... research, and participated in interpretation of the data and drafting the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. Additional material Acknowledgements We would like to acknowledge ... ML, Smykla R, Fager K, Wild R, Palme H, et al.: Identification and vali- dation of phospho-SRC, a novel and potential pharmacody- namic biomarker for dasatinib (SPRYCELtrade mark), a...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 15:20
... purposes) 36. Kaneto H, Kajimoto Y, Miyagawa J, Matsuoka T, Fujitani Y, Umayahara Y, Hanafusa T, Matsuzawa Y, Yamasaki Y, Hori M: Beneficial effects of antioxidants in diabetes: possible protection of pancreatic beta-cells ... data showed that A. paniculata and Andro had significant activity for diabetes. Alpha-lipoic acid (LA, 1, 2-dithiolane-3-pentanoic acid, Fig. 1), is one of the most po...
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báo cáo hóa học:" Circulating endothelial progenitor cells: a new approach to anti-aging medicine?" docx
... Hatada T, Wada H, Nobori T, Okabayashi K, Maruyama K, Abe Y, Uemoto S, Yamada S, Maruyama I: Plasma concentrations and importance of High Mobility Group Box protein in the prog- nosis of organ ... Diego, California, USA, 10 Georgetown Dermatology, Washington, DC, USA and 11 Aidan Products, Chandler, Arizona, USA Email: Nina A Mikirova - nmikirova@brightspot.org; James A Jackson - jja...
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Báo cáo hóa học: " Development and application of a biomarker assay for determining the pharmacodynamic activity of an antagonist candidate biotherapeutic antibody to IL21R in whole blood" pptx
... candidate biomarkers, and they participated in the data analyses. AAH developed the customized Spotfire tool used for data analyses and reviewed statistical analyses. YG participated in the assessment ... V, Konrad RJ: Optimization of analytical and pre-analytical variables associated with an ex vivo cytokine secretion assay. J Pharm Biomed Anal 2006, 41:189-195. 7. Parasrampuria DA, de Bo...
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Báo cáo hóa học: " Epigenetics of human cutaneous melanoma: setting the stage for new therapeutic strategies" pot
... patients with cutaneous melanoma. J Invest Dermatol 2006, 126:422-431. 131. Guan X, Sagara J, Yokoyama T, Koganehira Y, Oguchi M, Saida T, Taniguchi S: ASC/TMS1, a caspase-1 activating adaptor, ... Yamamoto A, Nakanishi Y, Nakagawa H, Ushijima T: Silencing of tissue factor pathway inhibitor-2 gene in malignant melanomas. Int J Cancer 2007, 121:301-307. 146. Furuta J, Kaneda A, Umebay...
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Báo cáo hóa học: " An exploratory investigation of the influence of publication on translational medicine research" pot
... the translational medicine pathway. Where is translational research published?: The general medical journals had the broadest spread of published research over the translational pathway. The ... journal to satisfy all the needs of the reader and the author along the translational medicine pathway. For an intervention to progress along the translational pathway background information ... pa...
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... intracellular signaling pathway, causing cell detachment and motility in metastatic melanoma cells and enhancing cell proliferation in primary melanomas carrying NRAS Q61L mutations. These paradoxical effects ... melanoma and melanocytic nevi. Melanoma Res 2006, 16:267-273. 4. Sala E, Mologni L, Truffa S, Gaetano C, Bollag G, Gambacorti-Passerini C: BRAF silencing by short hairpin RNA or chem...
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... CTL A4 2 was measured by IFN-g release. The MART-1/Melan -A- negative melanoma cell line Mel A3 75 and the MART-1/Melan -A- positive melanoma cell line Mel -93.0 4A1 2 were used as controls (Fig. 4A) . A4 2 CTL ... 3d mDC after transfer of ivtRNA (data not shown). Based on these observations, protein expression and stimulatory capacity were again compared in 3d and 7d mDC that were loaded...
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... pathway regulating secretion in throm- bin-stimulated human platelets linking Rac1 activation to actin dynamics: Calcineurin®Rac1 ®class-II PAKs activation®cofilin dephosphorylation and activation [13]. ... conditions are shown in Figure 4. After perfusion of hirudin-anticoagulated blood over plaque-coated sur- faces at 37°C with a wall shear rate of 1500 s -1 ,rapid platelet adhesion and a...
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báo cáo hóa học: "The psychometric validation of a US English satisfaction measure for patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia and lower urinary tract symptoms" potx
... individual symptoms provided additional useful information on patient satisfaction with BPH phar- macotherapy above and beyond what was already pro- vided by global satisfaction. A draft of the ... satisfied to very dissatisfied. The area addressing pain looks at 2 aspects of pain – pain prior to urination and pain during urination. The overall satisfaction item has the same response scal...
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