probiotic bacteria in fermented foods product characteristics and starter organisms



... 67 - CHARACTERISTICS AND DISTRIBUTIONS OF NITROUS OXIDE-PRODUCING DENITRI- FYING FUNGI IN NATURAL ENVIRONMENTS K. Oishi and T. Kusuda Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, ... cultures of fungi. However, the characteristics and distributions of denitrifying fungi in natural environments are unknown. In this study, tea soils,...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 08:40

6 477 0
Occurrence of Tetracycline-Resistant and Tetracycline- Degrading Bacteria in Wastewater Treatment Plant Effluent and Environmental Water Systems

Occurrence of Tetracycline-Resistant and Tetracycline- Degrading Bacteria in Wastewater Treatment Plant Effluent and Environmental Water Systems

... Occurrence of Tetracycline-Resistant and Tetracycline- Degrading Bacteria in Wastewater Treatment Plant Effluent and Environmental Water Systems Takahiro OOISHI*, Koji TOSA** *Program in Bioscience ... tetracycline -degrading bacteria in Tedori River and wastewater treatment plant effluent but not sufficient in Unoke River and ra...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 10:15

7 546 0
Theoretical modeling of combustion characteristics and performance parameters of biodiesel in DI diesel engine with variable compression ratio

Theoretical modeling of combustion characteristics and performance parameters of biodiesel in DI diesel engine with variable compression ratio

... Foundation. All rights reserved. Theoretical modeling of combustion characteristics and performance parameters of biodiesel in DI diesel engine with variable compression ratio Mohamed F. Al-Dawody, ... characteristics of a single cylinder, four stroke, direct injection diesel engine with variable compression ratio. The engine operates...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 16:11

12 666 2
Alternative Processing Technologies for the Control of Spoilage Bacteria in Fruit Juices and Beverages

Alternative Processing Technologies for the Control of Spoilage Bacteria in Fruit Juices and Beverages

... contami- nation of fruit and fruit juice involves care at all stages of production, including preharvest practices of planting, growing of fruit, harvesting, post- harvest handling, washing, and cooling and ... nonthermal processing is cur- rently used in various parts of the world in the manufacture of a number of products, including fruit juices, fruit...

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Tài liệu Socio-demographic characteristics and sexual health related attitudes and practices of men having sex with men in central and southern Malawi doc

Tài liệu Socio-demographic characteristics and sexual health related attitudes and practices of men having sex with men in central and southern Malawi doc

... characteristics and sexual health related attitudes and practices of men having sex with men in central and southern Malawi P.R.T. NTATA 1 , A.S. MUULA 2* and S. SIZIYA 3 1 Department of Sociology, ... sexual orientation, men, attitudes, practices, HIV, prevention, Malawi Tanzania Journal of Health Research Volume 10, No. 3, July 2008128 T...

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 21:20

7 449 0
Báo cáo " Study on the characteristics and catalytic properties of Pt/SBA-15 in the selective oxidation of D-Glucose " potx

Báo cáo " Study on the characteristics and catalytic properties of Pt/SBA-15 in the selective oxidation of D-Glucose " potx

... image of the products of D-glucose oxidation on PS-1 catalyst On the other hand, the reaction on Pt/SBA- 15 catalysts with pH control not only showed a high conversion, but also high D-gluconic ... From the results above, we found that both HNO 3 and Pt/SBA-15 present a good conversion in the oxidation reaction of glucose. The conversion of the reac...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 11:21

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VITAMINS IN FOODS Analysis, Bioavailability, and Stability potx

VITAMINS IN FOODS Analysis, Bioavailability, and Stability potx

... ham. Vitamins in Foods: Analysis, Bioavailability, and Stability 5 food preparation, including (i) preliminary trimming, washing, soaking, slicing, or chopping; (ii) the cooking process; (iii) holding ... treatments (e.g., blanching, washing, peeling, trimming, and grinding). The actual freezing step does not destroy vitamins. Using proper packaging and pro- cessing conditio...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 00:20

