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Letters from the Guardian to Australia and New Zealand pptx

Letters from the Guardian to Australia and New Zealand pptx

Letters from the Guardian to Australia and New Zealand pptx

... written on behalf on the N.S.A. of the Bahá’ís of Australia and New- Zealand, and to convey to you, and to your collaborators on that Assembly his grateful appreciation of the stupendous efforts ... last, with the enclosed copy of the minutes of the N.S.A. of the Bahá’ís of Australia and New- Zealand. I wish, in particular, to express his gratification at the news of the success of the last ... is going to join her mother, and will, it is hoped, prove of great help to the friends throughout Australia and New- Zealand in both their teaching and administrative activities. The Guardian...
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... THE HISTORY OF AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND FROM 1606 TO 1890 BY ALEXANDER SUTHERLAND, M.A. AND GEORGE SUTHERLAND, M.A. LONDON LONGMANS, GREEN, AND CO. AND NEW YORK: ... more on the Pacific, new dangers awaited them. They had been carried far to the south by the strong currents, and the wind was unfavourable. There was therefore no course open to them but to row ... enabled them to draw correct charts of the coasts; they seldom landed, and even when they did, they never sought to become acquainted with the natives, or to learn anything as to the nature of the...
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From the Rapidan to Richmond and the Spottsylvania potx

From the Rapidan to Richmond and the Spottsylvania potx

... use for them, in these days. A story went around the camp to this effect: One of the mengot sick said he had a pain in his stomach and sent for the surgeon. The doctor, trying to find the trouble, ... bread and a piece of bacon to hisguest, and took the other piece, of each, for himself. After he had eaten a while the Major got up, went to the fireplace and took up the tin cup. He poured off the ... and began to cackle loudly. The Major turned to Grandy and said, "I-I t-t-told you there was going to be a plenty. Iinvited you to dinner today because this was the day for the hen to lay."...
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Báo cáo y học:

Báo cáo y học: " Introduction of Medical Emergency Teams in Australia and New Zealand: a multi-centre study"

... havebeen shown to reduce the incidence of in-hospital CAs in anumber of single-centre before -and- after studies [5-9]. AANZ = Australia and New Zealand; ANZICS = Australian and New Zealand Intensive ... in Australia and New Zealand for which the MET sta-tus is knownUptake of Medical Emergency Team (MET) services into various cate-gories of hospitals in Australia and New Zealand for which the ... hospitals in Australian and New Zealand with intensive care unitsFlow diagram of the Medical Emergency Team (MET) status of 172 hospitals in Australian and New Zealand with intensive care units. The...
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... France and the UKexhibiting a mixed picture of a few strengths and a few weaknesses. The fact that the smaller economies such as Ireland, the Netherlands, Finland and Swedenappear to be the most ... capacity to launch new products and servicesProgress towards completion of the internal market, and the sound monetary and fiscalpolicies required by economic and monetary union and the launch of the ... research in the public sector and those who take up the results in the private sector. The increased emphasis on the private sector in its double role oftechnology user and “translator” of market...
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Tài liệu Fertility, Family Planning, and Women’s Health: New Data From the 1995 National Survey of Family Growth pptx

Tài liệu Fertility, Family Planning, and Women’s Health: New Data From the 1995 National Survey of Family Growth pptx

