IClone 4 31 3D Animation Beginner''''''''s Guide potx

IClone 4.31 3D Animation Beginner''''s Guide potx

IClone 4.31 3D Animation Beginner''''s Guide potx

... menu 340 Understanding so bodies versus rigid bodies 342 Rigid bodies 342 Seng the state of the object 342 Object properes 343 Bounding sengs 343 So bodies 343 Preset 344 Property 344 Collision ... (Kinect) 44 2 Time for acon – installing the Kinect plugin 44 3 Time for acon – starng the Mocap Device Plug-in 44 4 Time for acon – cleaning up the Mocap 44 7 Using moon cap...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 21:20

508 1,7K 1
iClone 4.31 3D Animation Beginner''''s Guide pot

iClone 4.31 3D Animation Beginner''''s Guide pot

... adopters and masters of iClone. For More Information: www.packtpub.com /iclone- 4- 31- 3d- animation- beginners -guide/ book iClone 4. 31 3D Animation Beginner's Guide ... www.packtpub.com /iclone- 4- 31- 3d- animation- beginners -guide/ book Installing and Confi guring iClone [ 14 ]  World Axis (Ctrl + A): This is a three dimens...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 12:20

34 595 0
SilverStripe 2.4 Module Extension, Themes, and Widgets Beginner''''s Guide potx

SilverStripe 2.4 Module Extension, Themes, and Widgets Beginner''''s Guide potx

... layout page 44 The includes: BasicInfo.ss, Menu.ss, and Footer.ss 44 Time for acon – the includes 44 What's next? 46 Not nding the #*?~^ error? 47 Adding interacve features 49 Time for ... conguraon 142 Managing your code 143 Version control system 143 VCS basics 144 Using Git in your project 145 Manual upgrade of core les 146 Automac upgrade of core les 147 Co...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 14:20

368 1,1K 1
Irrlicht 1.7 Realtime 3D Engine Beginner''''s Guide docx

Irrlicht 1.7 Realtime 3D Engine Beginner''''s Guide docx

... 44 beginScene 45 endScene 46 Summary 48 Chapter 3: Loading Meshes 49 What is a mesh? 50 Time for acon – loading a mesh 51 Dierences between mesh formats 54 OBJ 54 MD2/MD3 54 COLLADA 54 X 54 Using ... plaorms 240 Creang universal applicaons and compability 241 Deploying the source code 242 Why deploy the source code? 242 Deploying the source 242 Summary 243 Appendix...

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 01:21

273 772 0
Unity 3.x Game Development by Example Beginner''''s Guide potx

Unity 3.x Game Development by Example Beginner''''s Guide potx

... 141 Set the stage for robots 142 Time for acon – Preparing the game scene 142 The game plan 143 Have some class! 144 Time for acon – Storing the essenals 145 Start me up 147 Going loopy 148 The ... game blows 244 Time for acon – Mulple erecons 244 Time for acon – Creang a font texture 247 Time for acon – Creang the HeartBounce script 248 Time for acon – Tagging the tray...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 22:20

408 1,3K 4
Unity iOS Game Development Beginner''''s Guide potx

Unity iOS Game Development Beginner''''s Guide potx

... the joyscks 141 Moving around 143 Time for acon – Implemenng the camera control 143 Time for acon – Animang the player character 148 Imporng an animaon 149 Animaon spling 149 Mulple les ... a new layout 34 Time for acon – Deploying Unity Remote 36 Time for acon – Tesng our applicaon using Unity Remote 41 Summary 45 Table of Contents [ ii ] Chapter 3: Hello World 47...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 15:20

314 816 1
jQuery 1.4 Animation Techniques Beginner''''s Guide pot

jQuery 1.4 Animation Techniques Beginner''''s Guide pot

... More Information: www. packtpub.com/jquery - 14 - animation - techniques - beginners - guide / book Custom Anima ons [ 112 ] color: #44 4; } #viewer { border:1px solid #999; background-color:#fff; ... www. packtpub.com/jquery - 14 - animation - techniques - beginners - guide / book P U B L I S H I N G commun it y ex pe rie nce di stilled jQuery 1 .4 Animation...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 12:20

40 480 0
jQuery 1.4 Animation Techniques Beginner''''s Guide pptx

jQuery 1.4 Animation Techniques Beginner''''s Guide pptx

... elements 143 The pulsate eect 145 Conguraon opons 145 Time for acon – making an element pulsate 145 The shake eect 147 Conguraon opons 147 Time for acon – shaking an element 147 The size ... UI 139 Using the eect API 140 The bounce eect 141 Conguraon opons 141 Time for acon – using the bounce eect 141 The highlight eect 143 Conguraon opons 143 www.it-ebooks.i...

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 01:21

344 833 0
Tài liệu Graphics and Animation on iOS: A Beginner''''s Guide to Core Graphics and Core Animation pptx

Tài liệu Graphics and Animation on iOS: A Beginner''''s Guide to Core Graphics and Core Animation pptx

... drawAtPoint:CGPointMake (40 , 180) withFont:helveticaBold]; } In this code, we are simply loading a bold Helvetica font at size 40 , and using it to draw the text Some String at point (40 , 180). 12 | Graphics and Animations www.it-ebooks.info In ... 3GS to the iPhone 4. Both devices have 3.5-inch displays. However, the number of pixels that iPhone 3GS can draw in portrait mode is 320 48 0...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 22:20

80 800 1