scientific american - 2002 09 - special issue - a matter of time

scientific american   -  2002 09  -  special issue  -  a matter of time

scientific american - 2002 09 - special issue - a matter of time

... precision. contents contents september 2002 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Volume 287 Number 3 features features SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN 5 SPECIAL ISSUE: A MATTER OF TIME COPYRIGHT 2002 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, INC. 48 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN ... southern Alber- ta. Thirty yards away a 250-milliliter bottle of mustard agent — a cupful capable of spreading a quar...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 16:14

84 781 0
scientific american   -  1993 09  -  special issue  -  life, death, and the immune system

scientific american - 1993 09 - special issue - life, death, and the immune system

... member of the 26-member advisory panel to the oÛce and an advocate of several un- conventional cancer therapies, says mainstream medical science has a problem of lack of innovation in meth- ods of ... generally available vaccine ex- ists for many common diseases, such as pneumonia, diarrhea, malaria and can- cers caused by human papillomavirus and glandular fever virus. Furthermore...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 14:50

119 910 1
scientific american   -  1996 09  -  special issue  -  what you need to know about cancer

scientific american - 1996 09 - special issue - what you need to know about cancer

... for all Americans what is and is not “offen- sive.” PICS allows each individual Amer- ican to decide. Instead of creating a single rating sys- tem that applies the same set of values to all Web ... get reliable information on contraception, whereas the demands of education, particu- larly at the postsecondary level, cause women to delay mar- riage and childbearing. Sub-Saharan Africa,...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 15:15

134 732 0
scientific american   -  2003 09  -  special issue  -  better brains

scientific american - 2003 09 - special issue - better brains

... about how many doses of vaccine are available,’” he declares. Researching new vaccines to guard against a po- tential bioterror attack is only a small part of the sci- 42 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN SEPTEMBER ... alleges, and has placed undue restrictions on travel as a cost-saving measure and a way of centralizing control. Zerhouni remarks that he “hears these stories” about heavy...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 16:18

93 558 1
scientific american   -  1997 10  -  special issue  -  the future of transportation

scientific american - 1997 10 - special issue - the future of transportation

... fly- NORTH AMERICA LATIN AMERICA WESTERN EUROPE CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE FORMER SOVIET UNION MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA CENTRALLY PLANNED ASIA SOUTH ASIA PACIFIC ASIA PACIFIC ... Scientific American, Inc. at individuals. She was already doing that as a matter of temperament,” notes Sarah Blaffer Hrdy, an anthropologist at the University of California at Davis....

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 15:30

111 668 1
scientific american   -  1994 10  -  special issue  -  life in the universe

scientific american - 1994 10 - special issue - life in the universe

... apparent brightness of a galaxy. If one galaxy is four times faint- er in the night sky than an otherwise comparable galaxy, then it can be esti- mated to be twice as far away. This ex- pectation ... observations of an eÝect known as gravitational lens- ing [see illustration on opposite page]. An object as massive and compact as a galaxy can act as a crude lens, produc- ing a dist...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 14:58

108 588 0
scientific american   -  1995 09  -  150th anniversary issue  -  key technologies for the 21st century

scientific american - 1995 09 - 150th anniversary issue - key technologies for the 21st century

... in fact Òat- tractorÓ refers merely to a mathemati- cal pattern of behavior into which sys- tems tend to lapse. Alan Stein, a Manhattan-based psy- choanalyst who helped Goldstein orga- nize the ... and the military as well as by search-and-rescue squads. (Specialized in Þnding disaster victims and lost individuals, those dogs received national acclaim in the wake of Hurri- cane Andrew...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 15:02

153 3,6K 1
scientific american   -  1998 09  -  a last look at laetoli

scientific american - 1998 09 - a last look at laetoli

... River. Scientific American September 1998 46 ALFRED T. KAMAJIAN Copyright 1998 Scientific American, Inc. HIPPARION TRACKS G 1-1 G 1-2 G 1-3 G 1-9 G 1-8 G 1-7 G 1-6 G 1-1 0 G 1-1 1 G 1-1 2 G 1-1 3 G 1-1 4 G 1-1 9 G 1-2 1 G 1-2 2 G 1-2 3 G2/ 3-1 G2/ 3-2 G2/ 3-3 G2/ 3-6 G2/ 3-5 TUFF ... Scientific American, Inc. G 1-3 1 G 1-3 0...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 15:43

81 537 0
scientific american   -  2002 05  -  a fire within  -  inflammation's link to heart attacks

scientific american - 2002 05 - a fire within - inflammation's link to heart attacks

... are based on mathematical models. Ecologist Howard Passell of Sandia Na- tional Laboratories calls this management plan a “Band-Aid” fix. The real issue for New Mexico and other Western states, ... dollar-yen market, a correct pre- diction was made of “antipersistence,” a trad- able string of ups and downs that appeared in hourly market data and that persisted for six hours. A...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 16:12

87 1,1K 0
scientific american   -  2002 06  -  spintronics  -  a new twist in computing

scientific american - 2002 06 - spintronics - a new twist in computing

... whether a vaccine that falls some- what short of that mark could be accept- 40 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN JUNE 2002 ■ Final results from the first large-scale test of a possible AIDS vaccine will be available ... radiation into gravi- tational radiation, and vice versa, with near perfect efficiency. Such a feat sounds as amaz- ing as transmuting lead into gold —and about as plausible....

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 16:12

87 798 0