... parameter B h Mass- flux-based heat transfer driving force ˜ B h Molar-flux-based heat transfer driving force B m Mass- flux-based mass transfer driving force ˜ B m Molar-flux-based mass transfer driving ... on convective heat and mass transfer. It also benefits from my more than 20 years of experience of teaching undergraduate heat transfer and other thermal fluid...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 19:20

548 3,5K 1
MÔ HìNH HOá QUá TRìNH TRAO ĐổI NHIệT ẩM TRONG MáY ấP TRứNG GIA CầM Modeling of heat and mass transfer in chicken egg incubators

MÔ HìNH HOá QUá TRìNH TRAO ĐổI NHIệT ẩM TRONG MáY ấP TRứNG GIA CầM Modeling of heat and mass transfer in chicken egg incubators

... CầM Modeling of heat and mass transfer in chicken egg incubators Nguyễn Văn Đờng 1 SUMMARY The relationships between temperature and humidity of the airflow, temperature and water content ... of heat and mass transfer in the space containing eggs in a non-linear differential model . The model allowed to determine basic parameters of an incubators that are used for a...

Ngày tải lên: 28/08/2013, 08:31

9 1,5K 5
Heat and Mass Transfer in Porous Media pdf

Heat and Mass Transfer in Porous Media pdf

... Physics Heat, Air and Moisture—Fundamentals and Engineering Methods with Examples and Exercises Hens. Hugo S, ISBN: 978-3-433-01841-5, 270 pgs. Belgium (2007) 8. Kunzel, H.M.: Simultaneous heat and ... states that mass and pressure are continuous on the boundary of the fracture, we interpret ^ c ðkÞ m and ^ p ðkÞ m (k =1,2) as the values of concentration and pressure that fr...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 16:20

270 1,9K 3
heat and mass transfer

heat and mass transfer

... 389 3.11.1Thetemperaturefieldinacompressibleflow 389 3.11.2Calculationofheattransfer 396 3.12Exercises 399 4 Convective heat and mass transfer. Flows with phase change 405 4.1 Heattransferincondensation 405 4.1.1 Thedifferenttypesofcondensation ... Nomenclature Greek letters Symbol Meaning SI units α heat transfer coefficient W/(m 2 K) α m mean heat transfer coefficient W/(m 2 K) β...

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 15:27

705 1,4K 0
fundamentals of heat and mass transfer

fundamentals of heat and mass transfer

... Convection Heat and Mass Transfer 457 7.5 The Sphere 465 7.6 Flow Across Banks of Tubes 468 7.7 Impinging Jets 477 7.7.1 Hydrodynamic and Geometric Considerations 477 7.7.2 Convection Heat and Mass Transfer ... 382 6.2 Local and Average Convection Coefficients 382 6.2.1 Heat Transfer 382 6.2.2 Mass Transfer 383 6.2.3 The Problem of Convection 385 6.3 Laminar and T...

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 15:51

1,1K 5,7K 1
fundamentals of momentum, heat, and mass transfer 5th edition

fundamentals of momentum, heat, and mass transfer 5th edition

... 270 19. Convective Heat Transfer 274 19.1 Fundamental Considerations in Convective Heat Transfer 274 19.2 Significant Parameters in Convective Heat Transfer 275 19.3 Dimensional Analysis of Convective ... 512 Contents xi 28. Convective Mass Transf er 517 28.1 Fundamental Considerations in Convective Mass Transfer 517 28.2 Significant Parameters in Convective Mas...

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 15:51

729 1,6K 0
incropera fundamentals of heat and mass transfer

incropera fundamentals of heat and mass transfer

... Electrical heater is perfectly insulated from dryer wall, (3) Heater and switch are isothermal at T set , (4) Negligible heat transfer from sides of heater or switch, (5) Switch surface, A s , loses heat ... for forced convection heat transfer with liquids and gases. See Table 1.1. PROBLEM 1.16 KNOWN: Dimensions of a cartridge heater. Heater power. Convection coefficients in air...

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 15:52

2,1K 15,5K 1
Fundementals of heat and mass transfer kotandaraman

Fundementals of heat and mass transfer kotandaraman

... Edition v 1 AN OVERVIEW OF HEAT TRANSFER 1–25 1.0 Introduction 1 1.1 Heat Transfer 1 1.2 Modes of Heat Transfer 2 1.3 Combined Modes of Heat Transfer 8 1.4 Dimensions and Units 10 1.5 Closure 11 Solved ... or Unidirectional Diffusion 661 14.7 Unsteady Diffusion 661 14.8 Convective Mass Transfer 662 14.9 Similarity Between Heat and Mass Transfer 664 Solved Probl...

Ngày tải lên: 08/04/2014, 10:55

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Báo cáo khoa học: Systematic quantification of complex metabolic flux networks using stable isotopes and mass spectrometry pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: Systematic quantification of complex metabolic flux networks using stable isotopes and mass spectrometry pptx

... structurally observable from the mass isotopomer distribution of lysine, fragments [1-4] and [2-4] of OAA and [1-3] and [2-3] of PYR [7], the obtained measurements of these mass isotopomer fractions ... carbons 3 and 5 and to a lesser extent of 2 and 6 of lysine that enables the estimation of the flux ratio at H4D using NMR measurements. Finally, the irreversibility between the...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 08:20

18 368 0