... 101AppendixDefinitionsofTermsThisappendixdefinesanumberoftechnicaltermsusedinthisreport.Thetermsarelistedinalphabeticalorder.SomeofthedefinitionsusedirectquotationsfromtheNSFGquestionnaire;thoseareshowninquotationmarksanditalics.Forconvenienceinwriting,thewomenwhowereinterviewedintheNSFGaresometimesreferredtoas‘‘respondents’’inthisappendix.ToassistusersoftheNSFGpublic-usecomputerdatafile ,the shortvariablenamefromthedatafile(upto8characters)isalsoshowninthedefinition.(Forexample,AGEAPR1,forAgeonApril1,1995;andHIEDUC,forEducationatinterview,etc.)AdditionaldetailsontheprecisespecificationsofsomeofthevariablesaregiveninAppendix1theUser’sGuidetotheNSFGpublic-usedatafiledocumentation.Additionalbirthsexpected—TherecodeADDEXPindicatesthenumberofchildrenawomanexpectstogivebirthtointhefuture,includingacurrentpregnancyifapplicable.Womenwhoweresterileorwhoweremarriedtosterilemenwereclassifiedasexpectingzeroadditionalbirths.Thosephysicallyabletohavebirthswereaskedwhetherthey,andtheircurrenthusbandorpartnerifapplicable,intendedtohaveanybabiesinthefuture ,and, ifso,howmany.Womenwhodidnotknowwhethertheyintendedtohaveanyfuturebirths,orwhodidnotknowaparticularnumbertheyintendedtohave,wereaskedforthesmallestandlargestnumberstheyexpectedtohave .The estimateofadditionalbirthsexpectedinthosecasesisanaverageofthesmallestandlargestnumbersgiven.Ageatbirth—TheAGEPREGrecodegivesthewoman’sageincompletedyears(forexample,2200–2299equalsage22)atthetimewheneachofherpregnanciesended.TheOUTCOMErecodeindicatestheprimaryoutcomeofeachpregnancy,assigningpriorityinthefollowingorder:livebirth,abortion,stillbirth,miscarriage,andectopicpregnancy.‘‘Ageatbirth’’asshowninthisreport’stablesisdefinedasAGEPREGwhenOUTCOMEequals‘‘livebirth.’’Thecategoriestypicallypresentedare:lessthan20years,20–24years,25–29years ,and3 0–44years.Ageatconception—TheAGECONrecode,‘‘ageattimeofconception,’’isusedinsometablesconcerningcontraceptivemethoduseandintendednessofpregnancies.Foreachcompletedpregnancy,AGECONisdefinedastherespondent’sageincompletedyearsattheapproximatetimewhenherpregnancywasconceived,regardlessofpregnancyoutcome.Ageatfirstmarriageandyearoffirstmarriage—TheFMAR1AGErecodegivesthewoman’sageincompletedyearsatfirstformal(legal)marriage.YearoffirstmarriageisbasedontheMARDAT01recode,whichgivesthedateincenturymonthsofawoman’sfirstformalmarriage.Ageatfirstsexualintercourse—Threedifferentdefinitionsofageatfirstintercourseareusedinthisreport:+Ageatfirstintercourseever(recode=VRY1STAG)+Ageatfirstintercourseaftermenarche+Ageatfirstvoluntaryintercourse(recode=VOL1AGE)Formostrespondents,thevaluesofthesevariablesarethesamebuttheymaydifferifherfirstintercoursewasbeforemenarcheorifitwasnotvoluntary.Allthreemeasuresarebasedprimarilyonaquestionasking:‘‘Thinkingabouttheveryfirsttimeinyourlifethatyouhadsexualintercoursewithaman,howoldwereyou?’ To determinethesecondandthirdmeasures,otherinformationisused :the MENARCHRrecode,whichspecifiesherageatfirstmenstrualperiod ,and itemsthatcapturewhetherthefirstintercoursewasvoluntaryornonvoluntary(seedefinitionofNonvoluntaryfirstsexualintercourse).VRY1STAG(ageatfirstintercourseever)isusedintables2 1and2 6–31.Intables26–31,itisusedasanindependentorpredictorvariablewhennumberofsexualpartnersisusedasthedependentvariable.‘‘Ageatfirstintercourseaftermenarche’’isusedasthedependentvariableintable20.VOL1AGE(ageatfirstvoluntaryintercourse)isusedintables2 3and2 4asanindependent(orpredictor)variable.(Consult1995NSFGPublicUseFileDocumentation,User’sGuide,Appendix1,forprecisespecificationsforthesemeasures.)Ageatinterview—Inthisreport,‘‘ageatinterview’’(recode=AGEAPR1)isclassifiedbasedontherespondent’sageasofApril1,1995,theestimatedmidpointoftheinterviewingperiod.Samplewomenwereeligibleforthe1995NSFGiftheywere15–44yearsofageonApril1,1995—thatis,iftheywerebornbetweenApril1,1950 ,and March31,1980.Exactageattimeofinterviewisalsointhedatafile(recode=AGER),butmaynotbeequaltoAGEAPR1inallcases.Ageoffirstpartner—Eachrespondentwhoeverhadvoluntary(vaginal)sexualintercoursewithamalepartnerwasaskedtheageincompletedyearsofherfirstvoluntarypartneratthetimeherfirstintercourseoccurred.Theword‘‘voluntary’’wasonlyusedinquestiontextwhentherespondenthadpreviouslyreportedthatherfirstintercoursewasnotvoluntary.Ageofyoungestchild/ageofchild The ‘ageoftheyoungestchild’’or‘‘ageofchild’’ispresentedintablesonchildcarearrangements.Agewasascertainedfromthehouseholdroster,whichcollectedtheage(inyears,ormonthsifunderoneyear),relationshiptotherespondent,andsexofeverymemberoftherespondent’shousehold.Householdmemberswhowerethewoman’snaturalchild,stepchild,orpartner’schildandwhowereunder13yearsofage,werethechildrenreferencedinthechildcareseries .The ageoftheyoungestsuchchildwasclassifiedas‘‘under5years’’or‘‘5–12years’’inthetables.Amountpaidperweekforchildcare—ThiswasascertainedfromaquestionaskingaboutthetotalchildcarepaymentforallchildrenunderagePage102[Series23,No.1913, ... WANTPART,respectively, and reflect the woman’sreports of the father’s attitudes toward the pregnancy at the time of conception.If the respondent said she did notknow whether she wanted to havea(nother) child then ... 