... ',@ 12 =45 . 20 , @13=5,@ 14= N'S ',@15=N'M ',@16=N'M ',@17=1,@18= 129 ,@19=' 20 0 9 -09 -07 12 :07 :26 . 04 3 948 2& apos;,@ 20 = &apos ;00 000 000 -00 00- 000 0 -00 00- 000 000 000 000 ', @21 =' 20 0 9 -09 -07 ... uniqueidentifier, @21 datetime2(7)', @0= N'Inverted Kayaba',@1=N'IKAYA-R 20 9 ', @2= 1,@3=1,...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20
... Microsoft.Data .Entity. Ctp assemblies in your UI project (CodeOnlyUI) are located here: C:\Program Files(x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft \Framework\ .NetFramework\v4 .0\ Profile\Client The client profile ... Creating the Data Project In Visual Studio 20 1 0, create a new Class Library project. I called mine CodeOnlyData, as you can see in Figure 10- 1. The CodeOnlyData proje...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20
Pro Entity Framework 4.0 - Apress_7 pptx
... names would not gain anything. Figure 12 -4. EntityType and EntitySet properties We can also verify that the navigation properties were set properly as well, based on the previous pluralization ... PERFORMANCE TUNING AND EXCEPTION HANDLING 21 8 Figure 12- 10. Metadata artifact processing Changing this property to Copy to Output Directory as shown in Figure 12- 10 will do two...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20
Pro Entity Framework 4.0 - Apress_8 ppt
... shown in Figure 13 -2. In this dialog, select the Projects tab, select the EF40Data project, and click OK. C H A P T E R 13 ■ ■ ■ 22 9 Data Binding with the Entity Framework The last ... the EF40Entities data model from the EF40Data project. The second variable defines the ProductModel entity to which you add a record. Last is CHAPTER 13 ■ DATABINDING WITH THE ENTIT...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20
Pro Entity Framework 4 0 Depositfiles_2 ppt
... @1 where ([BusinessEntityID] = @2) ',N' @0 nvarchar(8),@1 datetime2(7), @2 int', @0= N'Mr.',@1=' 20 0 9 -09 -07 11 :41 :25 .1656711', @2= 228 One last item before you ... AdventureWorks 20 0 8Entities1): try { CHAPTER 5 ■ WORKING WITH ENTITIES 88 using (var context = new AdventureWorks 20 0 8Entities1()) { ProductModel prodModel = new...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 08:20
Pro Entity Framework 4 0 Depositfiles_3 pptx
... ',@ 12 =45 . 20 , @13=5,@ 14= N'S ',@15=N'M ',@16=N'M ',@17=1,@18= 129 ,@19=' 20 0 9 -09 -07 12 :07 :26 . 04 3 948 2& apos;,@ 20 = &apos ;00 000 000 -00 00- 000 0 -00 00- 000 000 000 000 ', @21 =' 20 0 9 -09 -07 ... uniqueidentifier, @21 datetime2(7)', @0= N'Inverted Kayaba',@1=N'IKAYA-R 20 9 ', @2= 1,@3=1,...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 08:20
Pro Entity Framework 4 0 Depositfiles_8 ppt
... EF40Data.EF40Entities context; EF40Data.ProductModel prodMods; bool isNew; The next step is to implement the isNew variable, which must be placed in the AddingNew event of the productModelBindingSource. ... (nameTextBox.Text.Length > 0) { productModelBindingSource.EndEdit(); prodMods = new EF40Data.ProductModel(); prodMods.Name = nameTextBox.Text; context.ProductModels....
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 08:20
Pro Entity Framework 4 0 Depositfiles_9 pptx
... binding with Entity Framework (EF), 22 9– 25 1 in windows forms, 22 9– 24 4 add function, 24 2 – 24 4 creating data sources, 23 2 23 6 creating new form, 22 9 23 2 creating project directory, 22 9 delete ... 24 4 form code, 23 6 23 8 grid control, 23 8– 24 2 save function, 24 4 WPF data binding, 24 5 25 1 adding code, 24 5 creating project, 24 5 displaying related det...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 08:20
Pro Entity Framework 4.0 - Apress_1 pdf
... a new AdventureWorks 20 0 8Entities object. /// </summary> public AdventureWorks 20 0 8Entities(EntityConnection connection) : base(connection, "AdventureWorks 20 0 8Entities") { ... 3- 14. Association properties CHAPTER 3 ■ THE ENTITY DATA MODEL INSIDE AND OUT 44 Figure 3- 12. Entity with complex type property Even though you have added a complex property...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20
Pro Entity Framework 4.0 - Apress_2 pot
... @1 where ([BusinessEntityID] = @2) ',N' @0 nvarchar(8),@1 datetime2(7), @2 int', @0= N'Mr.',@1=' 20 0 9 -09 -07 11 :41 :25 .1656711', @2= 228 One last item before you ... AdventureWorks 20 0 8Entities1): try { CHAPTER 5 ■ WORKING WITH ENTITIES 88 using (var context = new AdventureWorks 20 0 8Entities1()) { ProductModel prodModel = new...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20