Hacking Secret Ciphers with Python pptx

Hacking Secret Ciphers with Python pptx

Hacking Secret Ciphers with Python pptx

... http://inventwithpython.com /hacking to download the latest version. ISBN 978-1482614374 1st Edition 10 http://inventwithpython.com /hacking Email questions to the author: al@inventwithpython.com A ... 1-9. The online cipher wheel. 8 http://inventwithpython.com /hacking Email questions to the author: al@inventwithpython.com How to Encrypt with the Cipher Wheel First, write...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 23:20

436 481 2
Hacking secret ciphers with python

Hacking secret ciphers with python

... http://inventwithpython.com /hacking to download the latest version. ISBN 978-1482614374 1st Edition 10 http://inventwithpython.com /hacking Email questions to the author: al@inventwithpython.com A ... 1-9. The online cipher wheel. 8 http://inventwithpython.com /hacking Email questions to the author: al@inventwithpython.com How to Encrypt with the Cipher Wheel First, write...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 13:34

442 457 0
A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python pptx

A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python pptx

... Running Python Programs . . . . . . . . . 767 H.1.1 Executing Python Programs in IPython . . . . . . . 767 H.1.2 Executing Python Programs on Unix . . . . . . . . . . 767 H.1.3 Executing Python ... InteractiveComputing 27 1.5.1 UsingthePythonShell 27 1.5.2 TypeConversion 28 1.5.3 IPython 29 1.6 ComplexNumbers 32 1.6.1 ComplexArithmeticsinPython 33 xi xii Contents 1.6.2 ComplexFunction...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 17:20

832 2,1K 2
Tài liệu Making Games with Python & Pygame pptx

Tài liệu Making Games with Python & Pygame pptx

... http://inventwithpython.com/pygame Email questions to the author: al@inventwithpython.com Why Bother Having a main() Function? 69 Why Bother With Readability? 70 Summary, and a Hacking Suggestion ... elif direction == DOWN: 262. movex = blankx 84 http://inventwithpython.com/pygame Email questions to the author: al@inventwithpython.com 263. movey = blanky - 1 264. elif dir...

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 20:20

365 529 7
Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python 2nd Edition pptx

Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python 2nd Edition pptx

... http://inventwithpython.com/videos/ . 3 1 - Installing Python Starting Python If your operating system is Windows XP, you should be able to run Python by choosing Star t > Programs > Python ... Important Note! Be sure to install Python 3, and not Python 2. The programs in this book use Python 3, and you'll get errors if you try to run them with Python 2. T...

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 03:22

436 720 1
Making Games with Python & Pygame pptx

Making Games with Python & Pygame pptx

... Your Own Computer Games with Python online at http://inventwithpython.com or look up a topic that you find confusing on the Invent with Python wiki at http://inventwithpython.com/wiki. You ... 10.5 comes with Python 2.5.1 pre-installed by Apple. Currently, Pygame only supports Python 2 and not Python 3. However, the programs in this book work with both Python 2 and 3....

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 04:20

365 471 0
Tài liệu KRONE - White Paper - Catching up with Truenet pptx

Tài liệu KRONE - White Paper - Catching up with Truenet pptx

... An A channel with this mess in it, and still ZERO ERRORS with SmartBits! KRONE: 800-775-KRONE www.kroneamericas.com www.truenet-system.com No part of this document may be reproduced without permission ... field experiences with poorly performing LANs. The first incorrect assumption that has been made is that there is no need for post-installation active testing on LANs. KRONE provides t...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 02:15

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Tài liệu ADC KRONE - White Paper - Data Center - 3 principles of Data Center Infrastructure Design (with n pptx

Tài liệu ADC KRONE - White Paper - Data Center - 3 principles of Data Center Infrastructure Design (with n pptx

... data without errors that cause retransmission and delays. Cabling and connectivity backed by a reputable vendor with guaranteed error-free performance help avoid poor transmission within ... defined by the performance of the infrastructure. As information is sent back and forth within your facility and with the outside world, huge streams of data are transferred to and from equipme...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 03:15

8 524 0
Tài liệu Programming Microsoft Windows with C# pptx

Tài liệu Programming Microsoft Windows with C# pptx

... Programming Microsoft Windows with C# Programming Microsoft Windows with C# by Charles Petzold Microsoft Press © 2002 ... does is invalidate the entire client area, or a rectangular or nonrectangular subset of it, with or without invalidating any child controls that may be located on it. Invalidating the client area ... and StringAlignment.Far as r...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 14:16

1,1K 619 1