a treasury of sanskrit poetry

a treasury of sanskrit poetry

a treasury of sanskrit poetry

...                     

Ngày tải lên: 04/05/2014, 15:35

234 942 0
good eats, a treasury of favorite recipes

good eats, a treasury of favorite recipes

... cream Banana Brulee Software: 4 bananas Sugar for coating Additional Splitsville Software: Ice cream of your choice Hardware: Small, heavy saucepan Clean soup spoon Candy thermometer Parchment paper 2 ... potato per person THE BAKED POTATO 6 BANANA SPLITSVILLE Basic Caramel Software: 2 cups sugar 1 cup water 1 tablespoon light corn syrup Caramel Sauce Software: 1 batch caramel 2 cups heav...

Ngày tải lên: 03/05/2014, 10:27

89 273 0
a dictionary of sanskrit grammar

a dictionary of sanskrit grammar

... Abhyankar. Kaiy., Kaiyata = Kaiyata’s Maha- bhasyapradlpa. Kalapa = Kalapa-Vyakaranasutra. Ka£. = Kasika of Jayaditya and Vam- ana. Ka£. viv. = Kasikavivaranapanj ika, known by the name Nyasa. Kat. = Katantra ... =Siksa of Panini. Par. Bhas. = Paribhasabhaskara of Haribhaskara Agnihotri. Par. Sek. = Paribhasendusekhara of NageSa. Paramalaghumanjusa = Paramalaghu- manjusa of Nag...

Ngày tải lên: 06/05/2014, 10:41

463 418 0
Flashcard blueup – A bit of English on your journey!

Flashcard blueup – A bit of English on your journey!

... flashcard blueup TOEFL iBT bao gồm 1500 từ vựng, chia thành 15 bộ khác nhau thuộc bộ từ “TOEFL iBT Exam Vocabulary List” c a Michael Buckhoff. B a TOEFL iBT 1 B a TOEFL iBT 2 Nếu như bạn bắt ... theo sẽ nhanh chóng có mặt trong thời gian tới. Giới thiệu blueup IELTS Bộ sản phẩm flashcard blueup IELTS bao gồm 1100 từ vựng, chia thành 11 bộ khác nhau thuộc bộ từ “Cambridge Vocabulary for ....

Ngày tải lên: 02/10/2012, 12:02

10 1,5K 3
Howto Books The A-Z Of Correct English

Howto Books The A-Z Of Correct English

... approaching (not apr-) aquaint Wrong spelling. See ACQUAINT . aquaintance Wrong spelling. See ACQUAINTANCE . aquarium (singular) aquaria or aquariums (plural) See FOREIGN PLURALS . APPAL 20 aquiesce ... spelling. See AGGRESSIVE . alga (singular) algae (plural) See FOREIGN PLURALS . allege (not -dge) alley or ally? An ALLEY is a little lane. An ALLY is a friend. alley (singular), alleys (p...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2012, 09:46

203 786 6
Intelligent Software Agents on the Internet: an inventory of currently offered functionality in the information society & a prediction of (near-)future developments

Intelligent Software Agents on the Internet: an inventory of currently offered functionality in the information society & a prediction of (near-)future developments

... functions are machine independent and are contained in libraries that can be accessed from C programs. Preamble 1 Preamble 1.1 Abstract Software agents are a rapidly developing area of research. ... There are many search engines available, and quite a lot of them are tailored to finding specific kinds of information or services, or are aimed at a specific audience (e.g. at...

Ngày tải lên: 08/10/2012, 15:22

100 811 3
Báo cáo y học: "Spontaneous Hemoperitoneum Caused By a Diverticulum of the Sigmoid Colon"

Báo cáo y học: "Spontaneous Hemoperitoneum Caused By a Diverticulum of the Sigmoid Colon"

... of a monolayer of inner circular muscle, which makes its wall weak, as com- pared to the small intestine that is formed of the inner circular and outer longitudinal muscle layers. The vasa ... the basis of her clinical manifestations, hemoperi- toneum secondary to the ovarian cyst rupture was suspected, and laparoscopic surgery was planned. During laparoscopy, more than 500 ml...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 10:51

3 532 0