Mastering the Complex Sale 1 pdf

Mastering the Complex Sale to Compete and Win_1 doc

Mastering the Complex Sale to Compete and Win_1 doc

... 3—commoditization. 12 CAUGHT BETWEEN COMPLEXITY AND COMMODITIZATION E1CINTRO 02/03/2 010 Page 31 Mastering the Complex Sale Second Edition E1C 01 02/02/2 010 Page 2 E1C 01 02/02/2 010 Page 4 E1CINTRO 02/03/2 010 Page ... not to The Driving Force of Complexity 11 E1C 01 02/02/2 010 Page 12 see the world clearly through their customers’ eyes, but when they do, they find that...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 13:20

24 234 0
Mastering the Complex Sale to Compete and Win_2 doc

Mastering the Complex Sale to Compete and Win_2 doc

... Nucor, which in the late 19 60s created Commoditization Is a Choice 17 E1C 01 02/02/2 010 Page 21 Even though these professionals are masters of their craft, we regularly hear them express their frustration ... COMMODITIZATION E1C 01 02/02/2 010 Page 17 they change or not. They are unclear about these risks and hesitate to open up. They are often concerned about ap- pearing less tha...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 13:20

24 336 0
Mastering the Complex Sale to Compete and Win_3 docx

Mastering the Complex Sale to Compete and Win_3 docx

... E1C02 02/03/2 010 Page 41 Salespeople hate to hear this: Their companies have provided them with the tools and skills to prepare presenta- tions as the key weapon in their sales arsenal. ... civilized the exchange, the net result is that the salesperson and the customer have become adversaries. The sale has turned into a battle abattle in which the customer always has the...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 13:20

24 532 0
Mastering the Complex Sale to Compete and Win_4 pot

Mastering the Complex Sale to Compete and Win_4 pot

... disqualified them. These sales- people will not only avoid the questions that could end the sale, they w ill go so far as to consciously ignore the signals that suggest the sale will not happen. These salespeople aren’t ... such major roles in complex sales. Themorecomplexthesale,themoreradicalthe change that the customer must undertake, and the greater the actual and percei...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 13:20

24 276 0
Mastering the Complex Sale to Compete and Win_5 docx

Mastering the Complex Sale to Compete and Win_5 docx

... of the way, but when the salesperson tried to close the sale, the manager refused to sign the deal. ‘‘What went wrong?’’ asked the mystified salesperson. There were only two possibilities: Either ... 95 E1C04 02/03/2 010 Page 11 0 believed the software worked. Then we looked closer at the problem. When we called the plant manager, we discovered that, unbeknownst to the sa...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 13:20

24 181 0
Mastering the Complex Sale to Compete and Win_6 docx

Mastering the Complex Sale to Compete and Win_6 docx

... and their ability to win complex sales is severely compromised. The outcome of the sale becomes random A Wellspring of Exceptional Credibility 12 1 E1C05 02/02/2 010 Page 11 8 E1C05 02/02/2 010 Page ... performance are among the most powerful forces at work on the change spectrum. 12 4 DIAGNOSE COMPLEX PROBLEMS E1C05 02/02/2 010 Page 11 9 T he core competency of the compl...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 13:20

24 218 0
Mastering the Complex Sale to Compete and Win_7 ppt

Mastering the Complex Sale to Compete and Win_7 ppt

... suppose one per- cent, 1 out of 10 0.’’ The salesperson now asks for two direct numbers the average sales per day ($4 ,10 0) and the amount of the aver- age sale ( $16 ). This yields the number of buying ... and the cost of the pain as its accelerator. The higher the cost of the problem, th e faster the decision wi ll be made to solve it. Peeling the Onion 13 5 E1...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 13:20

24 365 0
Mastering the Complex Sale to Compete and Win_8 potx

Mastering the Complex Sale to Compete and Win_8 potx

... responses. Formalizing the Sale 17 5 E1C07 02/04/2 010 Page 17 4 Formalizing the Sale The first thing that w e deliver in the fi nal phase of the Prime Process is the proposal . The proposal is a formal, polished ... an issue than how salespeople react when problems do occur. The best Delivering the Solution 18 1 E1C06 02/02/2 010 Page 16 8 E1C06 02/02/2 010 Page 15 9...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 13:20

24 249 0
Mastering the Complex Sale to Compete and Win_10 pptx

Mastering the Complex Sale to Compete and Win_10 pptx

... Depending on the com- plexity of the sale, the solutions that our clients undertake, and the ability of the salesperson, the time requirements for 210 BUILDING A VALUE-DRIVEN SALES ORGANIZATION E1C09 ... or Specialists? The complex sale requires salespeople who are experts in the problems that their customers face and their (continued ) From Novice to Expert 215 E1C08 0...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 13:20

24 256 0
Mastering the Complex Sale to Compete and Win_11 doc

Mastering the Complex Sale to Compete and Win_11 doc

... credibility at all levels of decision and influence within the customer’s organization. Mastering the Complex Sale 1 Mastering the Complex Sale delivers the skills required to build organization-to-organization ... expense. When sales- people are not adding value via the diagnosis, design, and delivery of value, their presence can’t be justified. On the other side of...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 13:20

24 247 0