not a suicide pact the constitution in a time of national emergency sep 2006
... taken and so we cannot be certain that it will actually increase safety. Most safety measures are aimed at reducing risks rather than eliminating cer- tainties, but that doesn’t make the measures ... is a certain harm on one side of not a suicide pact [ 24 ] federal judges labor, and so by default find themselves making deci- sions in much the same way that other Americans d...
Ngày tải lên: 10/06/2014, 23:24
... there is a presentation of the language skills, the nature of speaking skills, the characteristics, the role of speaking in language teaching and learning, the approaches to teaching speaking ... who know a language are referred to as “ speakers” of that language as if speaking included all other kinds of knowing. Too many language learners “mastering the art of...
Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2013, 13:06
... 139 ItiscommonlystatedthattheCourthasbecome‘avictimofitsownsuccess’. IntherunuptoProtocol14,numbers(ofapplications,decisions,pendingcases, judgments)wereconstantlydebated.TheimageofModernTimeswhereCharlie Chaplin’shandscontinuemechanicallytotwistinthegesturewhichtheyhave repeatedlyperformedintheprevioushourscametomymindasIwastoldofthe 800letterswhicharriveddailyatStrasbourg.Howwerealltheselet...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 10:20
The Convention in a feminist light
... Switzerland, 164 the applicant was a teacher in an infant school in Geneva. When she was in her mid-twenties and already teaching, she converted to Islam and married an Algerian national. Mrs Dahlab continued ... at Aydin, one case which puts the final nail in the coffin of the reception by the Court of a radical feminist agenda is surely Stubbings and Others v. Uni...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 10:20
The Convention in a particularist light
... relativism WehavealreadyseenthatHandysidev.UnitedKingdom,decidedon4November 1976, 23 wasthefirstcasewherethedoctrineofthemarginofappreciationwas usedbytheCourt.Theappearanceofthedoctrineintherulingwaslinkedtothe observationthatthereisnouniformconceptofmoralsinEurope.Considering thattheabsenceofauniversalmoralityispreciselythepremiseonwhichcultural relativismisbased,Handysidecanbeexpectedtobeh...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 10:20
The Convention in a realist light
... been played in international statal organizations by diplomats and bureaucrats, and their appointees, in the setting and ethos of traditional international relations. 83 Allott does not mince his ... Rights? theextentthattheyhavebeenenshrinedinpositivelaw.Hewouldnodoubthave thoughtthatwedeludeourselvesifwebelievetherightsoftheConventiontobe theexpressionofnatural,self-evidentrights....
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 10:20
The Convention in a utilitarian light
... necessary or appropriate to treat homosexual practices of the kind now in question as in themselves a matter to which the sanctions of the criminal law should apply Itcannot be maintained that there ... striking a fair balance between the interest of publicity of court proceedings, on the one hand, and the interests of a party or a third person in maintaini...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 10:20
... fog, a pilot must use radar, an alternative way of navigating. Since human eyes are not very good at determining speeds of approaching objects, radar can show a pilot 5 how fast nearby planes are ... sea, and for tracking weather systems and storms.” This passage is about the nature of radar. The radar can detect speed besides location of objects. Radar use radio as t...
Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 23:53
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: An intermediate step in the evolution of ATPases – a hybrid F0–V0 rotor in a bacterial Na+ F1F0 ATP synthase pdf
... (glutamate or aspartate) in transmembrane helix four as part of the ion-binding site. Therefore, the c ring of A. woodii has only 10 membrane-buried negative charges that are essential for binding ... binding the ion and also for the rotational mechanism of the ring. The c ring of I. tartaricus has 11 negative charges that are equally distributed along the horizontal...
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 17:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Exosites mediate the anti-inflammatory effects of a multifunctional serpin from the saliva of the tick Ixodes ricinus potx
... IL-1b). All animals were maintained and handled according to local and national ethical guidelines. Statistical analysis Data are represented as means ± SD. The significance of the results was assessed ... counter (LKB, Wallac, Finland). All animals were maintained and handled according to local and national ethical guidelines. Animal model of septic shock Two groups, each containi...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 01:20