109twoeventsiscalculatedbysubtractingthedateoffirstintercoursesincemenarchefromthedateoffirstmarriage.Iffirstintercourseaftermenarcheoccurredafterfirstmarriage,orbotheventsoccurredinthesamemonth,itisindicatedaccordinglyintable26.Monthspregnantwhenprenatalcarebegan—Forallpregnanciesendinginanywayotherthaninducedabortionin1991–95,womenwereaskedtoreportiftheyhadevervisitedadoctor,midwife,orclinicforprenatalcare.Thosewhoreportedanyprenatalcarewerethenaskedhowmanyweeksormonthspregnanttheywerewhentheyfirstwentforprenatalcare.ThePNCAREWKrecodeindicatesthenumberofweekspregnantatfirstprenatalvisit.Table83givesthepercentdistributionofPNCAREWKforallpregnanciesthatresultedinlivebirthin1991–95 .The categoriesshownare‘‘lessthan3months,’’‘‘3–4months,’ and ‘5monthsormoreornoprenatalcare.’’‘‘Lessthan3months’’isdefinedaslessthan13weeks,tobeconsistentwiththedefinitionofearly(firsttrimester)prenatalcareinpreviousreportsfromtheNSFG.Mother’seducation(recode=EDUCMOM)—‘‘Mother’seducation’’wasclassifiedaccordingtothehighestgradeofregularschoolorcollegecompletedbytherespondent’smotherormother-figure.ThismeasurediffersslightlyfrompastNSFGreportsthatwerebasedonaquestionaskingforeducationof‘‘mother’’or‘‘stepmother.’’TheCycle5versiondiffersbecausetheidentityofthemotherormother-figurewasascertainedinamorepreciseway:ifthechildhoodlivingarrangementsshowedthattherespondentlivedwithhernaturalmotheratsomepointandneverlivedwithafemaleparentotherthanthenaturalmother,thenthenaturalmotheristhepersonaboutwhomeducationwasasked.Otherwise ,the respondentwasasked:‘‘Who,ifanyone,doyouthinkofasthewomanwhomostlyraisedyouwhenyouwereateenager?’’Thepersonreportedbecomesthepersonaboutwhomeducationisasked.Respondentseligibleforthatquestionwereallowedtorespond‘‘nosuchperson,’ and 0.7percentofsamplecasesfellintothiscategory.Thiscategoryislabeled‘‘nomother-figureidentified’’inthetables.Anadditional4.3percentofinterviewedwomenhadmissingdataonmother’seducation,andthesevaluesfortheEDUCMOMrecodewereimputed.Nonvoluntaryfirstsexualintercourse—Thevoluntary/nonvoluntarystatusoffirstintercoursewasdeterminedfromtwoquestionsintheinterviewer-administeredinterview.First,respondentswereasked:‘‘LookingatthescaleonCardC-3,whichnumberwouldyousaycomesclosesttodescribinghowmuchyouwantedthatfirstsexualintercoursetohappen?Onthisscale,a1meansthatyoureallydidn’twantittohappenatthetime ,and a10meansthatyoureallywantedittohappen.’’Womenwhorespondedtothisquestionthattheirfirstintercoursewasarapeareclassifiedashavingnonvoluntaryfirstintercourse.Respondentswhoreportedanythingotherthan‘‘rape’’wereasked:‘‘Wouldyousaythenthatthisfirstsexualintercoursewasvoluntaryornotvoluntary?’’Respondentsanswering‘‘notvoluntary’’arealsoclassifiedashavingnonvoluntaryfirstintercourseforthetable(table21).Numberofhusbandsorcohabitingpartners—TherecodeFMARNOgivesthenumberoftimesawomanhasbeenlegallymarried.Womenwerealsoaskedthenumberofothercohabitingpartnerstheymayhavehad.Table37isbasedonthetotalnumberofhusbandsandcohabitingpartners,computedasfollows:FMARNO+(1ifcurrentlycohabiting)+(#ofothercohabitingpartners)Husbandswithwhomawomanalsocohabited(outsideofmarriage)arecountedonlyonce,ashusbands.Numberofmalesexualpartners—Eachwomanwhohadeverhadvoluntarysexualintercousewasaskedtoreportthenumberorrange(low-high)ofmaleswithwhomshehashadsexual(vaginal)intercourseinherlife,asofthedateofinterview.ShewasalsoaskedtoreporthernumberofmalesexualpartnerssinceJanuary1991(roughlythelast5years)andinthelast12months.Ifarangeofpartnerswasreported ,the numberofpartnerswascalculatedastheaverageofthelowandhighnumbers.Inthosefewcaseswheretherespondentreportedzeropartnersforthelowendoftherangeandonepartnerforthehighend,thenumberofpartnerswassetequaltoone.Respondentswhohadneverhadintercourseorwhohadonlyhad(first)nonvoluntaryintercoursewereassignedzero.Thereweretwoversionsofthisseriesofthreequestionsaboutnumberofmalesexualpartners.Thedescriptionaboveappliestotheversionintheinterviewer-administeredportionofthesurvey,andtheseresultsarepresentedintables27,29 ,and3 1.ThesequestionswererepeatedintheAudioCASI,orself-administered,portionofthesurvey,attheendoftheinterview.Eachpairofquestions(interviewer-administeredandself-administered)waswordedalmostidentically,althoughtheAudioCASIquestionsaskedforaspecificnumberanddidnotallowarangetobegiven.Also,thequestionsintheself-administeredportionwereprefacedbythefollowinginstruction:‘‘...
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Tài liệu Education and Economic Growth: From the 19th to the 21st Century ppt

