delphi - threads mit delphi
... alle prozess-eigenen Handles für Kernel-Objekte, den gesamten prozess-eigenen Speicher, sowie auf alle Stacks aller anderen Threads innerhalb des Pro- zesses zugreifen. In einem Delphi- Programm ... SetEvent) – Das Thread Objekt der VCL Copyright © 2003 - 2004 Michael Puff Version 2.2.1 [200 4-1 0-0 8] Thread-Prioritäten 5 Thread-Prioritäten Wie schon g...
Ngày tải lên: 16/04/2014, 11:15
delphi - opengl with delphi
... glVertex2f (-3 00.0 ,-3 40.0); {line} glVertex2f(300.0 ,-3 40.0); glVertex2f (-3 00.0 ,-3 20.0); {end} glVertex2f (-3 00.0 ,-3 60.0); glVertex2f (-3 00.0 ,-3 40.0); {end} glVertex2f (-2 90.0 ,-3 30.0); ... glVertex2f (-3 00.0 ,-2 60.0); {line} glVertex2f(300.0 ,-2 60.0); glVertex2f (-3 00.0 ,-2 60.0); {arrow} glVertex2f (-2 88.0 ,-2 72...
Ngày tải lên: 16/04/2014, 11:14
delphi - pointers in delphi
... Pointers in Delphi An introduction to pointer data type in Delphi. What are pointers, why, when and how to use them. One of the things beginners in Delphi (and programming ... are used to manipulate null-terminated strings. Think of a PChar as being a pointer to a null-terminated string or to the array that represents one. For more on null-terminated strings go see: ... variable...
Ngày tải lên: 16/04/2014, 11:14
... entspricht. Es gibt fünf Token-Kategorien : - Schlüsselworte (reservierte Wörter / Keywords) - Bezeichner (Identifiers) - Konstanten (inklusive String-Konstanten) - Operatoren - Trennzeichen (Punctuators) Bezeichner ... 15:30:03] Bereichs- zugriffs- (Scope-) Operator :: boolean CHelloApp::Init() { //Def d. Klassen-Methode } . THelloApp.Init: Boolean; begin //Def d. Klassen...
Ngày tải lên: 16/04/2014, 11:15
... := ‘1-bit’; pf4bit: strDepth := ‘4-bit’; pf8bit: strDepth := ‘8-bit’; pf15bit: strDepth := ‘15-bit’; pf16bit: strDepth := ‘16-bit’; pf24bit: strDepth := ‘24-bit’; pf32bit: strDepth := ‘32-bit’; pfCustom: ... image, you can change its width-to-height ratio, possibly distorting the shape, and that not all images can be properly stretched. Stretching black-and-white or 256-color bitmaps doesn’t...
Ngày tải lên: 16/04/2014, 11:15
delphi 6 - borland delphi 6 developer's guide
... the original Delphi team at Borland, and this work is the outlet through which they can share their fifteen-plus years of combined expe- rience developing software in Delphi. In Delphi 6 Developer’s ... 1983. Delphi also changed the face of programming once again. Delphi 1.0 focused on making object-oriented programming, Windows programming, and database programming easier. Later ver...
Ngày tải lên: 16/04/2014, 11:15
delphi 6 - mastering delphi 6
... development of Delphi appli- cations. You can also find a step-by-step introduction to the Delphi IDE on my Web site, The short online book Essential Delphi is based ... user-defined variables. The nice point is that you can use both system- and user-defined environment variables in each of the dialog boxes of the IDE—for example, you can avoid hard-coding com...
Ngày tải lên: 16/04/2014, 11:16
delphi 7 - mastering delphi 7
... Mastering Delphi 7 Introduction Part I - Foundations Ch apt er 1 - Delphi 7 and Its IDE Ch apt er 2 - The Delphi Programming Language Ch apt er 3 - The Run-Time Library Ch apt er 4 - Core Library ... Classes Ch apt er 5 - Visual Controls Ch apt er 6 - Building the User Interface Ch apt er 7 - Working with Forms Part II - Delphi Object-Oriented Ar...
Ngày tải lên: 16/04/2014, 11:16
delphi 8 - migrating delphi applications to the microsoft .net framework with delphi 8
... migrations from existing Delphi Win32 VCL applications to Delphi for .NET native .NET applications. Delphi 7 to Delphi for the Microsoft .NET Framework Using Delphi for the Microsoft ... Borland Delphi applications to the Microsoft .NET Framework with Delphi 8 features and code constructs in Delphi 7 must be replaced by safe counterparts in Delphi for...
Ngày tải lên: 16/04/2014, 11:17
Lập trình Delphi quyển I
... 18 Học bài 8 - Tạo Menus - Một Text Editor - Files Một ứng dụng đầy đủ Bài học này tiên tiến hơn và sử dụng nhiều đặc tính mới trong Delphi. Bài này cũng sử dụng rất ... dụng lệnh IF 12 Bài 6 Adding Machine - Alter it to do [ - * div ] as well. 13 Bài 7 Thêm Items vào một List Box 14 Bài 8 Tạo menu - Một Text Editor...
Ngày tải lên: 22/08/2012, 09:33