Si nanowires synthesized by laser ablation of mixed sic and sio2 powders
... 26 November 1999 Ž. Chemical Physics Letters 314 1999 16–20 www.elsevier.nlrlocatercplett Si nanowires synthesized by laser ablation of mixed SiC and SiO powders 2 Y.H. Tang, Y.F. Zhang, H.Y. ... of peaks. One set consists of the Ž.Ž. Ž. 111 , 220 and 311 peaks of Si which are from Ž.Ž. the SiNWs. The other set consists of the 111 , 220 Ž. and 311 peaks of...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 15:08
... of the morphology of SiNWs synthesized by laser abla- tion. In this Letter, we present the results on this project. Our results show that the morphology and diameter of SiNWs synthesized by laser ... thermal evaporation of SiO powders. The study shows that the morphology and diameter of SiNWs synthesized by laser ablation not only correlate closely with the...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 15:09
... Physica E 37 (2007) 153–157 Dimensional evolution of silicon nanowires synthesized by Au Si island-catalyzed chemical vapor deposition D.W. Kwak, H.Y. Cho, W C. Yang à Department of Physics and ... liquid-droplet catalysis during the growth of the Si- NWs. The Si- NWs are grown by exposing the substrates with Au Si islands to a mixture of gasses SiH 4 and H 2 . The gro...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 15:15
Morphology and growth mechanism study of self assembled silicon nanowires synthesized by thermal evaporation
... a Si core and a SiO 2 sheath. The one-dimensional growth of SiNWs is facili- tated by the SiO 2 sheath that con®nes the lateral growth of SiNWs, and the high absorptivity for Si O clusters of ... of SiO at the tips of SiNWs continuously absorb Si O clusters from the gas phase, which ensures the continual phase separa- tion and precipitation and results in the formation...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 15:06
Characterization of tin catalyzed silicon nanowires synthesized by the hydrogen radical assisted deposition method
... semiconducting properties. SiNWs have been synthesized by using various methods, such as chemical vapor deposition (CVD) [9], oxide-assisted [10], template-assisted [11] and laser ablation method [12] ... Characterization of Tin-catalyzed silicon nanowires synthesized by the hydrogen radical-assisted deposition method Minsung Jeon ⁎ , Hisashi Uchiyama, Koichi Kamisako Depart...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 15:10
Synthesis and photoluminescence property of silicon carbon nanowires synthesized by the thermal evaporation method
... elasticity and strength of SiC nanowires are considerably greater than those of SiC whiskers and bulk SiC. A variety of methods on the synthesis of SiC nanowires have been developed, including laser ablation ... (°) Intensity (a.u.) β -Sic (200) β -Sic (220) β -Sic (111) β -Sic (311) β -Sic (222) Fig. 4. XRD pattern of the as-received samples. Fig. 5. (a) TE...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 15:21
structure of alumina nanowires synthesized by chemical etching
... surrounded by the byproducts of the reaction between alumina and NaOH, and (d) core-shell structured ANWs. Fig. 7. XPS spectra of ANWs. The ANWs were synthesized by the chemical etching of the AAM ... structure of alumina nanowires (ANWs) synthesized by the chemical etching of an anodic alumina membrane (AAM). The AAM was prepared by the two-step anodization method...
Ngày tải lên: 20/03/2014, 13:08
Si nanowires synthesized with cu catalyst
... alloy to form the Si nanowires when the concentration is supersaturated. The diameter of the Si nanowires is similar to the size of the CuSi alloy nanoparticles. So the tip of the Si nanowires is ... the formation of the Si nanowires in high temperature tube furnace. The growth direction of the straight Si nanowires is b111N and the polyhedron η″- Cu 3 Si all...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 15:12
Silicon nanowires fabricated by thermal evaporation of silicon monoxide
... crystalline silicon nanowires (SiNWs) with a diameter of ∼30 nm and length of tens of micrometers on Al 2 O 3 templates and silicon wafers were synthesized by the thermal evaporation of silicon monoxide ... the SiNWs consists of high-intensity Si and small quantity of oxygen. Fig. 3 shows the XRD spectrum of the SiNWs grown on the Al 2 O 3 template, which displays...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 15:21
Báo cáo " Silver nanoparticles prepared by laser ablation and their optical characteristics " pptx
... absorption spectrum peak of silver particles produced by chemical reduction shifted to 440 nm as compared to 400 nm by laser ablation. The peak width of silver nanoparticles by laser ablation is narrower ... data of measured size and size distribution were analyzed and given in Fig.6. The average size of silver nanoparticles produced in the 0.01M solutions of PV...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 11:20