Apress dot NET Test Automation Recipes 4 potx

Apress dot NET Test Automation Recipes_4 potx

Apress dot NET Test Automation Recipes_4 potx

... will affect ASP .NET developers. ASP .NET developers should be aware that VS2010 has two different versions of the development web server: one for .NET 2.0 and the other for .NET 4. 0 applications. ... Extender • New ASP .NET MVC 2 Web Application • Modified ASP .NET Web Site and a modified ASP .NET Web Application (like VS2008’s ASP .NET Web Site project but with new changes in...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 22:20

45 362 0
Apress dot NET Test Automation Recipes_1 ppt

Apress dot NET Test Automation Recipes_1 ppt

... main ways: BigInteger bigIntFromDouble = new BigInteger (45 645 645 645 42332); BigInteger assignedFromDouble = (BigInteger) 45 645 645 645 42332; BigInteger has a number of useful (and self-explanatory) ... annoying. CHAPTER 4  CLR AND BCL CHANGES 68 .NET 4. 0 however has a new version of the CLR! So you can happily install .NET 4. 0 without fear that it will affect you...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 22:20

45 381 0
Apress dot NET Test Automation Recipes_2 doc

Apress dot NET Test Automation Recipes_2 doc

... Version 3 of the WF runtime will be included with .NET 4. 0 runtime, so your WF3 should continue to run on the .NET 4. 0 framework. Interop Activity WF4 has a new activity called Interop (discussed ... Price = 2.34m }); Stocks.Add(new StockQuote { ID = 4, Company = "Google", Price = 1.54m }); Stocks.Add(new StockQuote { ID = 5, Company = "Altavista", Price =...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 22:20

45 248 0
Apress dot NET Test Automation Recipes_3 doc

Apress dot NET Test Automation Recipes_3 doc

... Different Types of Addresess Address Bindi ng http basicHttpBinding net. pipe netNamedPipeBinding net. msmq netMsmqBinding net. tcp netTcpBinding  TIP If you are using a configuration file or creating ... too easy to implement prior to WCF4 however it is very easy in WCF4 with the simple addition of the AspNetCache profile attribute to your methods: [AspNetCacheProfile("MyC...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 22:20

45 316 0
Apress dot NET Test Automation Recipes_5 doc

Apress dot NET Test Automation Recipes_5 doc

... appDomainResourceMonitoring setting to Aspnet.config (Aspnet.config is located where the .NET framework is installed: C:\Windows\Microsoft .NET\ Framework\v4.0.21006): <runtime> <appDomainResourceMonitoring ... of additions in VS2010/ASP .NET 4. 0. I will not be covering these but for interested readers please refer to: http://www.asp .net/ dynamicdata. Conclusion ASP .N...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 22:20

45 339 0
Apress dot NET Test Automation Recipes_6 docx

Apress dot NET Test Automation Recipes_6 docx

... ASP .NET MVC 322 ASP .NET MVC V2 At the time of writing, VS2010 includes a preview of ASP .NET MVC V2, the second generation of ASP .NET MVC. Microsoft says that the final release of ASP .NET ... an ASP .NET MVC application This facility is called routing and although it isn’t specific to ASP .NET MVC, it is an important concept.  TIP Routing is available in ASP .NET 4. 0...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 22:20

45 210 0
Apress dot NET Test Automation Recipes_7 doc

Apress dot NET Test Automation Recipes_7 doc

... test file from the following URL (remember to unzip it) and place it in the media directory you created in the solution: http://download.microsoft.com/download /4/ 1/b /41 b10a4f-f4f4 -46 92-aa 44- a458d0 047 e91/Robotica_720.exe ... 14- 7). CHAPTER 14  SILVERLIGHT INTRODUCTION 349 Calling a JavaScript Function from Silverlight Select the Chapter 14. HelloSilverlight.Web project...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 22:20

45 365 0
Apress dot NET Test Automation Recipes_8 docx

Apress dot NET Test Automation Recipes_8 docx

... CHAPTER 15  WPF 4. 0 AND SILVERLIGHT 3.0 40 8 Figure 15- 34. SharpCloud’s Silverlight application Figure 15-35. SharpCloud’s Silverlight application CHAPTER 15  WPF 4. 0 AND SILVERLIGHT ... Figure 15-27 shows the results of a Plane Projection transformation: CHAPTER 15  WPF 4. 0 AND SILVERLIGHT 3.0 40 0 Figure 15-30. Shadow pixel shader This effect was created with t...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 22:20

45 293 0
Apress dot NET Test Automation Recipes_9 pptx

Apress dot NET Test Automation Recipes_9 pptx

... Silverlight 3.0, 40 4 Grayscale setting, 383 green globes, 42 1 Grid control, 343 grid designer, WPF 4. 0, 370 Guid.TryParse( ) method, 83 GZip algorithm, 246 CHAPTER 16  WINDOWS AZURE 44 3 AzureDataServiceContext ... variable, 140 , 146 BookService class, 269 Booysen, Ray, 44 5 Bounciness property, 399 br snippet, 230 breadcrumb trail, 139 bridging protocols, 166 Britc...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 22:20

45 208 0
Apress dot NET Test Automation Recipes_10 pptx

Apress dot NET Test Automation Recipes_10 pptx

... configuration settings section, 42 5 42 7 production URLs, 42 8 staging, 42 7 disadvantages of, 44 7 44 8 Hello Azure, 41 5, 41 6 Microsoft .NET. Services, 44 3 pricing, 44 4 44 5 queues, 43 8 Representational ... accounts, 41 3 advantages of, 44 7 architecture, 41 3, 41 4 Azure API, 43 1 43 2 Azure Storage, 43 1 43 2 case studies, 44 5, 44 6 deployment analy...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 22:20

10 283 0
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