scientific american - 2002 01 - the first human clone
... selfishness. contents january 2002 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Volume 286 Number 1 features 44 Cloned six-cell human embryo SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN 3 Copyright 2 001 Scientific American, Inc.Copyright 2 001 Scientific American, ... of the objections. For the mo- ment, then, the theory is ingenious mathe- matics —but of the type that has a long histo- ry of ultimat...
Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 16:11
... 4,400 12-BILLION-YEAR- OLD AGE TRACK 15-BILLION-YEAR- OLD AGE TRACK NGC 288 NGC 362 Copyright 1992 Scientific American, Inc. means that within the halo the only re- maining main-sequence stars are the extremely ... declines as the reefs get farther away from two centersÑone in the Indo-Pa- ciÞc and the other in the Caribbean. The outlines of a map marking plum- meting dive...
Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 14:48
... transform their experiment into the quantum eraser, the researchers tagged one of the photons of the pair (speciÞcally, the one created by the la- serÕs direct passage through the crys- tal). That ... developed coun- tries, many of which are strug- gling to electrify. The panel, as- sembled by the American Nuclear Society, also chided the U.S. gov- ernment for halting it...
Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 15:04
scientific american - 2003 01 - the nanodrive
... shorter-necked, large-headed plesiosaurs, a group called the pliosauromorphs, were built for high-speed pursuits on the open ocean. The longer-necked, small-headed ple- siosauromorphs, on the other hand, ... SCIENCE COPYRIGHT 2002 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, INC. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN 37 When the president of Bulgaria, Georgi Purvanov, arrives, the meeting is a getti...
Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 16:15
scientific american - 1998 01 - flying over the solar system
... of a tiny needle. They also tested the glucose levels in these volunteers by the finger-stick method. They found that both the skin-fluid sample and the fin- ger-stick measured the correct glucose levels ... outside the cell and the other inside. The component outside the cell is the extracellu- lar matrix; the compressive “girders” inside the cell can be ei- ther micr...
Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 15:33
scientific american - 2002 10 - vehicle of change - how fuel - cell cars could revolutionize the world
... category. F oot-Prints, the Japanese striker, and Tao-Pie-Pie, the New Zealand goal- keeper, eyed each other as the ball was placed for the penalty kick. At the whistle, Foot-Prints sprang toward the ball, ... by agonizingly slow step. Tao-Pie-Pie wobbled out to narrow the angle. Foot-Prints - nally unleashed a nudge that shot the ball oh-so-slowly past Tao-Pie-Pie and just...
Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 16:14
scientific american - 1994 01 - searching for strange quark matter
... of the nuclei then spin in opposi- tion to the external Þeld in high-energy orientations. The process is adiabatic, meaning the entropy remains un- changed. The resulting spin distribution is the ... 2,3,7,8-tetrachlo- rodibenzo-para-dioxin, the most potent of the 75 types of dioxinÑbinds to an intracellular receptor. The dioxin-laden receptor then joins with a transporter t...
Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 14:50
scientific american - 1994 04 - the dilemmas of prostate cancer
... powers can help them rise to the top. Since then, the Morrises and Alexan- der have had a falling-out, with each side accusing the other of hogging cred- it for the concept of nonlethality. ÒAlex- ander ... of the AC Þeld. When the marble is hopping down the egg tray with the help of the AC Þeld, augmenting the av- erage tilt of the egg tray by increasing the DC voltag...
Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 14:54
scientific american - 1995 01 - warning - digital documents in danger
... stream. $500.00 $100.00 $50.00 $100.00 $500.00 $400.00 $450.00 $350.00 DEPOSIT CHECK#314 DEPOSIT CHECK#315 4/5/94 4/26/94 4/27/94 11/3/94 011 111000000 0010 1010 1000000 0010 00 0011 1 1011 10BITSTREAM: UNINTENDED 5-BIT KEY (VALUE OF 011 11=15) INTENDED 4-BIT KEY (VALUE OF 011 1=7) UNINTENDED 15-BIT DATA BYTE INTENDED 7-BIT DATA BYTES LAURIE ... ca- sual appears to rule in MunkÕs oÛce, wh...
Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 15:00
scientific american - 1995 06 - the world's strongest magnets
... that they were the few Cretaceous survivors. The foundation of this theory began to shake in 1981, when fossils of Òop- posite birdsÓ were unearthed in China and, then, all over the Northern Hemi- sphere. ... and lead to the hy- poactivity seen there during clinical de- pression. If he is right, the theory would explain the gender gap, at least in part. Others at the NIMH have m...
Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 15:01