814 465 2
The fate of stormwater-associated bacteria in constructed wetland and water pollution control pond systems potx

The fate of stormwater-associated bacteria in constructed wetland and water pollution control pond systems potx

... Park wetland and (b) Woodcroft water pollution control pond systems indicating water and sediment sampling sites. PI1 main wetland inlet, PI2 secondary wetland inlet, PO wetland outlet, WI pond inlet, ... in the wetland and pond sediments in the absence of predators, it appears that pre- dation was the determining factor. In the presence of pr...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 23:20

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What is known about the effectiveness of economic instruments to reduce consumption of foods high in saturated fats and other energy-dense foods for preventing and treating obesity? docx

What is known about the effectiveness of economic instruments to reduce consumption of foods high in saturated fats and other energy-dense foods for preventing and treating obesity? docx

... studies in What is known about the effectiveness of economic instruments to reduce consumption of foods high in saturated fats and other energy-dense foods for preventing and treating obesity? ... Office for Europe. What is known about the effectiveness of economic instruments to reduce consumption of foods...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 08:20

25 552 0
influence of dopant in the synthesis, characteristics and ammonia sensing behavior

influence of dopant in the synthesis, characteristics and ammonia sensing behavior

... investigation on the comparative study of the extent of intermolecular force, chain association and morphology of the single and co-doped PANI and the direct effects on their con- ductivity and ... 1.4 3771P.P. Sengupta et al. / Thin Solid Films 517 (2009) 3770–3775 In uence of dopant in the synthesis, characteristics and ammonia sensing behavior of...

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Báo cáo " URBAN AIR POLLUTION IN CHINA: Current Status, Characteristics, and Progress " pdf

Báo cáo " URBAN AIR POLLUTION IN CHINA: Current Status, Characteristics, and Progress " pdf

... reserved URBAN AIR POLLUTION IN CHINA: Current Status, Characteristics, and Progress Kebin He, Hong Huo, and Qiang Zhang Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing ... 5). China’s growing energy consumption, reliance on coal, and rapidly increasing vehicle population place a heavy burden on urban atmosphere in China, and...

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 01:21

41 532 0
probiotic bacteria in fermented foods product characteristics and starter organisms

probiotic bacteria in fermented foods product characteristics and starter organisms

... traditional fermented foods containing living micro- organisms, and whether this value is maintained during manufac- turing and is provided during the entire shelf life of the product. In this article, ... living microorganisms (bacteria) ; and 3) probiotics used as starter organisms combine the positive images of fer- mentation and probiotic cultures. When probiotics ar...

Ngày tải lên: 12/06/2014, 11:18

6 325 0
Báo cáo y học: "Anti-inflammatory potential of a malleable matrix composed of fermented whey proteins and lactic acid bacteria in an atopic dermatitis model" pot

Báo cáo y học: "Anti-inflammatory potential of a malleable matrix composed of fermented whey proteins and lactic acid bacteria in an atopic dermatitis model" pot

... its anti- inflammatory activity. Preliminary in vitro results have already indicated that MPM could exert such an anti-inflammatory activity. Methods: The systemic anti-inflammatory activity of ... Central Page 1 of 10 (page number not for citation purposes) Journal of Inflammation Open Access Research Anti-inflammatory potential of a malleable matrix composed of ferm...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 08:21

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Báo cáo y học: "Conduct disorder in girls: neighborhoods, family characteristics, and parenting behaviors" pdf

Báo cáo y học: "Conduct disorder in girls: neighborhoods, family characteristics, and parenting behaviors" pdf

... numerous studies indicate that neighborhood quality, family characteristics, and parenting behaviors are all important social context domains in the develop- ment of CD in boys, delinquency in girls, ... evaluations to include assessment of parental psychopathology and parenting behaviors, particularly the level of family activ- ities and the types and frequency of neg...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 18:21

11 208 0