scientific american - 1993 02 - beating resistance in superconductors

scientific american   -  1993 02  -  beating resistance in superconductors

scientific american - 1993 02 - beating resistance in superconductors

... aplomb. 34 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN February 1993 RAYMOND GENDREAU Copyright 1993 Scientific American, Inc.Copyright 1993 Scientific American, Inc. ing to computers. A few scientists, in- cluding Stephen ... Myhrvold sparks imaginations. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN February 1993 35 Copyright 1993 Scientific American, Inc. W ithin the next 50 years, the hu- man population is li...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 14:48

91 547 0
scientific american   -  1993 06  -  tuning in the radio signals of ancient galaxies

scientific american - 1993 06 - tuning in the radio signals of ancient galaxies

... supplementary insulin injections, the cyclosporine ther- apy was stoppedÑbut the implants con- tinued to function. Some are still churn- ing out insulin more than a year after in- jection. Soon-Shiong ... example, the receptor proteins for the interleukin-3 and interleukin-5 cytokines share the same beta-chain subunit. 34 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN June 1993 David’s Victory Gene causing “bub...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 14:49

91 802 0
scientific american   -  1993 01  -  the turbulent birth of the milky way

scientific american - 1993 01 - the turbulent birth of the milky way

... 4,650 4,400 12-BILLION-YEAR- OLD AGE TRACK 15-BILLION-YEAR- OLD AGE TRACK NGC 288 NGC 362 Copyright 1992 Scientific American, Inc. means that within the halo the only re- maining main-sequence stars ... Inc. case, it was my good chance.Ó Levi-Mon- talcini and her family left Turin in 1942 for the surrounding hills and success- fully survived the war in hiding. By con- vincing farmers t...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 14:48

91 1,1K 0
scientific american   -  1993 03  -  black holes and the centrifugal force paradox

scientific american - 1993 03 - black holes and the centrifugal force paradox

... a con- sequence of the bending of light. . Copyright 1993 Scientific American, Inc. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN March 1993 75 Copyright 1993 Scientific American, Inc. 78 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN March 1993 hree ... call this the seeing-is-believing principle. T he true signiÞcance of the see- ing-is-believing principle was not revealed to me until 1985. One day in the spring of tha...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 14:49

87 544 0
scientific american   -  1993 04  -  controlling the quantum jitters of atoms

scientific american - 1993 04 - controlling the quantum jitters of atoms

... the prin- ciples of operation are the same. Indeed, in 1984 physicists at the Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics in Garching, Germany, succeeded in oper- ating a ÒmicromaserÓ containing only one ... help. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN April 1993 43 Copyright 1993 Scientific American, Inc. F or the Þrst time, humanity as a whole is growing older. The demo- graphic aging of the popu...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 14:49

89 979 0
scientific american   -  1993 05  -  building soft machines from smart gels

scientific american - 1993 05 - building soft machines from smart gels

... President and Chief Financial OÛcer, R. Vincent Bar- ger; Vice Presidents: Jonathan Piel, John J. Moeling, Jr. 8 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN May 1993 PRINTED IN U.S.A. Copyright 1993 Scientific American, Inc. Mathematics ... NIAID an- nounced that it was Òaccelerating the tri- al design processÓ with the intention of starting clinical trials of convergent ther- apy during the spring. Ini...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 14:49

89 372 0
scientific american   -  1993 07  -  telling resonable risks from fools' chances

scientific american - 1993 07 - telling resonable risks from fools' chances

... uncertainty in studying and testing a theory in funda- mental physics. ÒItÕs experimental the- oretical physics.Ó ÑPhilip Yam 24 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN July 1993 A Kinder War ÒHarm reductionÓ gains ... certain or potential hazards such as AIDS, asbes- tos in schools and contaminants in food and drinking water. Meanwhile scien- tiÞc and social developments are bring- ing new problem...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 14:49

87 510 0
scientific american   -  1993 08  -  can particles move faster than light

scientific american - 1993 08 - can particles move faster than light

... intelligence in the cosmosÑand as a principle in it- self. ÒThe principle of maximum diver- sity,Ó he wrote in his 1988 book Infinite in All Directions, ensures that Òwhen things are dull, something new ... tunneling and plays a ma- jor role in science and technology. Tun- neling is of central importance in nu- clear fusion, certain high-speed elec- tronic devices, the highest-res...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 14:50

89 648 0
scientific american   -  1993 09  -  special issue  -  life, death, and the immune system

scientific american - 1993 09 - special issue - life, death, and the immune system

... destroy insulin-produc- ing cells in the pancreas, and in multiple sclerosis, they direct their fury against the insulation surrounding nerve Þbers in the brain and spinal cord. Treating autoimmune ... help.) Smalley received early lessons in prob- lem solving and engineering in his up- The All-Star of Buckyball 46 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN September 1993 FULLERENE FINDER Richard E....

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119 910 1
scientific american   -  1993 10  -  is los angeles winning the war on smog

scientific american - 1993 10 - is los angeles winning the war on smog

... to pre- vent the introduction of cross-links and succeeded in determining the complete structure of insulin. Four years later, Sanger won the No- bel Prize in Chemistry for the insu- lin work. ... linked together in some order in a chain, the sequence could be determined in the following way. After labeling the chains, they could be broken down into individ- ual amino acids, indicat...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 14:50

95 603 0