... differ in their responses to the stimuli. The result of the test for both the resolutions indicates that the the null hypothesis cannot be rejected, as a further proof of the fact that the two datasets of ... 6–8 H for CIF sequences and to 4–6 H for 4CIF sequences [13], where H denotes the native height of the video window in the screen. Table 3 summarizes the specifications of...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 07:20
... final version of this paper. The research of the second and third authors was supported by the Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, under the Research Grant no. 117-1170889-0888. References 1 ... 23 Acknowledgments The authors would like to express their gratitude to professor S. G. Samko for his help and suggestions and also to the careful referee whose valuable adv...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 07:20
báo cáo hóa học:" Research Article On Invariant Tori of Nearly Integrable Hamiltonian Systems with Quasiperiodic Perturbation" ppt
... Together with the estimate 2.3 for k, Ωξ, λ k, ω, this proves the claim. (C) Construction of the Symplectic Mapping The aim of this section is to find a Hamiltonian F, such that the ... satisfied, that is, there is some y ∗ such that dβy ∗ /dy 0, whether there exists invariant curve for mapping 3.5, whether its frequency can persist without any drift. By the method of...
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báo cáo hóa học:" Research Article Regularly Varying Solutions of Second-Order Difference Equations with Arbitrary Sign Coefficient" ppt
... of Hille-Nehari type. We also examine relations with the so-called M-classification i.e., the classification of monotone solutions with respect to their limit behavior and the limit behavior of ... properties of h will play a crucial role in the proof. The first two are immediate consequences of the discrete L’Hospital rule and of the property of regular variation of h:...
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báo cáo hóa học:" Research Article Monotone Positive Solution of Nonlinear Third-Order BVP with Integral Boundary Conditions" potx
... choose α 1/2, then it is easy to compute that f 0 1,f ∞ 500 ,H 1 11 24 ,H 2 91 12288 , 3.15 which shows that H 1 f 0 < 1 < ;H 2 f ∞ . 3.16 So, it follows from Theorem 3.1 that ... 3.12 which together with 3.11 implies that u < u . 3.13 This is a contradiction. Therefore, the BVP 1.3 has no monotone positive solution. Similarly, we can prove the fo...
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Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article SAM: Secure Access of Media Independent Information Service with User Anonymity" pot
... correct entities which have proper contractions with it. Then AS checks serv ice list of MN to find whether MN has subscribed service of IS. If MN has subscribed the service of IS, AS chooses a random ... are the presence of neighboring networks, the type of their links, their characteristics, and the services supported. The heart of the framework is the Media Independent Handove...
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Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article High-Quality Time Stretch and Pitch Shift Effects for Speech and Audio Using the Instantaneous Harmonic Analysis" pdf
... singer. The voice of the singer is analyzed by the proposed technique and then synthesized with pitch modifications to assist the singer to be in tune with the accompaniment. The target pitch contour ... synthetic signals with predefined parameters was used. The signals were synthesized with different harmonic- to-noise ratio defined as HNR = 10lg σ 2 H σ 2 e , (23) where σ 2 H is t...
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Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Link Quality-Based Transmission Power Adaptation for Reduction of Energy Consumption and Interference" pot
... results show that the proposed power mechanisms can achieve energy savings without degrading the throughput. However, in their proposal, a separate channel is used for controlling, which means that ... different PDR change speeds, which we measured in number of batches. A mobility scenario which changes trace every 10 batches, that is, Mobility-10, is more mobile than one which changes only...
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Báo cáo hóa học: "Research Article Discrete-Time Modelling of the Moog Sawtooth Oscillator Waveform" doc
... the nine lowest harmonics, which had a weight of 10, and the fundamental frequency, which had a weight of 100, was used. With this weighting function, the first ten components, which contribute quite ... match, while with other frequencies the match is slightly poorer. Nevertheless, the PD model with the polynomial approximation of the f 0 - dependent parameter P produces a good ma...
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Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article QoS-Aware Active Queue Management for Multimedia Services over the Internet" potx
... the thresholds based on the traffic situations. Performance comparisons with the GRED-I are in terms of packet dropping rate and throughput to highlight the better behavior of the proposed schemes ... denote the vector of each queue’s threshold and threshold region, respectively. The purpose of the threshold for different traffic classes, TH ={th 1 ,th 2 ,th 3 ,th 4 }, is estimated to...
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