... menu 340 Understanding so bodies versus rigid bodies 342 Rigid bodies 342 Seng the state of the object 342 Object properes 343 Bounding sengs 343 So bodies 343 Preset 344 Property 344 Collision ... (Kinect) 44 2 Time for acon – installing the Kinect plugin 44 3 Time for acon – starng the Mocap Device Plug-in 44 4 Time for acon – cleaning up the Mocap 44 7 Using moon cap...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 21:20
... adopters and masters of iClone. For More Information: www.packtpub.com /iclone- 4- 31- 3d- animation- beginners -guide/ book iClone 4. 31 3D Animation Beginner's Guide ... www.packtpub.com /iclone- 4- 31- 3d- animation- beginners -guide/ book Installing and Confi guring iClone [ 14 ] World Axis (Ctrl + A): This is a three dimens...
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SilverStripe 2.4 Module Extension, Themes, and Widgets Beginner''''s Guide potx
... layout page 44 The includes: BasicInfo.ss, Menu.ss, and Footer.ss 44 Time for acon – the includes 44 What's next? 46 Not nding the #*?~^ error? 47 Adding interacve features 49 Time for ... conguraon 142 Managing your code 143 Version control system 143 VCS basics 144 Using Git in your project 145 Manual upgrade of core les 146 Automac upgrade of core les 147 Co...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 14:20
Irrlicht 1.7 Realtime 3D Engine Beginner''''s Guide docx
... 44 beginScene 45 endScene 46 Summary 48 Chapter 3: Loading Meshes 49 What is a mesh? 50 Time for acon – loading a mesh 51 Dierences between mesh formats 54 OBJ 54 MD2/MD3 54 COLLADA 54 X 54 Using ... plaorms 240 Creang universal applicaons and compability 241 Deploying the source code 242 Why deploy the source code? 242 Deploying the source 242 Summary 243 Appendix...
Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 01:21
Unity 3.x Game Development by Example Beginner''''s Guide potx
... 141 Set the stage for robots 142 Time for acon – Preparing the game scene 142 The game plan 143 Have some class! 144 Time for acon – Storing the essenals 145 Start me up 147 Going loopy 148 The ... game blows 244 Time for acon – Mulple erecons 244 Time for acon – Creang a font texture 247 Time for acon – Creang the HeartBounce script 248 Time for acon – Tagging the tray...
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Unity iOS Game Development Beginner''''s Guide potx
... the joyscks 141 Moving around 143 Time for acon – Implemenng the camera control 143 Time for acon – Animang the player character 148 Imporng an animaon 149 Animaon spling 149 Mulple les ... a new layout 34 Time for acon – Deploying Unity Remote 36 Time for acon – Tesng our applicaon using Unity Remote 41 Summary 45 Table of Contents [ ii ] Chapter 3: Hello World 47...
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jQuery 1.4 Animation Techniques Beginner''''s Guide pot
... More Information: www. packtpub.com/jquery - 14 - animation - techniques - beginners - guide / book Custom Anima ons [ 112 ] color: #44 4; } #viewer { border:1px solid #999; background-color:#fff; ... www. packtpub.com/jquery - 14 - animation - techniques - beginners - guide / book P U B L I S H I N G commun it y ex pe rie nce di stilled jQuery 1 .4 Animation...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 12:20
jQuery 1.4 Animation Techniques Beginner''''s Guide pptx
... elements 143 The pulsate eect 145 Conguraon opons 145 Time for acon – making an element pulsate 145 The shake eect 147 Conguraon opons 147 Time for acon – shaking an element 147 The size ... UI 139 Using the eect API 140 The bounce eect 141 Conguraon opons 141 Time for acon – using the bounce eect 141 The highlight eect 143 Conguraon opons 143 www.it-ebooks.i...
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Tài liệu Graphics and Animation on iOS: A Beginner''''s Guide to Core Graphics and Core Animation pptx
... drawAtPoint:CGPointMake (40 , 180) withFont:helveticaBold]; } In this code, we are simply loading a bold Helvetica font at size 40 , and using it to draw the text Some String at point (40 , 180). 12 | Graphics and Animations www.it-ebooks.info In ... 3GS to the iPhone 4. Both devices have 3.5-inch displays. However, the number of pixels that iPhone 3GS can draw in portrait mode is 320 48 0...
Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 22:20