A Dictionary of Prefixes, Suffixes, and Combining Forms
... L calc-, calx lime : cal- cium : calcium salts calcite calcimeter calcospherite calcaneo- combining form calcaneum : calcaneal and calca- neoastragalar calcaneocuboid calcareo- combining ... attributes of : make similar to citify -gaea or -gea n combining form - NL, fr. Gk gaia land, earth : a specified geographical area Afrogaea Neogaea galact- or galacto...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 15:13
... of Changes’) is the best-known of the Chinese oracle books. About two thousand years ago it acquired canonical status and was used as a sort of handbook in the identification and interpretation ... times when a person of high rank died a painter was brought in to provide an image of the deceased. The painter arrived with a readymade picture of a man in official ga...
Ngày tải lên: 12/03/2014, 18:07
Medically Speaking A Dictionary of Quotations on Dentistry, Medicine and Nursing pot
... all of the University of Texas at Austin. Again, we wish to thank Joe Gonzalez, Chris Braun, Ken McFarland, Kathryn Kenefick, Gabriel Alvarado, Janice Duff, Rennison Lalgee, Deidra Allen, Brian ... lives, but only a ghastly sack of bones with Latin names to them, and a network of nerves and muscles and tissues inflamed by disease. Letter to the Alta Californian San Francisco,...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 22:20
Báo cáo y học: "A Comparison of Immuncapture Agglutination and ELISA Methods in Serological Diagnosis of Brucellosis"
... Laboratory, Karaman State Hospital, Karaman, Turkey 3. Medical Microbiology Laboratory, Batman State Hospital, Batman,Turkey 4. Medical Microbiology Laboratory, Konya Education and Research ... for a long time, immuncapture agglutination test has been recently introduced and used in serological diagnosis. The aim of this study was to compare diagnostic values of ELISA Ig M and...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 10:56
Prefixes, Suffixes, and Word Roots
... (v) to put in alphabetical Please alphabetize these files to give order for me. -al capable of, practical (adj) suitable for use; He has years of practical, suitable for involving activity, on-the-job ... agreement After hours of debate, the group finally reached a consensus and selected a candidate. non- not nonviable (adj) not able to live The farmer explained that the or survive...
Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2013, 17:20
A study of lexical, syntactic and pragmatic features of company slogans in english and vietnamese
... websites of companies… or in foreign and Vietnamese newspapers, magazines. In addition, the data analysis was based on the qualitative and quantitative methods. The samples of company slogans collected ... both languages. The analysis will help them have a view about lexicon, syntax as well as pragmatics of company slogans. Moreover, it can give learners the way how to unders...
Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:23
Từ điển từ lóng tiếng Anh - Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
... beans! and Cool bananas! exclam. Wow! ᮀ Cool beans, man. That’s great! ᮀ You got a car? Cool bananas! cool, calm, and collected mod. cool; un- abashed. ᮀ Albert is almost always cool, calm, ... No fat- cat investments. fat chance n. a very poor chance. (Sarcas- tic.) ᮀ Fat chance I’ll ever get a new car. ᮀ Me, get an A? Fat chance. fat city 1. n. a state of wealth and...
Ngày tải lên: 30/11/2013, 17:03
Tài liệu Explaining Ethnic Minority Poverty in Vietnam: a summary of recent trends and current challenges ppt
... minorities Many officials, researchers and the media use language that suggests that the culture and behaviour of ethnic minorities are backward and tradition-bound. Widespread acceptance of this ... North East and North West have some form of annual cropland, although in the Central Highlands 12 percent have no annual cropland (Table 1). Of the rural Kinh population a r...
Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2013, 21:15