Natural Hazards Analysis - Chapter 5 potx

Natural Hazards Analysis - Chapter 5 potx

Natural Hazards Analysis - Chapter 5 potx

... nature and limitations To rnadoes 1 959 -present 1 959 -present 1 959 -present 1 959 -present 1 959 -present 1886–1996 1903-present 1970-present 2 150 B.C 1994 3000 B.C 1994 8000 B.C present *Meteorological ... might suffer adverse Miles Miles >= 750 ppm = ERPG–3 >= 150 ppm = ERPG–2 >= 25 ppm = ERPG–1 Confidence Lines 0. 75 0. 25 0 0. 25 0. 75 00 .5 1 .52 1 Figure 5. 3 (See...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 22:20

27 342 0
Natural Hazards Analysis - Chapter 8 potx

Natural Hazards Analysis - Chapter 8 potx

... is chapter takes a step back from hazards analysis as an activity undertaken to understand hazards and the risks they pose. It focuses on the larger hazards risk management (HRM) philoso- phy ... hazard modeling context in Chapter 3. Natural hazards: N Hazards that primarily consist of the forces of nature For example, hurricane, tornado, storm, flood, high water, wind-dr...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 22:20

28 525 0
Natural Hazards Analysis - Chapter 1 pptx

Natural Hazards Analysis - Chapter 1 pptx

... Modeling Natural Environmental Hazards 51 Objectives 51 Key Terms 51 Issue 52 Introduction 52 e Role of Hazard Modeling in Hazards Analysis 52 Linking GIS and Environmental Models 55 Nature ... Environmental Models 55 Nature and Types of Models 57 Dynamic 57 Combination 57 Deterministic 58 Probabilistic 58 Hazard Models 59 HAZUS-MH Model 59 HAZUS-MH...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 22:20

43 277 0
Natural Hazards Analysis - Chapter 2 pot

Natural Hazards Analysis - Chapter 2 pot

... the hazards analysis process. 4. Explain what mapping community assets and hazards contributes to haz- ard identification. 5. Explain the problem-solving process and its role in hazards analysis. Key ... which a hazards analysis is based (1998). e U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA 1987) stresses the importance of hazards identification within the hazards an...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 22:20

22 399 0
Natural Hazards Analysis - Chapter 3 pptx

Natural Hazards Analysis - Chapter 3 pptx

... HAZUS-MH. USGS DEM 5- Meter Resolution USGS DEM 30-Meter Resolution Figure 3.1 DEM files at 30-meter and 6-meter resolutions. © 2009 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC 76  Natural Hazards Analysis: ... changes in a grid cell. e high-resolution 5- meter-grid DEM may show changes in land contours that are not seen in a 30-meter resolution DEM. Although this 5- meter DEM is based on...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 22:20

35 407 0
Natural Hazards Analysis - Chapter 4 doc

Natural Hazards Analysis - Chapter 4 doc

... Classes) 64–1212 >1212–2 359 >2 359 – 350 7 > 350 7–4 655 >4 655 58 02 > ;58 02–6 950 64–736 1041–4043 >4043–4368 >4368–4814 >4814–6168 6 950 64–612 >612–14 75 >14 75 2476 >2476–3169 >3169–4031 >4031–6 950 –2––1 ... Parishes - Amite River Study Case: 50 0-Ye ar Flood using HEC-RAS Legend 50 0-Ye ar Flood Value 300-meter DEM Value (c) 1997–2003...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 22:20

20 323 0
Natural Hazards Analysis - Chapter 6 pptx

Natural Hazards Analysis - Chapter 6 pptx

... Lines 0. 75 0. 25 0 0. 25 0. 75 00 .5 1 .52 1 Figure 5. 3 Hazard risk zones representing alternative exposure limits. © 2009 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC 150  Natural Hazards Analysis: Reducing ... 60 50 40 30 20 04 05 06 07 08 09 Figure 5. 6 USGS hydrograph for a water feature. Miles Miles >= 750 ppm = ERPG–3 >= 150 ppm = ERPG–2 >= 25 ppm = ERPG–1 Confide...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 22:20

32 381 0
Natural Hazards Analysis - Chapter 7 pot

Natural Hazards Analysis - Chapter 7 pot

... processing busi- nesses, and education. e LEPC provides a natural means of engaging stakehold- ers in the hazards analysis process for not only human-caused disasters but also for natural hazards. Barnes ... as a hazards analysis. A citizen who wants to file a claim against a public agency or employee (includ- ing volunteers) files a tort claim against the jurisdiction sponsoring...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 22:20

33 424 0
Natural Hazards Analysis - Chapter 9 docx

Natural Hazards Analysis - Chapter 9 docx

... 223 Introduction is chapter will discuss the nexus between hazards analysis and planning, empha- sizing disaster resilience and how it fits within the broader concepts of hazards risk management ...  Natural Hazards Analysis: Reducing the Impact of Disasters Kasperson, R. (1986). Six propositions on public participation and their relevance for risk communication. Risk Analysi...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 22:20

27 381 0
Natural Hazards Analysis - Chapter 10 (end) ppt

Natural Hazards Analysis - Chapter 10 (end) ppt

... 2003). Credit Points CRS Class Premium Reduction (SFHA) 4 ,50 0+ 4000–4499 350 0–3999 3000–3499 250 0–2999 2000–2499 150 0–1999 1000–1499 50 0–999 0–499 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0 Figure 10.1 Community ... throughout this chapter, we pro- pose a new hazards risk management framework that emphasizes the adoption of an all -hazards “CRS” progr...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 22:20

19 399 0