nanotechnology assessment and perspectives, 2006, p 494

nanotechnology. assessment and perspectives, 2006, p.494

nanotechnology. assessment and perspectives, 2006, p.494

... f,E2MlE;E,. l2,CME,!I. 2,OMOKE,!I. ,oIlod!I. 2lCE,!I. 2/o,!lEOM!Ik !M/ dEfHkd2I!l2/X &+>& &=+=$+&)=8 2f2!d,Ck!M/k/2r2IOTK2Mlk!lklC2kM!MOf,!I2ksEIIk)2kH2uk/dEr2dfklOkEMMOr!lEOM !M/koIlEK!l2Iuk2,OMOKE,krEl!IEluX ... N/#H#M5N#F14HM<fX ,C!Tl2dkhVX ;;F1H4M6"M#855#6"N186H h $ !,'#/,#!+!+/ '( -1- +>7,A>&,+ EM,...

Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2014, 14:59

494 338 0
nanotechnology. assessment and perspectives, 2006, p.493

nanotechnology. assessment and perspectives, 2006, p.493

... f,E2MlE;E,. l2,CME,!I. 2,OMOKE,!I. ,oIlod!I. 2lCE,!I. 2/o,!lEOM!Ik !M/ dEfHkd2I!l2/X &+>& &=+=$+&)=8 2f2!d,Ck!M/k/2r2IOTK2Mlk!lklC2kM!MOf,!I2ksEIIk)2kH2uk/dEr2dfklOkEMMOr!lEOM !M/koIlEK!l2Iuk2,OMOKE,krEl!IEluX ... N/#H#M5N#F14HM<fX ,C!Tl2dkhVX ;;F1H4M6"M#855#6"N186H h $ !,'#/,#!+!+/ '( -1- +>7,A>&,+ EM,...

Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2014, 14:58

493 436 0
nanotechnology. basic calculations for engineers and scientists, 2006, p.481

nanotechnology. basic calculations for engineers and scientists, 2006, p.481

... 52 4.12 pH 53 5 Particle Size, Surface Area, and Volume 55 5.1 Sphere, Cube, Rectangular Parallelepiped, and Cylinder 56 5.2 Parallelogram, Triangle, and Trapezoid 57 5.3 Polygons 57 5.4 Elipse and ... 97 7.3 Vapor Pressure 97 7.4 Vapor Pressure Calculation 98 7.5 Heat of Vaporization From Vapor Pressure Data 99 7.6 Critical and Reduced Properties 100 7.7 Estimating Enthalpy of Vapo...

Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2014, 15:19

481 955 0
silicon nanophotonics. basic principles, present status and perspectives, 2009, p.470

silicon nanophotonics. basic principles, present status and perspectives, 2009, p.470

... amorphous silica are better candidates for photonics, because of their Basic Principles, Present Status and Perspectives Silicon Nanophotonics V012tp.indd 1 7/23/08 4:56:36 PM 12 N. Daldosso and ... 299 Contents xv 3. Structural and Optical Properties 300 3.1. Raman and photoluminescence spectra 300 3.2. Effect of spectral filtering and optical properties 307 4. Laser-In...

Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2014, 14:18

469 798 0
the physics of semiconductors. an introduction including devices and nanophysics, 2006, p.701

the physics of semiconductors. an introduction including devices and nanophysics, 2006, p.701

... colors OPSL optically pumped semiconductor laser PA power amplifier PBG photonic bandgap pc primitive cubic PFM piezoresponse force microscopy PHEMT pseudomorphic HEMT PL photoluminescence PLD pulsed ... laser deposition PLE photoluminescence excitation (spectroscopy) PMMA poly-methyl methacrylate PMOS p- channel metal–oxide–semiconductor (transistor) PPC persistent photoconductivity PPLN per...

Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2014, 14:33

701 575 0
scanning probe microscopies beyond imaging. manipulation of molecules and nanostructures, 2006, p.559

scanning probe microscopies beyond imaging. manipulation of molecules and nanostructures, 2006, p.559

... 171 Mechanical Properties 175 7 Scanning Probe Microscopy of Complex Polymer Systems: Beyond Imaging their Morphology 175 Philippe Leclere, Pascal Viville, Me ´ lanie Jeusette, Jean-Pierre Aime ´ , and ... different applications of SPM beyond imaging, in particular exploiting STM- and AFM-based approaches, pri- marily on soft (nano)materials comprising organic, supramolecular, polymeric,...

Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2014, 14:41

559 223 0
sensors, nanoscience, biomedical engineering and instruments, 2006, p.388

sensors, nanoscience, biomedical engineering and instruments, 2006, p.388

... three measurands stand out in terms of their widespread application: temperature, displacement (or associated force), and optical radiation. Temperature Sensors Temperatureisanimportant parameter ... Measurements: Principles and Applications,New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1974. W.Go ¨ pel, J. Hesse ,and J.N. Zemel, ‘‘Sensors: acomprehensivesurvey,’’ in Fundamentals and General Aspect...

Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2014, 14:41

388 394 0
photon-based nanoscience and nanobiotechnology, 2006, p.373

photon-based nanoscience and nanobiotechnology, 2006, p.373

... analytical and medical applications. As we push for more demanding tasks and for smaller dimensions, an understanding of the underlying physical and chemical aspects of problems becomes important. ... laser-plume interactions x role of laser parameters (O, t pulse , I peak , T, spot size, rep. Rate, no. of pulses) x understanding dependence on target parameters (e.g., optical &...

Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2014, 15:01

373 296 0
zinc oxide bulk, thin films and nanostructures, 2006, p.586

zinc oxide bulk, thin films and nanostructures, 2006, p.586

... samples, and κ =1.10±0.09 and 0.98 ±0.08Wcm −1 K −1 from the O Basic Properties and Applications of ZnO 13 Figure 1.9: Specific heat data for pure (bulk) and varistor ZnO measured between 1.7 and 25 ... dielectric Basic Properties and Applications of ZnO 15 Figure 1.10: Photoluminescence spectrum of n-type bulk ZnO (HeCd excitation) showing excitonic, donor acceptor pair and gre...

Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2014, 15:03

586 628 0
nanotechnology for environmental remediation, 2006, p.169

nanotechnology for environmental remediation, 2006, p.169

... xii Contents Appendix C: ELISA Analysis Methodology 151 Appendix D: Oven Programs for GC/MS Analysis of Pesticides 155 Appendix E: Experimental Conditions for Pesticides and Preliminary Screening ... microbial and photochemical transformation products heptachlor epoxide and photoheptachlor remain in soil for long periods of time (>15 years) and are equally or more toxic than the pa...

Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2014, 15:19

169 224 0