Microfinance for Bankers and Investors 1 ppt

Microfinance for Bankers and Investors_1 ppt

Microfinance for Bankers and Investors_1 ppt

... Inclusive Finance 10 . Building the Infrastructure for Inclusive Finance: The Enabling Environment 95 11 . Credit Bureaus and Credit Scoring 10 3 12 . Last-Mile Technologies 11 1 13 . The Technological ... Systems and Banking Software 12 0 14 . Building the Market for Investing in Microfinance 12 6 Part 4. Socially Responsible Returns 15 . Approaches to Social Responsibilit...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 20:20

36 305 0
Microfinance for Bankers and Investors_2 doc

Microfinance for Bankers and Investors_2 doc

... over the past decade. 42 • Microfinance for Bankers and Investors Challenge 3: Managing Informality Risk Bankers have traditionally mistaken informality for risk, using it as a criterion to exclude ... with capable information systems and immediate follow-up of every late payment. Another troublesome aspect of informality for bankers is lack of docu- mentation and record ke...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 20:20

36 132 0
Microfinance for Bankers and Investors_6 doc

Microfinance for Bankers and Investors_6 doc

... operations. 13 19 0 • Microfinance for Bankers and Investors Type of Transaction Percent of All Transactions Bill payments 29 Accounts 23 Statement inquiries 18 Deposits 13 Withdrawals 6 Loans 6 Cards 1 Other ... a monthly income below $13 0; 32 percent earned between $13 0 and $400; and 10 percent earned above $400. 10 Transactions span a wide range of activities (see...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 20:20

36 146 0
Microfinance for Bankers and Investors_7 pdf

Microfinance for Bankers and Investors_7 pdf

... Grupo Elektra handled 7.6 million remittance transactions, worth $2.4 billion and accounting for 10 percent of all money remitted to Mexico for 2005. 17 Growth, Profitability, and Expansion Banco ... Microfinance for Bankers and Investors • 2 31 • CREDITINFO: FIRST CREDIT BUREAU IN KAZAKHSTAN W hen First Credit Bureau opened in Kazakhstan in 2006, Kazakh news- papers and b...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 20:20

36 222 0
Microfinance for Bankers and Investors_8 docx

Microfinance for Bankers and Investors_8 docx

... obligations, and rights; establishing the basis for independent private bureaus; and protecting the privacy and confidentiality of personal and corporate financial information. 11 The law also ... total of $11 .5 million of fresh equity. Participating in the round were Unitus, Khosla, and SIDBI for the second time, and new investors Sequoia Capital, Ravi Reddy, and Odysse...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 20:20

36 240 0
Microfinance for Bankers and Investors_9 pot

Microfinance for Bankers and Investors_9 pot

... 2008. 10 . Ibid. 11 . Wei Li and Bidhan Parmar, “The First Credit Bureau.” 12 . Ibid. 13 . Ibid. 14 . Anvar Akhmedov, March 2008. 15 . Anvar Akhmedov, discussions with ACCION, September 2008. 16 . Ibid. 17 . ... Chapters 4, 5, 9, 11 , and 13 . She wrote the Creditinfo case and provided input for the BRAC and Sequoia cases. • Rachna Handa prepared early drafts of Chapter 9...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 20:20

36 256 0
Vocabulary and picture prompts for language teaching - book 1 ppt

Vocabulary and picture prompts for language teaching - book 1 ppt

... teachers permission to download and print and photocopy the worksheets from this book for classroom use. Tehtaankatu 7 0 014 0 Helsinki FINLAND Tel: +358 50 5 31 1453 E-mail: office@thelanguagemenu.com www.thelanguagemenu.com 32 ... - Book 1 Part A IN THE MIDSUMMER PHOTOCOPIABLE © Learnwell Oy 2008 Artist: Petra Karin Bergström www.thelanguagemenu.com 11 | Vocabulary and picture pro...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 14:20

58 644 0
English for Tourism and Hospitality 1

English for Tourism and Hospitality 1

... the time of day and then your name. For example: Plaza Hotel, good morning. Leo speaking. b) Say the time of day first, the name of the business and then your name. For example: Good ... Guest Jack: Guest The story Leo is taking a reservation for Mona White and her father Jack Webber. They want to book two rooms for three nights at the Plaza Hotel. Language Po...

Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2012, 09:52

2 2,9K 63
English for Tourism and Hospitality 1

English for Tourism and Hospitality 1

... A for Alfa B for Bravo C for Charlie D for delta E for Echo F for Foxtrot G for Golf H for Hotel I for India J hor Juliet K for Kilo L for Lima M for Mike N for November O for ... for November O for Oscar P for Papa Q for Quebec R for Romeo S for Sierra T for Tango U for Uniform V for Victor W for Whisky X for X-ray Y...

Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2012, 16:27

7 1K 5
Tài liệu Academic Writing A Handbook for International Students part 1 ppt

Tài liệu Academic Writing A Handbook for International Students part 1 ppt

... . concentrate on Martins (19 75) claimed that. . . Few scientists dispute/have disputed. . . 12 1 12 4 12 7 13 0 13 3 13 6 13 8 14 2 14 4 14 7 15 0 15 2 15 5 15 8 16 1 16 4 16 6 16 9 17 2 17 5 17 8 18 0 18 2 Part 4: WRITING ... Purpose and Register 1. 6 Selecting Key Points 1. 7 Note-making 1. 8 Paraphrasing 1. 9 Summary Writing 1. 10 Combining Sources Reading...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 18:15

10 815 4