Dictionary of 1000 Accounting Terms 3 potx

Dictionary of 1000 Accounting Terms_3 potx

Dictionary of 1000 Accounting Terms_3 potx

... level of goods and services; alternatively, a decrease in the purchasing power of the dollar or other currency. INFLATION ACCOUNTING is a system of accounting which, unlike historical cost accounting, ... (retail). http://www.ventureline.com/glossary.asp 93 GROSS PAY is employee salary prior to the application of taxes and other deductions. GROSS PROFIT is net sales minus cost...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 04:20

20 296 0
Dictionary of 1000 Accounting Terms_1 pdf

Dictionary of 1000 Accounting Terms_1 pdf

... 0 7 136 8545 9 Dictionary of Marketing 978 0 7475 6621 2 Dictionary of Media Studies 978 0 7 136 75 93 1 Dictionary of Medical Terms 978 0 7 136 76 03 7 Dictionary of Nursing 978 0 7475 6 634 2 Dictionary ... at Accounting. fm Page 1 Tuesday, February 13, 2007 1:40 PM Specialist dictionaries Dictionary of Agriculture 978 0 7 136 7778 2 Dictionary of Banking and...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 19:20

26 310 0
Dictionary of 1000 Accounting Terms_2 ppt

Dictionary of 1000 Accounting Terms_2 ppt

... basis. basis of accounting basis of accounting /bess əv ə | kaυntŋ/ noun any of various methods of recognising income and expenditure in the preparation of accounts basis of apportionment basis of ... the details of any transaction being known to the Accounting. fm Page 25 Tuesday, February 13, 2007 1:40 PM cap 34 principal professional accountancy body that is res...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 19:20

26 278 0
Dictionary of 1000 Accounting Terms_5 pptx

Dictionary of 1000 Accounting Terms_5 pptx

... of other resources, normal profit is deducted from revenue to determine economic profit. It is, however, never included as an accounting cost when accounting profit is computed. NORMAL RATE OF ... LEASE is a type of lease where the landlord charges a base rent plus an additional percentage of any profits realized by the business tenant. PERCENTAGE OF COMPLETION METHOD OF ACCO...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 04:20

20 336 0
Dictionary of 1000 Accounting Terms_8 pot

Dictionary of 1000 Accounting Terms_8 pot

... year of participation, with a maximum of 100% after 33 1 /3 years of participation. TI is an acronym that could mean, among others, Total Income or Tenant Improvements. TILL ROLL is a roll of paper ... general rule of thumb in business that says that 20% of the items produce 80% of the activity, while 20% of the product line produces 80% of the sales, 20 % of the custome...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 04:20

20 308 0
Dictionary of 1000 Accounting Terms_1 docx

Dictionary of 1000 Accounting Terms_1 docx

... survival of the business. DEBT SERVICE RATIO is the measurement of debt payments to gross income. DEBT TO EQUITY measures the risk of the firm's capital structure in terms of amounts of capital ... percentage -of- completion method of accounting and is most often used when significant uncertainty exists with respect to the total cost of performing the contract and, acco...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 16:20

20 180 0
Dictionary of 1000 Accounting Terms_3 ppt

Dictionary of 1000 Accounting Terms_3 ppt

... reimbursement http://www.ventureline.com/glossary.asp 93 GROSS PAY is employee salary prior to the application of taxes and other deductions. GROSS PROFIT is net sales minus cost of sales. GROSS PROFIT MARGIN ON SALES (GPM) is one of the key ... level of goods and services; alternatively, a decrease in the purchasing power of the dollar or other currency. INFLATION ACCOUNTING is...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 16:20

20 274 0
Dictionary of 1000 Accounting Terms_4 doc

Dictionary of 1000 Accounting Terms_4 doc

... of war and full war production. LAND, in terms of accounting, is the value of real estate less the value of improvements, e.g. buildings. LARGE-CAP is a stock with a level of capitalization of ... equipment (e.g. A lease rate factor of 036 0 on an equipment cost of $5,000.00 requires a monthly payment of $180.00 ( 036 0x$5,000.00=$180.00). LEDGER is a book of accounts i...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 16:20

20 258 0


... the Romans do). ROOF a roof over your head be like a cat on a hot tin roof go through the roof hit the ceiling/roof raise the roof the roof caves/falls in ROOFTOPS shout sth from the roof tops ROOM elbowroom not ... conversation piece a piece/ slice of the action be a nasty piece of work be a piece of cake be a piece of piss be (all) of a piece give sb a piece of your mind How lon...

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 04:16

12 703 0


... because of the scarcity of opportunities at home. green-eyed the green-eyed monster humorous the feelingof beingjealous. Doyou think his criticisms of Jack are valid or is itjust a case of thegreen-eyedmonster? grey grey ... are two weeks of good weather during the winter when the days are the shortest in the year .• (often + of) She recalled the halcyon days of childhood .• Tha...

Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 06:20

51 596 1