flow Accounting 117 8.1 .2 Maintenance Costing ... assets X P 7,577 3,075 713 48 ,29 5 20 8 59,868 HH 2, 645 11 700 3,356 D CAP 49 ,25 2 28 1 b 20 56 0 49,609 Total mate- rial supply a 59,474 3,356 744 49,051 20 8 1 12, 833 Notes:...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 10:20