Oreilly Photoshop CS5 The Missing Manual 5 pot

Oreilly Photoshop CS5 The Missing Manual_4 pot

Oreilly Photoshop CS5 The Missing Manual_4 pot

... watching the numbers in the Info panel, drag the highlights slider (Figure 9- 15, page 3 95) to the left until it reaches 2 45, or just type 2 45 into the slider’s text field. Repeat this step for the ... colors between the darkest and lightest pixels—on a scale of 0 to 255 . Pure black (0) is on the far left and pure white ( 255 ) is on the far right. All told, the h...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20

78 205 0
Oreilly Photoshop CS5 The Missing Manual_5 pot

Oreilly Photoshop CS5 The Missing Manual_5 pot

... (see the box on page 7 25 to learn about hex numbers). Or just use the scroll bar to see what’s there. The pop-up menus at the top of the panel let you sort themes by their rat- ings, when they ... in Photoshop, you’ve got plenty of other options, including the Color Picker, the Eye- dropper tool, and the Color and Swatches panels. They’re all discussed here. Note: In Pho...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20

78 239 0
photoshop cs5 the missing manual

photoshop cs5 the missing manual

... (x86)➝Adobe Photoshop CS5, respectively). Simply quit one program and then launch the other. On a Mac, open your Applications folder and then locate the Adobe Photoshop CS5 folder. Open the folder ... corporate @oreilly. com. May 2010: First Edition. The Missing Manual is a registered trademark of O’Reilly Media, Inc. The Missing Manual logo, and The book that shou...

Ngày tải lên: 05/05/2014, 12:01

816 752 0
Oreilly Photoshop CS5 The Missing Manual_1 ppt

Oreilly Photoshop CS5 The Missing Manual_1 ppt

... part of the light that hits the paper. The paper, in turn, bounces the light back at you; the whiter the paper, the truer the colors will look when they’re printed. 158 P CS: T M ... field. Otherwise, Photoshop won’t do any feathering. (See the box on page 1 45 for more on feathering.) • Anti-alias. If you leave this setting turned on, Photoshop s...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20

78 245 0
Oreilly Photoshop CS5 The Missing Manual_2 ppt

Oreilly Photoshop CS5 The Missing Manual_2 ppt

... hard drive and opening them from there. When the thumbnails appear in the filmstrip on the left side of the Camera Raw window, click the Select All button and then use the Crop tool as described ... at the bottom of the dialog box are turned on, and then choose Bicubic Smoother from the method pop-up menu. Then, in the dialog box’s Document Size section, change either...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20

78 214 0
Oreilly Photoshop CS5 The Missing Manual_3 docx

Oreilly Photoshop CS5 The Missing Manual_3 docx

... this mode, Photoshop analyzes the sum of the RGB values in the blend color and adds them to the base color. For example, if the value of the red, green, or blue channel is 255 , Photoshop adds ... of the following modes: • Lighten. In this mode, the lightest pixels win the war of colors. Photoshop com- pares all the colors and keeps the lightest ones from the b...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20

78 342 0
Oreilly Photoshop CS5 The Missing Manual_6 doc

Oreilly Photoshop CS5 The Missing Manual_6 doc

... works like the Refine Edge dialog box’s Feather slider; see page 170). The higher the number, the softer the edge. Leave the Anti-alias checkbox turned on to make Photoshop smooth the fill’s ... in Photoshop. To draw a straight line, just grab the Line tool (it’s one of the shape tools—see page 55 4) and drag from one spot to another. Or, as you learned in the pre...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20

78 272 0
Oreilly Photoshop CS5 The Missing Manual_7 ppt

Oreilly Photoshop CS5 The Missing Manual_7 ppt

... (masked) to the Type layer directly below. You should now see the photo peeking through the text. 5. Add a new Fill layer at the bottom of the layer stack. Rather than stare into the checkerboard ... loading the text as a selection before adding the layer mask, the mask takes on the shape of the letters, giving you a safe place to run the filter (otherwise, you’d h...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20

78 227 0
Oreilly Photoshop CS5 The Missing Manual_8 pdf

Oreilly Photoshop CS5 The Missing Manual_8 pdf

... into the same folder in Photoshop CS5, as shown in Figure 16-22, top. 2. Copy the entire Layouts folder from Adobe Photoshop CS3➝Presets into Photoshop CS5 s Presets folder. Photoshop stores the ... from the Matte pop-up menu. Grab the Eyedropper tool at the far left of the dialog box—not the one in the Tools panel—and then click a color in the image; the col...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20

78 207 0
oreilly access 2013, the missing manual

oreilly access 2013, the missing manual

... your number in the table. However, you can still choose how it’s presented in the datasheet. For example, 50 , 50 .00, 5E1, $50 .00, and 50 00% are all the same number behind the scenes, but ... immediately to the left of the field you want to move, and release the mouse button. This selects the field. Then, click the gray square, and drag the field to the new posi...

Ngày tải lên: 07/04/2014, 15:11

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