Practical Network Security: Experiences with ntop pot

Practical Network Security: Experiences with ntop pot

Practical Network Security: Experiences with ntop pot

... 1 Practical Network Security: Experiences with ntop Luca Deri 1 2 and Stefano Suin 2 1 Finsiel S.p.A., Via Matteucci 34/b, ... via software components and integration with many network tools, make ntop attractive for traffic analysis and network security. 7 7. Availability Both ntop and libpcap for Win32 are distributed ... decided to run ntop in the core servers ne...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 22:20

9 540 2
Enriching Network Security Analysis with Time Travel pot

Enriching Network Security Analysis with Time Travel pot

... re- port o n experiences with running the system live in high-volume environments. Categories and Subject Descriptors: C.2.3 [Computer-Communication Networks]: Network Operations – Network monitoring General ... the contents of a high- volume network traffic stream comes from exploiting the heavy- tailed nature of network traffic: most network connections are quite short, with a...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 23:20

12 566 0
CESNET Technical Report 13/2008 Impact of Network Security on Speech Quality pot

CESNET Technical Report 13/2008 Impact of Network Security on Speech Quality pot

... method is valid for TLS and has been tested with OpenVPN. Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a technology to construct a private network over public networks. OpenVPN is one of the most popular ... experiments, Figures 4 and 5 illustrate how required bandwith is affected by TLS and OpenVPN. Figure 4. Comparision of bandwith for codec G.729 without TLS, with TLS and OpenVPN, B S =64 bits...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 23:20

10 266 0


... NCW 1 . 0 , Backdoor . NCW [ Kaspersky ] , BackDoor - FE [McAfee] , Network Crack Wizard , [F - Prot] , T rojan.PSW.HackPass, A-311 Death, Backdoor.Hackdoor.b, ... Antifascist Frontier) • CHC (Chaos Hackers Crew) – Hit NATO in response to bombings in Yugoslavia with virus-infected email – “Protest actions" against White House and Department of Defense ... critical infra...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 20:20

87 541 0
A Tutorial on Network Security: Attacks and Controls potx

A Tutorial on Network Security: Attacks and Controls potx

... explicitly stated network connections. Any network traffic that does not match with the firewall ruleset will be denied access. In the default-allow approach, a firewall will be configured with the ... protected. If the inside network has a host that is connected to the outside network through a modem, then the whole of the inside network is exposed to the outside network t...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 22:20

21 469 0
Cisco Network Security Little Black Book pot

Cisco Network Security Little Black Book pot

... information between network devices. SNMP enables 11 network administrators to manage network performance, find and solve network problems, and plan for network growth. An SNMP network consists ... gaining access into networking devices. It also examines what Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is used for within a network and methods used to secure SNMP access to networ...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 14:20

292 1,9K 0
IT Security and Academic Values : Computer and Network Security in Higher Education potx

IT Security and Academic Values : Computer and Network Security in Higher Education potx

... recog- nized sources or networks to enter the network. Does such a prac- tice unnecessarily restrict access? 01chap.qxd 8/31/03 10:02 AM Page 10 • Virtual private network. A virtual private network (VPN) establishes ... Principles for the Networked World. [ oitp/principles/pdf]. 2003. AN-MSI (Advanced Networking with Minority-Serving Institutions) Security Committee. “Devel...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 22:20

14 435 0
Network Security with OpenSSL potx

Network Security with OpenSSL potx

... package with two options, with- openssl and with- vio, and the package will build with SSL support. [10] [10] By default, MySQL connections are not encrypted, even after compiling with SSL. ... widely used protocol for secure network communications. The only guide available on the subject, Network Security with OpenSSLdetails the challenges in securing network commun...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 05:20

338 1,1K 0


... The emotional experiences of those without depression and with depression would be compared, if they exist. The emotional experiences of those without depression symptoms and those with depression ... deal with a life-altering medical diagnosis that turns a person’s life upside down with surgeries, multiple chemotherapies, and internal radiation treatments, the studying of wom...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 13:20

185 425 0
A logic-programming approach to network security analysis potx

A logic-programming approach to network security analysis potx

... projectPlan can potentially be leaked to the outside atta cker. In order to discover these potential attack paths in a network, one must not only examine configuration parameters on every network element ... a standard model checker, all possible paths — ones with the fact being true and ones without — have to be examined. When dealing with large networks, there will be a large number o...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 21:20

130 404 0