A Guide to Molecular Mechanics and Quantum Chemical Calculations

A guide to learning Hiragana and Katakana

A guide to learning Hiragana and Katakana

Ngày tải lên: 08/11/2012, 15:18

119 1,1K 11
Tài liệu AIR UALITY INDEX: A Guide to Air Quality and Your Health docx

Tài liệu AIR UALITY INDEX: A Guide to Air Quality and Your Health docx

... Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and your local air quality agency have been working to make information about outdoor air quality as easy to find and understand as weather forecasts. A key tool ... that will alert you via e-mail when air quality is forecast to be a concern in your area. Example of a national AQI map available on the AIRNow Web site. AQI in the me...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 22:20

12 518 0
Tài liệu Essential Skills for the Agile Developer: A Guide to Better Programming and Design pptx

Tài liệu Essential Skills for the Agile Developer: A Guide to Better Programming and Design pptx

... skills, both in traditional classrooms and via dis- tance learning. Scott teaches courses and consults on agile analysis and design patterns, advanced software design, and sustainable Test-Driven ... endlessly to our understanding of what good software is and how to make it. It has been said that the good teacher always learns from the student, and we have found this to...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 15:20

262 1,5K 1
Overcoming Secondary Stress in Medical and Nursing Practice: A Guide to Professional Resilience and Personal Well-Being docx

Overcoming Secondary Stress in Medical and Nursing Practice: A Guide to Professional Resilience and Personal Well-Being docx

... research, scholarship, and education. Oxford New York Auckland Cape Town Dar es Salaam Hong Kong Karachi Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Nairobi New Delhi Shanghai Taipei Toronto With ... offi ces in Argentina Austria Brazil Chile Czech Republic France Greece Guatemala Hungary Italy Japan Poland Portugal Singapore South Korea Switzerland Thailand Turkey Ukraine Vietnam Copyright .....

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 13:20

214 549 0
A Guide to Clinical Management and Public Health Response for Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease (HFMD) doc

A Guide to Clinical Management and Public Health Response for Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease (HFMD) doc

... Limitations Establishing and strengthening surveillance Essentialforrisk assessments Lackofstandardizedsurveillance systemsforHFMD To providetimelydata and informationforriskassessment Requiresbetterunderstandingof theclinicalspectrumofdisease forsurveillancepriority Limitedexistingcapacityfor clinicaldetection and laboratory diagnosis and standardassays,...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 09:20

71 776 0


... to rebalance? There are two methods of rebalancing: calendar and conditional. Calendar rebalancing means that once a quarter or once a year you will reduce the investments that have gone up and will ... America offers several financial publications, including 66 Ways to Save Money and runs the America Saves campaign to encourage savings among low -to- moderate income househol...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 18:20

32 466 0
raffauf - plant alkaloids - a guide to their discovery and distribution [dp] (fpf, 1996)

raffauf - plant alkaloids - a guide to their discovery and distribution [dp] (fpf, 1996)

... lIIacrocephallllll. Nega ti ve were Anapalilla nervosa: Aris/ea aji'jeana, A. bakeri, A. schizo/aena, A. 5piralis, A. thyrsijlora, Babi{l/wjalcata, B. pa/u~ la, Bobarlia illdica, B. macrospatha, ... /1Iar ginata, A. sch!echteriana, A. velul;,w, AI/amanda spp. (3), Alstonia macrophyl /a, A/ stonia spp. (2), A/ yxia aCI//i/olia, A, aff/llis, A. amOelltl, A. miakel...

Ngày tải lên: 03/04/2014, 12:11

147 382 0
voice and vision a guide to writing history and other serious nonfiction

voice and vision a guide to writing history and other serious nonfiction

... called art. That’s what makes narrative out of facts, drama out of data, and history out of dates and artifacts. 28 Arts sketch the terrain of a battlefield, or otherwise plunge read- ers into ... the manuscript got a good home, Joyce that it said what it needed to (and avoided saying what it didn’t), and Maria that voice ac tually met vision on the page and that I would be...

Ngày tải lên: 09/05/2014, 13:09

327 1,5K 0