Advances in Sound Localization part 5 pot

Advances in Sound Localization part 5 pot

Advances in Sound Localization part 5 pot

... using a three level decomposition tree (green line- dolphin chirp, red line- dolphin whistle, blue line- motorbike, black line- ping sonar). Advances in Sound Localization 158 2. Main ... ±0 .5 . Distance (m) 10 50 100 150 300 50 0 0, 25 0,04 0,22 0,44 0, 65 1,31 2,18 0 ,5 0,09 0,44 0,87 1,31 2,62 4,36 1 0,17 0,87 1, 75 2,62 5, 24 8,73 2 ,5 0,44 2,18 4,36 6 ,...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 00:20

40 260 0
Advances in Sound Localization Part 2 potx

Advances in Sound Localization Part 2 potx

... processed using a 32-msec Hamming 42 Advances in Sound Localization Advances in Sound Localization 58 Similarly to localization judgments, distance judgments may have the form of discrimination ... training ( 45, 65, 90, 1 15 and 1 35 degrees). There were two speaker positions for the test ( 45 and 90 degrees), and the orientation of the speaker changed to 0, 45 and...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 00:20

40 437 0
Advances in Satellite Communications Part 5 potx

Advances in Satellite Communications Part 5 potx

... process of representing information in a more compact form by eliminating redundancies in the original data representation (Pu, 2006). Due to the presence of redundancies in the original representation, ... flow information before undergoing compression in order to increase compression ratio. Unfortunately, IPzip may not suit for real-time processing as it needs to carry out offli...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 19:20

15 388 0
Recent Advances in Vibrations Analysis Part 5 pot

Recent Advances in Vibrations Analysis Part 5 pot

... 3x3 7 28. 958 19 .57 8 17.008 15. 158 13.981 13.487 13.1 95 12.9 95 3x4 8 32. 859 22.2 15 19.299 17.197 15. 858 15. 297 14.9 65 14.739 4x3 9 43.873 29. 653 25. 754 22.937 21.142 20.393 19. 951 19. 652 4x4 ... 2.4 35 2.398 1x2 2 11.836 8.003 6. 953 6.193 5. 706 5. 502 5. 382 5. 301 2x1 3 11.836 8.003 6. 953 6.193 5. 706 5. 502 5. 382 5. 301 2x2 4 17.263 11.672 10.138 9.022...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 19:20

20 279 0
Advances in Sound Localization Part 1 pptx

Advances in Sound Localization Part 1 pptx

... Poland Contents VII Spatial Sounds in Multimedia Systems and Teleconferencing 3 15 Camera Pointing with Coordinate-Free Localization and Tracking 317 Evan Ettinger and Yoav Freund Sound Image Localization on ... locating prey or fl eeing from predators. Advances in Sound Localization is a collection of 30 contributions reporting up-to-date studies of diff erent aspects of s...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 00:20

40 388 0
Advances in Sound Localization Part 3 ppt

Advances in Sound Localization Part 3 ppt

... S · H L (5) X R = S · H R (6) 82 Advances in Sound Localization Advances in Sound Localization 104 ten Hoopen, G., Miyauchi, R., & Nakajima, Y. (2008). Time-based illusions in the auditory ... of the instable version, retaining all direction-dependent information. One method is to use outer-inner factorization, converting an unstable inverse into an anti-causal and...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 00:20

40 467 0
Advances in Sound Localization Part 4 docx

Advances in Sound Localization Part 4 docx

... angle in (5) is obtained using the inverse cosine function. Fig. 2 shows the inverse cosine graph as a function of d. Since the inverse cosine function is nonlinear, Δd (estimation error in d) ... difficulty in determining whether the sound is originating from in front of (sound source A) or behind (sound source B) the system. A simple and efficient method to overcome this pr...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 00:20

40 316 0
Advances in Sound Localization part 6 doc

Advances in Sound Localization part 6 doc

... Fields in Azimuth. J Neuroscience , 22, 4, 1 454 -1467 Tollin, D.J. & Yin, T.C.T. (2003). Spectral cues explain illusory elevation effects with stereo sounds in cats. J Neurophysiol 90, 52 5 -53 0 ... beam energy. Advances in Sound Localization 208 estimate the sound attenuation in the reactor in the case of absence of microparticles, or aerosol. Since the w...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 00:20

40 289 0
Advances in Sound Localization part 7 doc

Advances in Sound Localization part 7 doc

... head-tracking. In this instance, a virtual environment was created employing a joystick for controlling displacement. Elements of this 234 Advances in Sound Localization Advances in Sound Localization ... importance during the sound code design. A sound stream is usually a single sound source in a specific location; however, multiple sounds played in unison or clo...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 00:20

40 332 0
Advances in Sound Localization part 8 doc

Advances in Sound Localization part 8 doc

... Bilateral Hearing Aid Fittings 2 85 0 50 100 150 200 250 < 25 25- 35 35- 45 45- 55 55- 65 65- 75 75- 85 85- 95 95- 1 05 1 05- 1 15 >1 15 A verage loss (1,2,4 kHz) better ear (dB) number unilateral bilateral ... J.Am.Acad.Audiol. 11: 494 -50 0. Bodden M. (1997) Binaural hearing and hearing impairment: Relations, problems, and proposals for solutions. Seminar...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 00:20

40 353 0