diotimas children german aesthetic rationalism from leibniz to lessing jan 2010

diotimas children german aesthetic rationalism from leibniz to lessing jan 2010

diotimas children german aesthetic rationalism from leibniz to lessing jan 2010

... Clash with Hamann 233 leibniz and the roots of aesthetic rationalism 39 together. It is the very essence of the senses to confuse things, Leibniz holds, i.e., to perceive together and at once ... aesthetic experience. On the one hand, it means that, however ²⁴ Leibniz to Foucher, 1676,GI,373. ²⁵ Leibniz to de Volder, 1704 –5, G II, 276; and to Arnauld, October 9, 1687,...

Ngày tải lên: 10/06/2014, 21:59

306 375 0
the logic of language language from within volume ii jan 2010

the logic of language language from within volume ii jan 2010

... ¬Q, which causes the entailment from P to Q, the contradictory of ¬Q. This triangle is arguably ‘natural’ in the sense that it may be taken to reflect natural, as opposed to constructed, set-theoretic ... she decided to drive to the factory, hoping that she would find the answer there. is, of course, grammatically complex. Yet it is considered logically atomic, as it contains no pro...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 06:13

445 569 0
The Uncanny Body: From Medical to Aesthetic Abnormality pptx

The Uncanny Body: From Medical to Aesthetic Abnormality pptx

... image. e man in the photograph is a Mexican actor who plays shamans in Spanish conquistador films. In order to convince the man to pose for him, Witkin had to go all the way to Mexico City. After ... normally to Marx from Hegel, just as it came normally to Hegel through Berkeley and Hume” (p. 3). e allusion to philosophy was not made in jest; it indicated an intellectua...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 18:20

22 478 0
Guattari’s Aesthetic Paradigm: From the Folding of the Finite/Infinite Relation to Schizoanalytic Metamodelisation docx

Guattari’s Aesthetic Paradigm: From the Folding of the Finite/Infinite Relation to Schizoanalytic Metamodelisation docx

... relation – by looking to Deleuze’s erstwhile collaborator, Félix Guattari, and to two essays, ‘The New Aesthetic Paradigm’ and ‘Schizoanalytic Metamodelisation’, from his major ontological statement: ... attempts to get to grips with this ontological argument behind the politics, while attending more explicitly to the therapeutic or analytic implications of the ontology, and in...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 11:20

31 541 0


... the modernizing imperial family of man. I attend to narrative structure, and to the kind of stories that get told and retold about the Irish, so as to reveal both the regularity of English colonial ... economically and politically. The movement from subjection to citizenship, from dominance to hegemony, from the brute violence of seventeenth-cen- tury coercion to the willing...

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 10:39

240 1,2K 5


... (Beecher 1885, 113) There is much more to the story. Any full history, from the years after Darwin down to the present, would need to extend the story from Protes- tants to Catholics, although in fact ... professors and 1,500 students from 1989 to 1993. He also served as the director of the Texas A&M University Polymer Technology Center from 1986 to 1990 and from 199...

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 10:46

423 599 0


... important as it is to watch your competitors, it is more im- portant to obsess on your customers. Customers, not competitors, determine who wins the war. Most markets are plagued by too many fishermen ... after too few fish. The best fishermen understand the fish better than their competitors do. 24 Marketing Insights from A to Z Marketing Insights from A to Z 80 Concepts Every Manage...

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 17:33

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