indiana university press juan bautista plaza and musical nationalism in venezuela jul 2007

indiana university press juan bautista plaza and musical nationalism in venezuela jul 2007

indiana university press juan bautista plaza and musical nationalism in venezuela jul 2007

... are mine, unless otherwise indicated. In notes, the abbre- viation AJBP stands for Archivo Juan Bautista Plaza (Juan Bautista Plaza Archive), located in Caracas, Venezuela. Much of the information ... identi- fied in handwriting on the scrapbook page or in the margin of the clipping. Investigation revealed that some of those handwritten identifications are incorrect (the on...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 12:54

340 225 0
indiana university press transcendence in philosophy and religion jun 2003

indiana university press transcendence in philosophy and religion jun 2003

... motivating fascination in order to gain insight into the formal structure of meaning. The philosopher’s motivation lies in thinking, not in a differentiated meaning. Thinking and determining transcendence is ... Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1976. ———— . The Principle of Reason. Trans. Reginald Lilly. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1991. ———— . The Question...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 12:43

162 315 0
utah state university press out of style reanimating stylistic study in composition and rhetoric jan 2008

utah state university press out of style reanimating stylistic study in composition and rhetoric jan 2008

... exist for linking something with what has gone before. Since this linking is achieved through relations in meaning . . . what is in question is the set of meaning relations which function in this ... the influence of language theories on composition had occurred in the intervening years, and part of that shift involved the vastly diminishing influence of pure linguistics on the...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 12:44

197 359 0
georgetown university press populations public health and the law jun 2009

georgetown university press populations public health and the law jun 2009

... population and the individuals within it are determined by conditions affecting the population and in uenced by collective action became more broadly accepted and delineated in the nineteenth ... gains made in the nineteenth century against infectious disease, for example, occurred before antibiotics and effective medical treatments against infection were developed. The declines...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 12:44

305 286 0
university press of kentucky football and philosophy going deep jul 2008

university press of kentucky football and philosophy going deep jul 2008

... is in energy, in the strong will, in the settled purpose, and in the invincible determination, the new leadership is in sacrifice, it is in self-denial, it is in love and loyalty, it is in ... sharpens predatory instincts. Single-minded striving hones our instincts for domination and conquest while dulling our yearning for cooperation and community. We risk iso- la...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 12:49

238 361 0
yale university press shadows of reality the fourth dimension in relativity cubism and modern thought mar 2006

yale university press shadows of reality the fourth dimension in relativity cubism and modern thought mar 2006

... hours in meetings with me, teaching, dis- cussing, and debating. They read and commented on tentative early drafts and, later, more detailed ones. They e-mailed explanations and drawings, and even ... Beckman Institute; and the University of Minnesota at Minneapolis, the Institute for Mathematics and Its Applications. These meetings and site visits were most helpful. For th...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 12:53

152 417 0
columbia university press bodily citations religion and judith butler jun 2006

columbia university press bodily citations religion and judith butler jun 2006

... faculty ( indriya) disap- pear and may a male sex faculty (indriya) appear.” 16 The sex faculty (indriya) is the faculty or power that “determines masculine and feminine primary and secondary ... equate homosexuality in men with effeminacy and in women with masculinity (though things were rather different in the ancient world). 5 Butler turns this linear understanding of the...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 12:53

336 210 0
the johns hopkins university press cockroaches ecology behavior and natural history jun 2007

the johns hopkins university press cockroaches ecology behavior and natural history jun 2007

... to examine the phenomenon in cockroaches, and divided cockroach genera into one of three wing categories: (1) tegmina and hindwings developed in both sexes; (2) wings short or absent in females ... variation in wing reduction in both sexes (e.g., Hebardina concinna). Neostylopyga picea, which has short tegminal pads and lacks wings, also is present on the islands and probabl...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 13:34

247 276 0