familicidal hearts the emotional styles of 211 killers feb 2010

familicidal hearts the emotional styles of 211 killers feb 2010

familicidal hearts the emotional styles of 211 killers feb 2010

... more peaceful. However, with the rise of the cult of the self, the lessening of community ties, the increasing insularity of the nuclear family, and the weakening of the collective conscience, ... “narcissistic injury conducive to the rapid loss FAMILICIDAL HEARTS The Emotional Styles of 211 Killers Neil Websdale 2010 1 Situating Familicide...
Ngày tải lên : 11/06/2014, 01:03
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managing the margins gender citizenship and the international regulation of precarious employment feb 2010

managing the margins gender citizenship and the international regulation of precarious employment feb 2010

... 67 The Resilience of the Baseline 70 3. The Partial Eclipse of the SER and the Dynamics of SER-Centrism in International Labour Regulations 73 A Portrait of the SER in Australia, Canada, the ... Clarke (2000: 137), ‘on the one hand, training and the development of skills and the continued well being of the worker for the labour process and, on the other h...
Ngày tải lên : 11/06/2014, 01:56
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the emotional construction of morals jan 2008

the emotional construction of morals jan 2008

... feel a pang of disgust when they hear either the word ‘‘take’’ or the word ‘‘often.’’ They are then asked to evaluate morally the protagonist of various stories containing one of these two words. ... vicarious anger on the part of crime victims. The very idea of stealing makes them feel mad because they imagine the anger of others. There is evidence that children begin...
Ngày tải lên : 11/06/2014, 02:11
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descartes and the puzzle of sensory representation feb 2010

descartes and the puzzle of sensory representation feb 2010

... introduces ideas of privations to contrast them with the idea of God and as a way of setting up the proof for the existence of God in Meditation Three. I disagree with this way of reading the passage ... unsupported and theoretically unsound. Descartes always discusses ideas of secondary qualities in the context of his discussion of ideas of material things and th...
Ngày tải lên : 10/06/2014, 21:37
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An investigation into english learning styles of the 11th grade students and some suggested activities = nghiên cứu phong cách học tiếng anh của học sinh lớp 11 và một vài hoạt động gợi ý

An investigation into english learning styles of the 11th grade students and some suggested activities = nghiên cứu phong cách học tiếng anh của học sinh lớp 11 và một vài hoạt động gợi ý

... Scope of the Study In the limitation of a thesis, the author only wishes to help focus on learning styles and the importance of learning styles, some suggestions for students to help them to ... occurs in the scope of students in class level, the survey will partly point out the facts about the application of learning styles in learning English and the differ...