Journal of Mathematics in Industry (2011) 1:1 DOI 10 1186/2190-5983-1-1 RESEARCH Open Access Acid pptx

Journal of Mathematics in Industry (2011) 1:1 DOI 10.1186/2190-5983-1-1 RESEARCH Open Access Acid pptx

Journal of Mathematics in Industry (2011) 1:1 DOI 10.1186/2190-5983-1-1 RESEARCH Open Access Acid pptx

... ,A J ) T , that is, u i .a i = 0,i=2, ,J. (4.9) Journal of Mathematics in Industry (2011) 1:1 DOI 10. 1186/2190-5983-1-1 RESEARCH Open Access Acid polishing of lead glass Jonathan A Ward · Andrew C Fowler ... now examine this possibility. Journal of Mathematics in Industry (2011) 1:1 Page 19 of 19 14. Tersoff, J., Tu, Y., Grinstein, G.: Effect...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 06:20

19 302 0
Journal of Mathematics in Industry (2011) 1:2 DOI 10.1186/2190-5983-1-2 R E S E R AC H Open doc

Journal of Mathematics in Industry (2011) 1:2 DOI 10.1186/2190-5983-1-2 R E S E R AC H Open doc

... + 1 r 2 ∂ r  r 3 μ  ∂ r  1 r v φ  +(f φ ) jets , (6) Journal of Mathematics in Industry (2011) 1:2 DOI 10. 1186/2190-5983-1-2 R E S E R ACH Open Access Fluid-fiber-interactions in rotational spinning process of glass wool production Walter ... Journal of Mathematics in Industry (2011) 1:2 Page 21 of 26 Fig. 6 Converge...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 06:20

26 548 0
Journal of Mathematics in Industry (2011) 1:4 DOI 10.1186/2190-5983-1-4 RESEARCH Open pot

Journal of Mathematics in Industry (2011) 1:4 DOI 10.1186/2190-5983-1-4 RESEARCH Open pot

... certain edge length equalities as shown by Figure 9. We can therefore set up Journal of Mathematics in Industry (2011) 1:4 DOI 10. 1186/2190-5983-1-4 RESEARCH Open Access Geometric computing for ... constructions of meshes, such as parallel translation of one polyline along another polyline. The following problem turned out to be not so easy: Journal of Mathema...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 06:20

19 301 0
Journal of Mathematics in Industry (2011) 1:5 DOI 10.1186/2190-5983-1-5 RESEARCH Open Access ECMI docx

Journal of Mathematics in Industry (2011) 1:5 DOI 10.1186/2190-5983-1-5 RESEARCH Open Access ECMI docx

... Journal of Mathematics in Industry (2011) 1:5 DOI 10. 1186/2190-5983-1-5 RESEARCH Open Access ECMI in global and european scenarios Vincenzo Capasso · Matti Heiliö Received: 29 November 2 010 ... book series on Mathematics in Industry. • The Journal on Mathematics in Industry. Finally, with this issue, ECMI has started another important initiative, in...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 06:20

6 274 0
Journal of Mathematics in Industry (2011) 1:8 DOI 10.1186/2190-5983-1-8 RESEARCH Open pot

Journal of Mathematics in Industry (2011) 1:8 DOI 10.1186/2190-5983-1-8 RESEARCH Open pot

... find Q ∗(0) in q ∗ c = Q ∗(0) out q ∗ c = 1 2     ∂p (0) (0,t) ∂x     = 1 2 P in (t)C sinh(2C) 1 +cosh(2C) . (31) Journal of Mathematics in Industry (2011) 1:8 DOI 10. 1186/2190-5983-1-8 RESEARCH Open Access Designing irrigation pipes Antonio Fasano · Angiolo Farina Received: 18 April ... 619–627 (1991) 8. Rossler, O.: Nonlinear equations. In: Haken, H. (ed....

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báo cáo hóa học: " Leupeptin reduces impulse noise induced hearing loss Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology 2011, 6:38 doi:10.1186/1745-6673-6-38" pptx

báo cáo hóa học: " Leupeptin reduces impulse noise induced hearing loss Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology 2011, 6:38 doi:10.1186/1745-6673-6-38" pptx

... may promote calpain up-regulation in early stages of apoptotsis within the organ of Corti. In addition, infusion of leupeptin into scala tympani led to a reduction in the hearing loss (assessed ... time of the final threshold determination (three days after the last drug application) since post-mortem examination of the middle ear found it clear of fluid. Leupeptin, a...

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21 265 0
Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience (2011) 1:2 DOI 10.1186/2190-8567-1-2 RESEARCH Open potx

Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience (2011) 1:2 DOI 10.1186/2190-8567-1-2 RESEARCH Open potx

... F   l w kl x l +h k  + 2σχ k √ F 0 F    l w kl x l +h k  ξ(t). (15) Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience (2011) 1:2 DOI 10. 1186/2190-8567-1-2 RESEARCH Open Access Stochastic synchronization of neuronal populations with intrinsic and extrinsic noise Paul ... hand, Laing and Chow [59] considered a deterministic spiking neuron model of binocular rivalry in which th...

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Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience (2011) 1:5 DOI 10.1186/2190-8567-1-5 RESEARCH Open pptx

Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience (2011) 1:5 DOI 10.1186/2190-8567-1-5 RESEARCH Open pptx

... taking place in the auditory pathway. However from the point of information processing it is of relevance to know whether the wavelet transform con- tains the full information of the original ... basilar membrane filter is independent of c. The experimental results by Rhode and Recio (2000) show minor changes of phase in dependence of the intensity level. With increasing intens...

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Journal of Korean Law Vol. 8, No. 1, December 2008 doc

Journal of Korean Law Vol. 8, No. 1, December 2008 doc

... notable improvements in the quality of governance is Korean banks that have received large infusions of foreign capital, including Hana, Kookmin, and Shinhan. In most of these groups of companies, a majority of ... private incentives. If company executives were instead intent on maximizing shareholder value in order to increase their own rewards, they would less inclined to in...

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