... J(λ)) = ess (−L 0 ). Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience (2011) 1:1 Page 27 of 28 References 1. Wilson, H., Cowan, J.: A mathematical theory of the functional dynamics of cortical and thalamic nervous ... Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience (2011) 1:1 Page 13 of 28 This indicates that the essential spectrum ess (A) of A is equal to i Root(P i )...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 04:20
... F l w kl x l +h k + 2σχ k √ F 0 F l w kl x l +h k ξ(t). (15) Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience (2011) 1:2 DOI 10. 1186/2190-8567-1-2 RESEARCH Open Access Stochastic synchronization of neuronal populations with intrinsic ... Bressloff ( ) Department of Mathematics, University of Utah, 155 South 1400 East, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112, USA e-mail: bress...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 04:20
Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience (2011) 1:5 DOI 10.1186/2190-8567-1-5 RESEARCH Open pptx
... a (156) Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience (2011) 1:5 Page 35 of 54 Fig. 6 Frequency glides. The ratio of momentaneous frequency versus CF as a function of time, measured in periods of CF. The ... function of time (in seconds), for κ =12 and for various values of c. The position along the cochlea corresponds to the frequency 200 Hz. Journal of Mathematical Neu...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 06:20
Journal of Mathematics in Industry (2011) 1:2 DOI 10.1186/2190-5983-1-2 R E S E R AC H Open doc
... variant offers a very elegant way of rewriting Journal of Mathematics in Industry (2011) 1:2 Page 23 of 26 Fig. 10 Dynamics of the jets emerging from the highest and lowest spinning rows of the centrifugal ... + 1 r 2 ∂ r r 3 μ ∂ r 1 r v φ +(f φ ) jets , (6) Journal of Mathematics in Industry (2011) 1:2 DOI 10. 1186/2190-5983-1-2 R E S E R ACH Open Acc...
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Journal of Mathematics in Industry (2011) 1:4 DOI 10.1186/2190-5983-1-4 RESEARCH Open pot
... of domains with piecewise-smooth boundaries each of which may be covered by a (within tolerance) constant-distance pattern of geodesics. Journal of Mathematics in Industry (2011) 1:4 Page 9 of ... equalities as shown by Figure 9. We can therefore set up Journal of Mathematics in Industry (2011) 1:4 DOI 10. 1186/2190-5983-1-4 RESEARCH Open Access Geometric comput...
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Journal of Mathematics in Industry (2011) 1:5 DOI 10.1186/2190-5983-1-5 RESEARCH Open Access ECMI docx
... Journal of Mathematics in Industry (2011) 1:5 DOI 10. 1186/2190-5983-1-5 RESEARCH Open Access ECMI in global and european scenarios Vincenzo Capasso · Matti Heiliö Received: 29 November 2 010 ... the Chairman of that committee is a member of the ECMI Council. Journal of Mathematics in Industry (2011) 1:5 Page 3 of 6 to inseminate corporate foresight by translatin...
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Journal of Mathematics in Industry (2011) 1:8 DOI 10.1186/2190-5983-1-8 RESEARCH Open pot
... R ∗ /R ∗ res = 10 −2 , and we keep the data used in the previous example, we find B ∼ 0.05. The product AB is of the order of 10 −3 , suggesting a dilation of t by a factor 10 3 (i.e. using hours instead of ... θ ∼ 10 −2 , ε = 4 10 −5 , the r.h.s. is ∼ 4 10 10 . With R ∗ ∼ 2cm,S ∗ s ∼ 1 mm, we eventually find κ ∗ ∼ 2 10 −14 m 2 . This corresponds to an apparent average perme...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 06:20
báo cáo hóa học: " Car indoor air pollution - analysis of potential sources Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology 2011, 6:33 doi:10.1186/1745-6673-6-33" docx
... M, Groneberg-Kloft B: Scientometric analysis and combined density- equalizing mapping of environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) research. PLoS One 2 010, 5:e11254. 22. Groneberg-Kloft B, Kreiter ... made available soon. Car indoor air pollution - analysis of potential sources Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology 2011, 6:33 doi: 10. 1186/1745-6673-6-33 Daniel Mueller (da.mu...
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báo cáo hóa học: " Leupeptin reduces impulse noise induced hearing loss Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology 2011, 6:38 doi:10.1186/1745-6673-6-38" pptx
... application of any concentration of leupeptin (baseline) was between 50 to 60 dB pe SPL (see table 1). After application of leupeptin at a concentration of 15% to the right middle ear of one animal ... middle ear application of leupeptin at a concentration of 1%, bloody otorrhea was detected from the 2 nd day of leupeptin application. After a period of 5 consecutive d...
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