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Nutrition knowledge, grunert et al 2010, in appetite

Nutrition knowledge, grunert et al 2010, in appetite

... status. Public Health Nutrition, 5, 671–681. Malam, S ., Clegg, S ., Kirwan, S ., & McGinigal, S ., in association with Raats, M ., Barnett, J ., Senior, V ., Hodgkins, C ., & Dean, M. (2009). Comprehension ... and drink products Metric (range 0–3 ), higher values indicate more knowledge Computed based on answers in in-home questionnaire HEALTHINT Int...

Ngày tải lên: 30/08/2013, 09:25

13 372 0
Superspace   1001 lessons in supersymmetry   s  gates, et al

Superspace 1001 lessons in supersymmetry s gates, et al

... representations, denot- ing spinor indices by Greek letters , , , , , .Thusavector (the three-dimen- sional representation) will be described by a symmetric second-rank spinor V αβ =(V ++ ,V +− ,V −− )oratraceless ... dimensions: Scalar superfields (single, real functions of the superspace coor- dinates) provide one such representation, and all others are obtained by appending...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 14:38

568 384 0