Node js for PHP Developers: Porting PHP to Node js ppt

Node.js for PHP Developers: Porting PHP to Node.js ppt

Node.js for PHP Developers: Porting PHP to Node.js ppt

... to use the .js extension for Node. js code. To avoid constant confusion between client-side and server-side JavaScript, I use the .njs extension for Node. js code, and in your own PHP to Node. js ... meta‐ language, throw away the PHP code, and then refactor the hybridized Node. js code into pure Node. js code. Refactoring PHP code is an essential step for an...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 16:20

286 818 1
GIS for Web Developers Adding Where to Your Web Applications pdf

GIS for Web Developers Adding Where to Your Web Applications pdf

... > Source to see how it was put together. To me, this is the best of all worlds—let it be a black box to those w ho don’t care to look any further, but also cater to those who want to lift up ... developer is to find it and incorporate it into the finished product. For example, let’s say you are creating a new system to keep track of your customers. If your goal is to even...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 09:20

258 1,9K 1
Pro ASP.NET 4 CMS: Advanced Techniques for C# Developers Using the .NET 4 Framework ppt

Pro ASP.NET 4 CMS: Advanced Techniques for C# Developers Using the .NET 4 Framework ppt

... lockstep. You gave me the freedom to make the system what it needed to be and to write a book that supports that vision. To the great people at KravWorks: thank you for providing me with an environment ... such, it would be next to impossible to document the usage of each and every line of code in a meaningful way while still giving adequate coverage to the topics new to...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 07:20

316 952 2
NUPOS: A part of speech tag set for written English from Chaucer to the present ppt

NUPOS: A part of speech tag set for written English from Chaucer to the present ppt

... variants. In an earlier form of NUPOS, I mapped ‘is’ to ‘vbz’ and all other present forms to ‘vbb’. I mapped all the past forms to ‘vbd’. In this version, I use ‘vbr’ and ‘vbb’ to distinguish between ... life harder for the developer who designs the data object model and the interface for the user who formulates queries that de- pend on the tags for their answer. “She’ll” ha...

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 19:20

25 516 0
node js for php developers

node js for php developers

... every‐ thing: PHP 4, PHP 5.3, and Node. js. These simulation techniques allow arbitrary PHP 4 code to be refactored such that it can be converted to Node. js and both the PHP and Node. js codebases ... it to the class constructor prototype. The previous PHP static class variable example is converted to the following Node. js code. The PHP User::$ text is replace...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 09:57

286 539 2
javascript for php developers

javascript for php developers

... 5–6 join() method (Array.prototypes), 87 jQuery, 2 jsc (JavaScript command-line interpreter), 5 JSCoverage, 135 JScript, 2 JSDoc Toolkit, 134 JSHint, 135 JSLint, 135 JSON, 69, 112 deep copying ... 11 functions in PHP, analogs for, 92 strstr() function (PHP) , 93 strtotime() function (PHP) , 98 str_replace() function (PHP) , 94 substr() function (PHP) , 92 substring() method (String.prototyp...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 09:56

160 267 0
Rails for PHP Developers pot

Rails for PHP Developers pot

... invaluable to us. We’d like to thank the Pragmatic Programmers for giving us a great opportunity to spread the word of Rails and our editor, Susannah, for keeping us on track. Thanks to everyone ... should tell you that we think PHP is a formidable platform, and it’s not about “switch- ing” from one to the other. Learning Rails is just about having a new tool to apply to y...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 15:20

409 728 0
PHP Architect's Guide to PHP Security

PHP Architect's Guide to PHP Security

... Security .424 7.50 x 9.25 7.50 x 9.25 php| architect’s Guide to PHP Security A Step-by-step Guide to Writing Secure and Reliable PHP Applications Ilia Alshanetsky php| architect’s Guide to PHP Security NanoBooks ... able to manipulate files found inside /home/ user12 , /home/user13 , and so on. The terminating directory separator limits PHP to only those files inside the...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2012, 10:14

201 1,1K 4
Core PHP programming   using PHP to build dynamic web sites

Core PHP programming using PHP to build dynamic web sites

... that could run forever, you want PHP to stop it. Otherwise a few errant scripts could slow your server to a crawl. For the same reason, you usually want to allow users to be able to abort a page ... refers to the open stream. Each time you want to read from or write to the file, you use this stream identifier. Internally PHP uses this integer to refer to all the ne...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 14:20

671 385 0
php|architect''''s Guide to PHP Security pdf

php|architect''''s Guide to PHP Security pdf

... <> .424 7.50 x 9.25 7.50 x 9.25 php| architect’s Guide to PHP Security A Step-by-step Guide to Writing Secure and Reliable PHP Applications Ilia Alshanetsky php| architect’s Guide to PHP Security NanoBooks ... ever be able to provide one. The closest we will get is to try to improve the overall awareness of these issues and to provide better tools...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 04:20

201 3,3K 0