... illustrations. See 25341-h.htm or 25341-h.zip: (http://www.gutenberg.net/dirs/2/5/3/4/25341/25341-h/25341-h.htm) or (http://www.gutenberg.net/dirs/2/5/3/4/25341/25341-h.zip) + + | Transcriber's ... BURSTON, V.D. Who commanded the 7th Brigade in 1915. Photo. lent by Mrs. Burston.] [Illustration: LIEUT COLONEL C. R. DAVIES, O.B.E, SECOND-IN-COMMAND, 191 5-1 6.] A further drawback in tra...
Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 08:20
... ten well-to-do men of 50 are doing motor-ambulance work with their own Rolls-Royces up there, and cleaning their cars themselves, at 6 A.M. I happened to ask a man, who is a stretcher-bearer ... distribute, cigarette-cases, writing-cases, books, pouches, &c. The men were frightfully pleased, it was so unexpected. The processions of hobbling, doubled-up, silent, muddy, sitting-up cases who...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 01:20
Current History, A Monthly Magazine The European War, March 1915 pdf
... torpedo from the Turkish torpedo boat Gairet-i-Millet sank the Russian destroyer Koubanietz, and another from the Turkish torpedo boat Mouavenet-i-Millet inflicted serious damage on a Russian ... because, while they can demand compensations at the expense of a non-Christian neighbor to which no one would object they turn on their co-religionists, struggling to take away from them what they la...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 20:20
... "Hòn đá to-Hòn đá nặng-chỉ một người-Nhấc không đặng" - "Hòn đá to-Hòn đá nặng-Nhiều người nhấc-Nhấc lên đặng" - "Biết đồng sức-Biết đồng lòng-Việc gì kh - Làm cũng xong" ... Diệu - Thơ thơ 1938. - Gửi hương cho gió 1945. - Riêng chung 1960. - Mũi cà mau - Cầm tay 1962. Trang 3 người. - Biệt tài phát hiện, miêu tả, p...
Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 11:21
Teachers and Football Schoolboy association football in England, 1885–1915 ppt
... with a public-school background and the success of public-school ‘old boy’ teams in the early years of the FA Cup competition, an event adapted by C.W. Alcock from the inter-house knock- out matches ... has been criticised for see- ing the poor as lacking a culture of their own, with Whitechapel represented 28 Public-school games and working-class football In 1886, full-time secondary educati...
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 19:20
Acres of diamonds -1915-smse-2010
... me, and, friends, it is historically true, “was discovered the diamond-mine of Golconda, the most magnificent diamond-mine in all the history of mankind, excelling the Kimberly itself. The ... to make those toys for his own children, and then made copies and sold them through the boot-and-shoe store next door. He began to make a little money, and A CRES OF D IAMONDS R USSELL ... an...
Ngày tải lên: 09/04/2014, 17:23