The Plain and Simple Guide to Successful Strategies 7 ppt

The Financial Times Guide to Options: The Plain and Simple Guide to Successful Strategies (2nd Edition) (Financial Times Guides)_2 pptx

The Financial Times Guide to Options: The Plain and Simple Guide to Successful Strategies (2nd Edition) (Financial Times Guides)_2 pptx

... components. The first of these is the amount equal to the difference between the strike price and the price of the underlying, and it is termed the intrinsic value. The second component is the time ... consider the profit/loss position of the investor who sells the XYZ put. After all, you may decide that the put sale is the best strategy to pursue. Becaus...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 20:20

23 389 0
The Financial Times Guide to Options: The Plain and Simple Guide to Successful Strategies (2nd Edition) (Financial Times Guides)_3 pot

The Financial Times Guide to Options: The Plain and Simple Guide to Successful Strategies (2nd Edition) (Financial Times Guides)_3 pot

... options theory takes a back seat. I went to the floor and wedged my way into the crowd, and I waited, knowing that I was covered. The bell sounded and the shouting began, and after a few brief stops ... the FTSE implied was around 20 per cent. In the back of my mind was, and always is, 19 October 19 87. In October 19 97 the UK market started to weaken because o...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 20:20

23 378 0
The Financial Times Guide to Options: The Plain and Simple Guide to Successful Strategies (2nd Edition) (Financial Times Guides)_5 doc

The Financial Times Guide to Options: The Plain and Simple Guide to Successful Strategies (2nd Edition) (Financial Times Guides)_5 doc

... call at expiration 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 –4.23 7. 50 –10.00 –12.50 Profit/loss –0 .77 –0 .77 –0 .77 0 –4.23 0 –3. 27 –5 .77 –8. 27 In graphic form, the expiration profit/loss of this spread is as shown ... levels. The lower break-even level is, like the long call spread, the lower strike price plus the cost of the spread, or 55 + 0 .77 = 55 .77 . The upper break-even le...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 20:20

23 340 0
The Financial Times Guide to Options: The Plain and Simple Guide to Successful Strategies (2nd Edition) (Financial Times Guides)_7 doc

The Financial Times Guide to Options: The Plain and Simple Guide to Successful Strategies (2nd Edition) (Financial Times Guides)_7 doc

... 100–105 call spread. The butterfly is then worth- less, and the cost of the butterfly is taken as a loss. There are other, less common risks, and they are discussed at the end of the section on butterflies. A ... profit is 8 .75 , and the profit range is 8 .75 × 2 = 17. 5 points. The value of the spread grows as expiry approaches and as the shares remain centred at...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 20:20

23 347 0
The Financial Times Guide to Options: The Plain and Simple Guide to Successful Strategies (2nd Edition) (Financial Times Guides)_9 potx

The Financial Times Guide to Options: The Plain and Simple Guide to Successful Strategies (2nd Edition) (Financial Times Guides)_9 potx

... market. Think of the Hunt brothers who tried to corner silver in the 1 970 s. 29 30 31 32 33 Vols CL 35 36 37 38 28 670 0 6800 6900 70 00 71 00 72 00 73 00 74 00 75 00 76 00 77 00 78 00 79 00 8000 8100 8200 8300 8400 8500 8600 870 0 Figure ... sellers, and they feel like sitting ducks. Often the market retraces and stabilises, and time decay begins to eat away...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 20:20

23 392 0
The Financial Times Guide to Options: The Plain and Simple Guide to Successful Strategies (2nd Edition) (Financial Times Guides)_10 ppt

The Financial Times Guide to Options: The Plain and Simple Guide to Successful Strategies (2nd Edition) (Financial Times Guides)_10 ppt

... on the other hand, you sell the call at 34.40 and pay 33 .70 for the put, then you have sold the synthetic future at 1140 .70 . Here, you have the obligation to sell the future above 1140, and the ... at 33 .70 Here, you could sell the call at 34.40, pay 33 .70 for the put, and pay 1140 .70 for the future. You have then sold the synthetic at 1140 .70 and y...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 20:20

23 284 0
The Financial Times Guide to Options: The Plain and Simple Guide to Successful Strategies (2nd Edition) (Financial Times Guides)_11 pot

The Financial Times Guide to Options: The Plain and Simple Guide to Successful Strategies (2nd Edition) (Financial Times Guides)_11 pot

... until expiration and the call is worth 0.28. The stock is at 74 .16, and it has been ranging from 72 .50 to 77 .00 during the past two weeks, and you expect it to continue to do so for the foreseeable ... them close to expiration in order to clear options off our books and to avoid pin risk. But then again, the arbs try to pay 19 .75 for the above box,...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 20:20

23 330 0
The Financial Times Guide to Options: The Plain and Simple Guide to Successful Strategies (2nd Edition) (Financial Times Guides)_13 docx

The Financial Times Guide to Options: The Plain and Simple Guide to Successful Strategies (2nd Edition) (Financial Times Guides)_13 docx

... 577 5.0 5825.0 5 875 .0 5925.0 5 975 .0 6025.0 Calls 159.5 1 37. 5 1 17. 0 97. 5 81.0 68.0 57. 0 46.5 35.5 (a) i) What is the cost of the long 5 675 – 577 5–5 875 call butterfly? ii) At expiry, what is the maximum ... 275 0 + 3.8 = 275 3.8 v) 2846.2 – 275 3.8 = 92.4 points vi) 3.8 (b) i) 1 07 + 54.5 – 85.8 – 68.4 = 7. 3 ii) (2850 – 2800) = 42 .7 iii) 2850 – 7. 3 = 2842 .7 iv) 26...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 20:20

23 304 0
The Financial Times Guide to Options: The Plain and Simple Guide to Successful Strategies (2nd Edition) (Financial Times Guides)_14 doc

The Financial Times Guide to Options: The Plain and Simple Guide to Successful Strategies (2nd Edition) (Financial Times Guides)_14 doc

... volatility changes 173 –4 implied volatility vs 170 –3 long iron butterfly 122 options calculator 175 other 174 rho 174 , 308 spreads 74 , 78 , 85, 89 theta see separate entry time and 165–9 vega ... positive and negative 56 7, 58 short straddle 57 strangle 57, 308 time and 165–9 volatility trading 57 8 Greeks 175 –6 delta see separate entry delta vs gamma, theta and...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 20:20

13 319 0
The Plain and Simple Guide to Successful Strategies_1 pdf

The Plain and Simple Guide to Successful Strategies_1 pdf

... put, and you will be obli- gated to buy the stock at the strike price, or 45. The cost of your stock purchase will be effectively reduced by the credit of the spread. For exam- ple, if the stock ... the stock has bottomed out. Use the technicals to find a support area. If at expiration the stock closes between 45 and 57. 50, the credit from the spread, or 0.03...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 00:20

23 231 0