scientific american special edition - 1998 vol 09 no3 - the oceans

scientific american  special edition  -  1998 vol 09 no3  -  the oceans

scientific american special edition - 1998 vol 09 no3 - the oceans

... navi- gate around Cape Horn, the southern tip of South America, before the construc- tion of the Panama Canal. (Be- ing merely the southern parts of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans, the ... Spot S o u t h E q u a t o r i a l C u r r e n t S o m a l i C u r r e n t A g u l h a s C u r r e n t S o u t h w e s t M o n s o o n C u r r e n t A n t a r c t i c C i r c u m p o l...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 16:24

108 597 1
scientific american  special edition  -  1998 vol 09 no1  -  magnificent cosmos

scientific american special edition - 1998 vol 09 no1 - magnificent cosmos

... corner of it. The Editors The planets at a glance URANUS 26 Scientific American Presents Copyright 1998 Scientific American, Inc. Magnificent Cosmos 1998 27SOHO Reveals the Secrets of the Sun 778.4 ... DON DIXON (bottom right) Copyright 1998 Scientific American, Inc. Copyright 1998 Scientific American, Inc. Copyright 1998 Scientific American, Inc. SOHO Revea...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 16:23

105 884 0
scientific american  special edition  -  1998 vol 09 no2  -  womens health

scientific american special edition - 1998 vol 09 no2 - womens health

... and sexual be- havior of 1 5- to 19-year-olds. The survey The female condom’s manufac- turer, the Female Health Com- pany, reports that the plastic vaginal sheath is 79 to 95 per- cent effective ... finan- cially responsible for their proge- ny—and the 1995 Clinton adminis- tration effort to design federal pro- grams that include and promote the involvement of fathers. Devel- o...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 16:23

105 680 1
scientific american  special edition  -  1998 vol 09 no4  -  exploring intelligence

scientific american special edition - 1998 vol 09 no4 - exploring intelligence

... met the criteria suf - ciently well: linguistic, logical-mathe- matical, musical, spatial, bodily-kines- thetic (as exemplified by athletes, dancers and other physical performers), interper- sonal ... soldier- ing in the nine specialties studied, among them infantry, military police and medical specialist. Research in the civilian sector has revealed the same pat- tern. Furthermore,...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 16:24

100 954 0
scientific american  special edition  -  1999 vol 10 no3  -  your bionic future

scientific american special edition - 1999 vol 10 no3 - your bionic future

... represent- ed. Some normally derive from the outermost layer (the ecto- derm), others from the innermost or middle layers (the endo- derm or mesoderm). This variety offered further evidence of the cells’ ... true “off -the- shelf” organs a reality. 12 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN PRESENTS Copyright 1999 Scientific American, Inc. YOUR NEW BODY YOUR BIONIC FUTURE 13 tains a space for the...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 16:25

97 626 0
scientific american  special edition  -  2000 vol 11 no3  -  building the elite athlete

scientific american special edition - 2000 vol 11 no3 - building the elite athlete

... component substanc- es. The spectrometer then weighs the fragments to iden- tify the specific molecule they came from. The instru- ment, known as a GCMS, is the workhorse technolo- gy that testers ... then the first-base coach for the Oakland Athletics and now Mark McGwire’s bat- ting-practice pitcher and first-base coach of the St. Louis Cardinals, took on the role of strength...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 16:26

101 1,1K 0
scientific american  special edition  -  2003 vol 13 no3  -  new light on the solar system

scientific american special edition - 2003 vol 13 no3 - new light on the solar system

... of un- known origin that are preferentially oriented north-south, northeast-southwest and northwest-southeast. These linea- ments are called the Mercurian grid. One explanation is that the crust ... By measuring the so-called Doppler shift in the frequency of the reflections, they learned of Mercury’s 59-day rotational period. Until then, Mer- cury had been thought to have an 88-day...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 16:27

101 505 1
scientific american  special edition  -  1999 vol 10 no1  -  the future of space exploration

scientific american special edition - 1999 vol 10 no1 - the future of space exploration

... MANAGER 31 0-4 7 7-9 299 fax 31 0-4 7 7-9 179 SAN FRANCISCO Debra Silver SAN FRANCISCO MANAGER 41 5-4 0 3-9 030 fax 41 5-4 0 3-9 033 DALLAS THE GRIFFITH GROUP 97 2-9 3 1-9 001 fax 97 2-9 3 1-9 074 CANADA FENN ... S.A. ul. Garazowa 7 0 2-6 51 Warszawa, POLAND tel: +4 8-0 2 2-6 0 7-7 6-4 0 swiatnauki@pro...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 16:24

104 495 1
scientific american  special edition  -  2000 vol 11 no2  -  the quest to beat aging

scientific american special edition - 2000 vol 11 no2 - the quest to beat aging

... called the U.S. Bur- den of Disease and Injury, by the Harvard School of Pub- lic Health, found a staggering 40-year gap between the longest-lived Americans —Asian -American women—and the shortest, ... S.A. ul. Garazowa 7 0 2-6 51 Warszawa, POLAND tel: +4 8-0 2 2-6 0 7-7 6-4 0 Nikkei Science, Inc. 1-9 -5 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 10 0-8...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 16:26

99 608 1
scientific american  special edition  -  2002 vol 12 no1  -  the hidden mind

scientific american special edition - 2002 vol 12 no1 - the hidden mind

... from the retina reach- es the neocortex mainly by way of a part of the thalamus (the lateral geniculate nu- cleus); another significant visual pathway from the retina is to the superior collicu- lus, ... to the brain stem and, from there, back up. In a normal per- son, such information can get to the oth- er side only by using the axons in the cor- pus callosum. A different...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 16:26

99 346 0