scientific american - 1996 11 - the origins of immunity

scientific american   -  1996 11  -  the origins of immunity

scientific american - 1996 11 - the origins of immunity

... dif- ferent risk factors may affect the expres- sion of the disorder,” the group con- cludes in the Journal of the American Medical Association. The lead author of the study, the larg- est of ... professor of psychology at the University of Liverpool, and other academics have ruffled a few well-groomed feathers in the staid linguis- tics community. Their gos-...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 15:16

91 462 0
scientific american   -  2000 11  -  the future of digital entertainment

scientific american - 2000 11 - the future of digital entertainment

... trade. The decline was reinforced by the social unrest of the late 1960s, which divided the supporters of civil rights. Furthermore, the economic crisis of the 1970s strengthened the hand of the more ... materials pro- vide some of the first insight into the lives of prehistoric women, children and the eld- erly —or, as Soffer describes them, the silent majo...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 16:06

94 494 0
scientific american   -  1994 04  -  the dilemmas of prostate cancer

scientific american - 1994 04 - the dilemmas of prostate cancer

... each cycle of the AC Þeld. When the marble is hopping down the egg tray with the help of the AC Þeld, augmenting the av- erage tilt of the egg tray by increasing the DC voltage does not change the av- erage ... Kazumi Maki of the Universi- ty of Southern California and by the late John Bardeen of the University of Illi- nois, but it is too early to tell w...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 14:54

93 519 0
scientific american   -  1995 12  -  the puzzle of consciousness

scientific american - 1995 12 - the puzzle of consciousness

... stunning movie of our watery planet. The spacecraft examined the outer expanses of the earthÕs magnet- ic Þeld and took the Þrst mea- surements of the moonÕs far side since the days of the Apol- lo program. ... returned to the earth over the low-gain antenna. Tape-search- 50 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN December 1995 JAILBARS, slices of images taken of the asteroid...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 15:03

92 591 0
scientific american   -  1996 01  -  the diet - aging connection

scientific american - 1996 01 - the diet - aging connection

... perennial fear of being held hostage to the suc- cess of their favorite supplier. It dis- tributes, and thereby speeds, the work of adapting software to all the diÝerent bits of hardware used on the Internet. It ... researchers tagged one of the photons of the pair (speciÞcally, the one created by the la- serÕs direct passage through the crys- tal). That way, the...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 15:04

85 495 0
scientific american   -  1996 05  -  the comets' lair

scientific american - 1996 05 - the comets' lair

... case. The type of mine, the specifics of its operation, its position on the ground, the position of the victim and the char- acteristics of the environment at the ex- plosion site all affect the ... status reports. The DOE had no way of know- ing whether the project was on track. Agency managers could not even esti- mate the size of the new system. Never-...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 15:08

91 462 0
scientific american   -  1996 06  -  the space station

scientific american - 1996 06 - the space station

... microorganisms. If the impact of urban agriculture con- tinues to broaden, the notion of the gar- den city the turn -of -the- century dream of urban centers lined with trees and or- namental plants —may ... surprising: they whip around the planet at up to 200 meters per second. Overall, however, data from the probe’s 57-min- ute descent did not chal- lenge the prevailing...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 15:08

86 419 0
scientific american   -  1996 08  -  the electronic wallet

scientific american - 1996 08 - the electronic wallet

... concentration of ozone-de- pleting chemicals in the lower atmo- sphere is falling off fast. Based on their calculations, the amount had de- creased some 1 percent by the middle of last year. The decline ... can access the software that will make them something other than a sili- con-and-plastic paperweight. Larry El- lison of Oracle reckons the low price of an NC will make...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 15:14

90 480 1
scientific american   -  2000 06  -  the birth of molecular electronics

scientific american - 2000 06 - the birth of molecular electronics

... Africa. The map shows data on the prevalence of wheezing —a com- monly used indicator of asthma —for 1 3- and 14-year-olds, tak- en from one of the largest epidemiological studies, the Interna- tional ... FFlloooorr?? Molecular Electronics The Birth of Copyright 2000 Scientific American, Inc. Scientific American June 2000 37Profile Profile served specimen of one of...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 16:03

92 472 0
scientific american   -  2001 06  -  the paradox of the sun's hot corona

scientific american - 2001 06 - the paradox of the sun's hot corona

... absolutely firm in their convictions. And if you say to either one of them they’re wrong, then they start tuning you out.” So McNutt tries to make the 15-year-olds aware of the other’s position ... to one of the most beau- tiful spectacles in all of nature: a total eclipse of the sun. The two of us were among them. One of us (Phillips) watched from Bulgaria as the gla...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 16:08

88 608 0