scientific american - 1996 07 - hawking vs penrose

scientific american   -  1996 07  -  hawking vs penrose

scientific american - 1996 07 - hawking vs penrose

... than the CD-R and CD-E (erasable) formats. Until now, optical recording systems have relied predominantly on magneto-optical tech- Next-Generation Compact Discs Scientific American July 1996 45 SALES ... crystal. Copyright 1996 Scientific American, Inc. The Nature of Space and Time Stephen W. Hawking and Roger Penrose July 1996 Volume 275 Number 1 The new versions of compact...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 15:10

82 515 0
scientific american   -  1993 07  -  telling resonable risks from fools' chances

scientific american - 1993 07 - telling resonable risks from fools' chances

... Baltimore, is co-sponsoring a meeting on the resolution this Novem- ber. Kurt L. Schmoke, the mayor of Bal- timore, who has supported harm-reduc- tion policies, has pledged to sign the res- olution ... been the signiÞcance of the information con- cept to molecular evolution and its tech- nological applications. Copyright 1993 Scientific American, Inc. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN July 1993 43 V...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 14:49

87 510 0
scientific american   -  1994 07  -  how cancers defeat drug therapy

scientific american - 1994 07 - how cancers defeat drug therapy

... that the worldÕs biggest environ- mental release occurred over decades at a site called Tomsk-7 in central Sibe- ria. Tomsk-7, whose existence was clas- 20 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN July 1994 Managed Care, ... of the Þeldwork be- cause many of the men have off-site jobs. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN July 1994 35 Copyright 1994 Scientific American, Inc. years ago. A judicious choice of fast- matur...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 14:57

89 944 0
scientific american   -  1995 07  -  can implants cure diabetes

scientific american - 1995 07 - can implants cure diabetes

... necessary to compare products. What it often fails to do, how- ever, is to translate data-on-a-screen into the understanding-in-a-head need- ed to make a decision. Ultimately the economics of understanding ... be- fore it could be cost-eÝective for large- scale production, comments John Van- der Sande, a researcher at the Massa- chusetts Institute of Technology and co-founder of American Su...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 15:01

82 539 0
scientific american   -  1996 01  -  the diet - aging connection

scientific american - 1996 01 - the diet - aging connection

... two weeks ago, we know.Ó ÑCorey S. Powell SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN January 1996 23 Copyright 1995 Scientific American, Inc. 24 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN January 1996 C hecking water quality was once a simple ... OGDEN Copyright 1995 Scientific American, Inc. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN January 1996 31 easily destroyed. Moreover, some theo- rists raised certain technical objec- tions, nam...

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85 495 0
scientific american   -  1996 02  -  saving malnourished minds

scientific american - 1996 02 - saving malnourished minds

... while there ex- ists an acute need for health care by so many Americans, remains diÛcult to swallow. ÑDavid Schneider SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN February 1996 21 Copyright 1996 Scientific American, Inc. S chizophrenia ... exact location. ALFRED T. KAMAJIAN Copyright 1996 Scientific American, Inc. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN February 1996 45 Copyright 1996 Scientific American, Inc....

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83 468 0
scientific american   -  1996 03  -  revealed  -  spy photo secrets

scientific american - 1996 03 - revealed - spy photo secrets

... INSTITUTE Copyright 1996 Scientific American, Inc. 36 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN March 1996 A new cryptanalytic attack has shaken conÞdence in the securi- ty of some very popular encryp- tion schemesÑand ... 18 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN March 1996 tion under way in the rem- nant of supernova 1006, this process probably oc- curs in other young super- nova remnants,Ó notes Rob- ert Petre o...

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90 447 0
scientific american   -  1996 04  -  smart rooms

scientific american - 1996 04 - smart rooms

... 24 JOHN BIGELOW TAYLOR Art Resource 26 Scientific American April 1996 SA Copyright 1996 Scientific American, Inc. News and Analysis28 Scientific American April 1996 FIELD NOTES Interview with a Parrot F or ... design plan, software de- News and Analysis Scientific American April 1996 35 Copyright 1996 Scientific American, Inc. APRIL 1996 $4.95 NANOTECHNOLOGY • F...

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86 510 0
scientific american   -  1996 05  -  the comets' lair

scientific american - 1996 05 - the comets' lair

... Copyright 1996 Scientific American, Inc. News and Analysis22 Scientific American May 1996 A Peek at Pluto The Hubble Space Telescope has cap- tured pictures of Pluto’s frosty sur- face—66 years ... solution,” Strassmann testified in a Senate hear- ing, “has resulted in thousands of unin- tegrated, hard-to-maintain, impossible- to-manage, contractor-dependent is- lands of automati...

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91 462 0
scientific american   -  1996 06  -  the space station

scientific american - 1996 06 - the space station

... objective: or- ange-throated males beat out blue- throats, blue-throats overpower yel- low-striped throats and yellow-striped throats checkmate orange-throats. These relations have generated a six- year ... even moves NEUROSCIENCE Copyright 1996 Scientific American, Inc. News and Analysis Scientific American June 1996 35 sciences Institute, sits in front of a floor- to-ceiling rack...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 15:08

86 419 0