wrox press html5 24-hour trainer (2011)

wrox press html5 24-hour trainer (2011)

wrox press html5 24-hour trainer (2011)

... FOR The HTML5 24-Hour Trainer is designed primarily to introduce the language to beginning web designers and, secondarily, as an aid to current designers who want to try out the new features of HTML5. ... what’s driving the quick adoption of HTML5 is that much of the language is backward- compatible with the previous version of HTML. Throughout the HTML5 24-Hour Trainer the x...

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 12:02

338 590 0
wrox press professional html5 mobile game development (2012)

wrox press professional html5 mobile game development (2012)

... MOBILE HTML5 CHAPTER 4: HTML5 FOR MOBILE 67 Introduction 67 Capturing a Brief History of HTML5 68 Understanding How HTML5 Grew Up “Dierent” 68 Looking Toward HTML6? HTML7? Nope, Just HTML5 68 Going ... 978-1-118-30132-6. After you download the code, decompress it with your favorite compression tool. Alternatively, you can go to the main Wrox code download page at www .wrox. com/...

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 12:02

554 636 0
Wrox press professional PHP programming

Wrox press professional PHP programming

... as an operand. Addition is one of the simplest operations. In the expression 6 + 2, 6 and 2 are the operands, and the expression evaluates to 8. Operators in PHP are mostly similar to those ... Expressions that use comparison operators will always evaluate to a Boolean value, i.e. either true or false. $i = 5; if ($i < 6) echo ("This line will print."); // The expressio...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 13:16

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wrox press beginning windows 8 application development (2012)

wrox press beginning windows 8 application development (2012)

... 978-1-118-01268-0. Once you download the code, just decompress it with your favorite compression tool. Alternatively, you can go to the main Wrox code download page at http://www .wrox. com/dynamic/books/ download.aspx ... Otherwise, you can download Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 Express for Windows8—including Expression Blend—for free. This book uses the Express ver- sion. Owing to t...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 11:01

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wrox press professional windows 8 programming, application development with c# and xaml (2013)

wrox press professional windows 8 programming, application development with c# and xaml (2013)

... 978-1-118-20570-9. After you download the code, decompress it with your favorite compression tool. Alternatively, you can go to the main Wrox code download page at http://www .wrox. com/dynamic/books/ download. aspx ... STORE APPLICATION 383 Welcome to the Final Chapter of the Book 383 Designing the Wrox BookStore App 384 Displaying Wrox Press Books 384 Adding a Wish List Across De...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 11:13

508 4,2K 0
 dreamweaver cs5.5, designing and developing for mobile with jquery html5 and css3 (2011)

dreamweaver cs5.5, designing and developing for mobile with jquery html5 and css3 (2011)

... describing the new HTML5, CSS3, and mobile- related features in Dreamweaver CS5.5, I’ll address what I suspect is a burning question for many of you. Assessing HTML5 and CSS3 Are HTML5 and CSS3 ... Lawson are authors of Introducing HTML5 (New Riders, 2010), a practical guide to using HTML5 in websites today. 10 Chapter 1 Dreamweaver Goes Mobile In HTML5 Now (New Riders, 2010),...

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 11:45

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focal press html5, designing rich internet applications (2010)

focal press html5, designing rich internet applications (2010)

... agrees on one thing: HTML5 is the next standard, and they are already supporting it. 8 HTML5 TAG STRUCTURE What Is Included in HTML5 Unlike earlier improvements to HTML, the new HTML5 speci- fications ... iPhone’s mobile Safari already boasts strong support for HTML5 technologies. 6 HTML5 TAG STRUCTURE The Rocky Road from HTML4 to HTML5 Tim Berners-Lee developed the Hypertex...

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 11:54

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peachpit press html5 multimedia, develop and design (2012)

peachpit press html5 multimedia, develop and design (2012)

... for what is known as the HTML5 Outlining Algorithm. The HTML5 Outlining Algorithm is dened as part of the HTML5 specication and is used to determine the structure of an HTML5 document using its ... introduction to HTML5 and how it came about. You’ll also take a quick look at some of the main HTML5 structural elements. Let’s go forth and learn! ptg6964689  CHAPTER  AN INTRO...

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 12:00

290 438 0