Tài liệu Education and Economic Growth: From the 19th to the 21st Century ppt

... now there is no way to tell if there will be either the changes in the composition of the economy or in the role of schooling. What we do know from the past is that when the how, what, when and ... StatesLuxembourgCanadaSwitzerlandIrelandIsreal Australia New Zealand United KingdomSwedenCzech RepublicSlovak RepublicJapanKorea Australia PolandHungaryFranceBelgiumFinlandNetherlandsGreeceSpainIcelandItalyTurkeyMexicoPortugalEducation ... one-fifth of the nations output, and the making of textiles and iron moved into the steam-driv-en factories. So strange were these events that before they happened they were not anticipated, and while...
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Tài liệu Reversed Food Chain – From the Plate to the Farm Priorities in Food Safety and Food Technology for European Research potx

Tài liệu Reversed Food Chain – From the Plate to the Farm Priorities in Food Safety and Food Technology for European Research potx

... Between the consumer and the agricultural production, the food processingindustry and the retailing sector tries to adjust to changed consumer demands and the opportunities and restrictions from the ... post-processing, and distribution to the end consumer. Therefore it’s essential to have at the beginning an idea of the current state of the art of the sector and the maindevelopments along the food ... science The overriding theme of the project is the need to focus on the end consumeras the most important element in the food chain, and to re-construct the singleelements of the food production and...
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Arohanui: Letters from Shoghi Effendi to New Zealand pot

Arohanui: Letters from Shoghi Effendi to New Zealand pot

... hear that the Greatest Holy Leaf and the Holy Mother were able to motor to Bahjí and Ridván one day during the Feast of Ridván, and that yesterday the Greatest Holy Leaf motored to the Shrine ... land. We shall pray at the Holy Threshold for your guidance and the success of your work. The Greatest Holy Leaf and the Holy Mother remember you well, and they and the other members of the ... entertain and cherish the brightest hopes for the future awakening of promising New- Zealand. I shall ever remember the memorable visit of the first New- Zealand believers to the Holy Land. Please...
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THE ENGINES OF HIPPOCRATES From the Dawn of Medicine to Medical and Pharmaceutical Informatics pptx

THE ENGINES OF HIPPOCRATES From the Dawn of Medicine to Medical and Pharmaceutical Informatics pptx

... sharper stone tool, and the drugs they help design are a modern purifi ed and refi ned form of the herb. Today, as in the evolution from stone blade to electronics, few of the latest tools have ... 1689) to clarify in words, early organic chemists to purify and put into bottles, and the pharmaceutical industry of today to redesign, synthesize, and put into pills. Today, molecular and ... Prehistory and history, ancient and modern, is important for the provenance or historical origin and justifi cation of the moral issues to be addressed. If we are not to trip up, and to avoid...
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