Ngày tải lên: 27/08/2012, 08:59
OpenGL Programming Guide (Addison-Wesley Publishing Company)
... OpenGL Programming Guide (Addison- Wesley Publishing Company) Chapter 1 Introduction to OpenGL Chapter Objectives After reading ... glutReshapeFunc(reshape); glutMouseFunc(mouse); glutMainLoop(); return 0; } OpenGL Programming Guide (Addison- Wesley What Is OpenGL? OpenGL is a software interface to graphics hardware. This interface consists ... confined to a rectangular grid. Such...
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Tài liệu Addison Wesley - Effective Java Programming Language Guide pptx
... point class: Effective Java: Programming Language Guide Joshua Bloch Publisher: Addison Wesley First Edition June 01, 2001 ISBN: 0-201-31005-8, 272 pages Are you ready for a concise
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Tài liệu Addison Wesley - The Design Patterns Java Companion (1998) docx
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addison-wesley advanced ajax server controls, for .net framework 3.5 (2009)
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addison - wesley professional dojo, using the dojo javascript library to build ajax applications (2009)
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Addison wesley the android developer's cookbook, building applications with the android SDK (2011)
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