scientific american - 2004 04 - has science missed half the brain

scientific american   -  2004 04  -  has science missed half the brain

scientific american - 2004 04 - has science missed half the brain

... dependence. COPYRIGHT 2 004 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, INC. 26 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN APRIL 2 004 JEFF GREEN Reuters Newmedia Inc./Corbis I n mid-February the U.S. government gave up on its search for the herd mates of the ... in the tube, their brain activity, seen on a computer screen, is recorded. COPYRIGHT 2 004 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, INC. SCAN 30 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 16:19

81 553 0
scientific american   -  2004 07  -  will gene doping change the nature of sport

scientific american - 2004 07 - will gene doping change the nature of sport

... PAP 6 T cells then attack PAP- containing cancer cell 40 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN JULY 2 004 COPYRIGHT 2 004 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, INC. quires isolating the patient’s white blood cells and then separating ... Percussion COPYRIGHT 2 004 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, INC. A 400-YEAR-OLD HOAX? • $1-MILLION PROOF FOR THE SHAPE OF SPACE JULY 2 004 WWW.SCIAM.COM Mad Cow Disease: Faster...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 16:20

92 543 0
scientific american   -  1993 04  -  controlling the quantum jitters of atoms

scientific american - 1993 04 - controlling the quantum jitters of atoms

... SciDex™, SCI- ENTIFIC AMERICAN, 415 Madison Ave- nue, New York, N.Y. 1001 7-1 111, or fax (212) 35 5-0 408. Photocopying rights are hereby grant- ed by Scientific American, Inc., to li- braries and others ... stable, the high birth rates of the baby boom postponed the aging of the population by widen- ing the base of the age structure again. As the baby boomers grow olde...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 14:49

89 979 0
scientific american   -  1994 04  -  the dilemmas of prostate cancer

scientific american - 1994 04 - the dilemmas of prostate cancer

... powers can help them rise to the top. Since then, the Morrises and Alexan- der have had a falling-out, with each side accusing the other of hogging cred- it for the concept of nonlethality. ÒAlex- ander ... of the AC Þeld. When the marble is hopping down the egg tray with the help of the AC Þeld, augmenting the av- erage tilt of the egg tray by increasing the DC voltag...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 14:54

93 519 0
scientific american   -  1995 03  -  can science cure crime

scientific american - 1995 03 - can science cure crime

... CRAWFORD Copyright 1995 Scientific American, Inc. G etting rid of the long-lived, ra- dioactive by-products of nucle- ar power is a problem that has stalked the industry for its 40-year his- toryÑand the pressure ... CubansÕ health has worsened because they have had little to eat during what the govern- ment has dubbed the periodo especial. The crisis has prompted a U.S...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 15:00

85 488 0
scientific american   -  1995 04  -  machines that learn from hints

scientific american - 1995 04 - machines that learn from hints

... from the earth. Each quasar shines through only a single part of a cloud, however, so the structure and extent of these cosmic will-oÕ -the- wisps remained un- known. The absorbed radiation is most- ly ... trig- ger a sensation of pleasure, enticing the drinker to indulge further. Naltrexone mimics the shape of en- dorphins but not their action. By block- ing the binding of these...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 15:00

80 483 0
scientific american   -  1996 04  -  smart rooms

scientific american - 1996 04 - smart rooms

... America into the world of the future, but it has nonethe- less shattered the status quo. There is no turning back. Americans must now ei- ther build the media world they want— dragging their leaders ... from the market.” Dow Corning, one of the lead- ing producers of silicone used in medi- cal devices, has stopped supplying im- plant companies with the material. Ac- cording...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 15:07

86 510 0
scientific american   -  1997 04  -  why things go wrong

scientific american - 1997 04 - why things go wrong

... with the best features. They have found that they can boost production by manipulating water level, sunlight and other factors. But the tricky part —mak- ing sure the treasured stigmas, the fe- male ... streets. The vehi- cle is available only in southern Califor- nia and Arizona, partly because cold weather adversely affects the lead-acid batteries and shortens the car’s range....

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 15:23

83 961 0
scientific american   -  1998 04  -  the unwired world

scientific american - 1998 04 - the unwired world

... in- fects more than 95 percent of the motor neurons in the spinal cord and many other cells in the brain. The infected cells either overcome the virus or die. The extent of paralysis is unpre- dictable. ... aperture, the su- perconducting magnet deflects the neg- atively charged electrons in one direc- tion and the positively charged protons and positrons in the other. Th...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 15:35

85 421 0
scientific american   -  1999 04  -  endless space (maybe not)

scientific american - 1999 04 - endless space (maybe not)

... the turn of the century. These giant light-col- lecting machines in- clude another Mauna Kea resident, the Gemini North Obser- vatory, backed by the U.S. and six other na- tions, which is near- ing ... clean- running vehicle” that gets 55 to 65 rather than 80 mpg but other- wise meets the supercar goals. In addi- tion, PNGV executives emphasize the program’s two other, lesser-know...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 15:56

92 459 0