scientific american - 2000 03 - what computers are learning from them
... continued from page 22 ANTI GRAVITY C-A-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T T he fog comes on little cat feet,” wrote Carl Sandburg. The great poet and historian may merely have been attempting to animate water va- por, ... THERAPY HEART-BYPASS grafts may last longer with pressure-driven gene therapy. ROGER RESSMEYER Corbis Copyright 2000 Scientific American, Inc. MARCH 2000 $4.95 Compute...
Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 16:01
... of vol- unteers to perform an array of cognitive tasks while they were exposed to simu- lated cell-phone emissions from head- sets. The emissions had no apparent ef- fect on short- or long-term ... HAZARDS Five-year-old 10-year-old Adult CELL-PHONE ENERGY penetrates more deeply into a child’s brain than an adult’s, as shown in these models. Copyright 2000 Scientific American, Inc. Scie...
Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 16:04
... Fiction Source: -2 000. com/golf2000/index.html 1 “My good friend,” he said, still smiling, “you forget you are in the year 2000, and can travel from one end of Great Britain ... sort of magnet be- hind our jackets which attracted them, but at the same time did not allow them to come nearer than the twelve feet before mentioned. Of course you could go up to...
Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 15:20
scientific american - 1993 03 - black holes and the centrifugal force paradox
... the bending of light. . Copyright 1993 Scientific American, Inc. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN March 1993 75 Copyright 1993 Scientific American, Inc. 78 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN March 1993 hree tubes built around ... more than 200,000 are de - cient. Some are merely obsoleteÑbuilt in a time of smaller vehicles and nar- rower roadsÑbut the rest, for one rea- son or another, are incapab...
Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 14:49
scientific american - 1994 03 - visiting yourself in the past
... AMERICA ICELAND HOT-SPOT AREA AZORES HOT-SPOT AREA MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE Copyright 1994 Scientific American, Inc. conditions in the mantle where the sample rocks formed, because the tem- peratures and ... sublima- tion) and then analyze everything that comes out. Their results look quite a bit diÝerent from those of their col- leagues. A 35,000-year-old ice sample from the Greenland Ice-S...
Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 14:54
scientific american - 1995 03 - can science cure crime
... CRAWFORD Copyright 1995 Scientific American, Inc. G etting rid of the long-lived, ra- dioactive by-products of nucle- ar power is a problem that has stalked the industry for its 40-year his- toryÑand the ... 415 Madison Ave- nue, New York, NY 1001 7-1 111, fax (212) 98 0-8 175 or call (800) 77 7-0 444. ScientiÞc American- branded products available. For free catalogue, write Sci- en...
Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 15:00
scientific american - 1995 05 - what found the top quark
... Between –2 and –4 are one- of-a-kind risks, the chance of something happening once a year in the entire U.S., what Paling calls the “Bobbitt zone.” Going up the scale are still rare threats such ... extortion.Ó Miracles are also as- sociated with luck, and the Asian variety may be no exception. An analy- sis of diÝerent mea- sures from per capita income growth to sec- ondary school e...
Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 15:01
scientific american - 1996 03 - revealed - spy photo secrets
... man- aged a career had no children (as op- posed to about one in Þve of those who did not make successful careers). Maxi- mizing returns from family required harsh career sacriÞces, and maximiz- ing ... promising as a possi- ble source both of taxol-re- lated compounds and of other pharmaceuticals. Iron- ically, some of these sub- stances may come from the very fungi that are killing th...
Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 15:06
scientific american - 1997 03 - the rising seas - how much of a threat
... still diverging from the mainstream. “For ev- ery feature you see that appears to be di- verging, there are oth- ers that are converg- ing,” Wolfram says. “Kids used to say, ‘Whassup?’ Now they say, What ... in a class of pro- teins, called G-proteins, that are acti- vated by cell receptors and that are ca- pable of rousing the phosphoinositide system. “If we can find out why the G-...
Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 15:21
scientific american - 1998 03 - inside a virtual human
... of Bose-Einstein con- densates has cast new light on long- standing paradoxes of quantum me- chanics. For example, if two or more atoms are in a single quantum-mechan- ical state, as they are in ... studies are a scapegoat: “We are being blamed for the failure of scientists to sell them- selves politically.” Scien- tists say, in turn, that hu- manists resent the special status enjoy...
Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 15:34